
yào pǐn
  • drug;medicinal;medicines and chemical reagents;pharmaceutical;medical supplies;remedy;physic
药品 [yào pǐn]
  • (1) [medical drclgs and chemical reagents]∶药物和化学试剂的总称

  • (2) [pharmaceutical]∶药物制剂

药品[yào pǐn]
  1. 这麻醉药品的作用将很快消失。

    The effects of the drug will soon wear off .

  2. 总的来说,我反对药品法。

    I disagree with drug laws in general .

  3. 水果注入了化学药品以防腐坏。

    Chemicals are injected into the fruit to reduce decay .

  4. 水果注入了化学药品以防腐坏。

    The fruit is injected with chemicals to reduce decay .

  5. 这些化学药品对人类健康没有什么危害。

    The chemicals pose little risk to human health .

  6. 接触化学药品必须小心谨慎。

    You must be careful when handling chemicals .

  7. 这样的法规可以保护消费者免受有害或者危险药品的威胁。

    Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies

  8. 药品可以用不同的商标在欧盟各国出售。

    Drugs can be sold under different brand names throughout the EU

  9. 由于药品匮乏,医院里的病人濒临死亡。

    People in hospitals are dying because of shortage of medicine .

  10. 新药品的检测和审批速度将会加快。

    The testing and approval of new drugs will be speeded up .

  11. 他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。

    All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications .

  12. 运载急需食物和药品的飞机今天在巴格拉姆机场降落。

    Planes landed at Bagram airport today carrying badly needed food and medicine .

  13. 那起罪行引发了打击违禁药品的呼声。

    The crime elicited an outcry against illicit drugs .

  14. 药品的储放应避免阳光直射。

    Medicines should be stored away from direct sunlight

  15. 她把分配食物和药品的工作说成是组织管理上的噩梦。

    She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare .

  16. 他在药品方面学识广博。

    He had an encyclopaedic knowledge of drugs .

  17. 药品禁忌症:出血性中风忌用。

    These drugs will not be used if hemorrhage is the cause of the stroke .

  18. 从短期来看,喷洒化学药品显然能有效控制虫害。

    In the short term , chemical sprays are clearly an effective way to control pests

  19. 我从未使用过违禁药品。

    I have never taken illegal drugs .

  20. 食物和药品供应不足。

    Supplies of food and medicines are inadequate

  21. 首批飞机运送的食物、儿童衣物和药品开始抵达。

    The first planeloads of food , children 's clothing and medical supplies began arriving .

  22. 不过,此类药品的显著疗效已经导致对其的滥用。

    The effectiveness of this class of drug has , however , led to their misuse .

  23. 根据协议,委员会可授权一家美国公司生产这种药品。

    Under the agreement , the council can license a U.S. company to produce the drug .

  24. 如果药店没有你想要的药品,让他们为你订购。

    If your pharmacy doesn 't stock the product you want , have them order it for you

  25. 飞机将食品、衣物、毯子、药品和水空投到崎岖多山的边界地区。

    Planes parachuted food , clothing , blankets , medicine and water into the rugged mountainous border region

  26. 任何人出售违禁药品都会被处罚。

    Anyone who sells illicit drugs will be punished .

  27. 这是一张列有违禁药品的单子。

    This is a list of illegal drugs .

  28. 药品售出,概不退换。

    Once medicines leave the store they may not be returned .

  29. 药品的价格已大幅度下降。

    Big cuts have been made in the prices of medicine .

  30. 我将把这些药品混合起来,看看有什么反应。

    I 'm going to mix these chemicals and watch the reaction .