
shēn shēn xué zǐ
  • numerous students;large numbers of students;a great number of disciples;a great number of outstanding students
莘莘学子 [shēn shēn xué zǐ]
  • 莘莘:众多的样子。指众多的学生。

莘莘学子[shēn shēn xué zǐ]
  1. 幸福问题牵动着每一位莘莘学子的心弦,是大学生普遍关注的问题。

    The question of happiness touches the heartstrings of numerous students , and it abuses of college students have aroused concern attention .

  2. 年轻人像你们这些乔治华盛顿大学的莘莘学子也在呼吁终结贫困。

    And young people are calling for an end to poverty .

  3. 许多其它国家的莘莘学子都希望来剑桥留学。

    Many young students in other countries hope to study at cambridge .

  4. 讲座吸引了华南理工大学的莘莘学子,座无虚席。

    The lecture attracted many students of South China University of Technology .

  5. 又是每年一度莘莘学子面对重大抉择的时候了。

    It 's that time of the year again when students face that proverbial cross-road .

  6. 世界诸多著名学府每年都会拒绝本可在那里茁壮成长的莘莘学子。

    Each year , the world-famous institutions reject thousands and thousands of students who could thrive there .

  7. 因为上大学是莘莘学子第一次走出家门,开始的独立生活。

    This is the first time that they go out of the home and began a independent life .

  8. 严谨的治学态度和完备的教学设备,为热爱海洋事业的莘莘学子提供了探索海洋奥秘的广阔天地。

    Strict educational standards and sound facilities provide broad prospects for the students to probe the mysterious ocean .

  9. 各界精英大展宏图夺英魁,莘莘学子汇聚一堂学本领。

    The elite from all walks of life show the British seizing Hongtu Fukui , students learn skills together .

  10. 稳定的政治让中华文化得到弘扬,为莘莘学子创造了良好的求学环境。

    Political stability to carry forward the Chinese culture has been , for the students to create a good study environment .

  11. 然而,或打或逃机制并不是困扰着人类社会莘莘学子的暴力的来源。

    The fight or flight mechanism is not , however , the source of the violence that distresses students of human society .

  12. 当年的一曲《同桌的你》,不知打动了多少多愁善感的莘莘学子,而且让不多愁的也善感起来。

    His song Tong Zhuo De Ni , touched so many sentimental students and even made the indifferent ones moved a lot .

  13. 愿这套教材在对外汉语教学上,为中外莘莘学子们所喜爱,并给他们带来简便、快捷、高效与愉悦。

    Wish the textbook to be liked , and so simple and convenient for Junior Scholastic at home and abroad on external teaching chinese .

  14. 他们同样也是历史上的重要人物,改变着人类重大事件的发展进程,他们的教导与莘莘学子一路相伴。

    They have also been some of the important figures in history , changing the course of human events and teaching students along the way .

  15. 今天,巍巍青青山下,波光粼粼的大海边,芸芸众生,莘莘学子,谁将成为英雄?

    Today , at the foot of the high mountain with sunshine on the sea , of all the people , who will be the hero ?

  16. 首先让我代表全院师生,对来自全国各地1768名莘莘学子表示热烈的欢迎!

    On behalf of the entire staff and students , please allow me to extend a warm welcome to the1768 new students from all parts of the country .

  17. 本月,又有数百万莘莘学子踏上了漫漫申请大学之路,他们以及他们的父母都得考虑为这个学位掏多少钱的问题。

    As millions of students labor over college applications this month , they and their parents are pondering just how big a tuition bill they want to pay .

  18. 据人民网消息,校长何华希望他的大胆举措能帮助莘莘学子踏入职场。

    He , the youngest university dean in China , hopes that his bold move will help students get on the career ladder , People 's Daily Online reports .

  19. 不过,我们仍然把它们推荐给您,您可从中获取信息或与来自世界各地的其他教师与莘莘学子一起参与有价值的项目。

    Nevertheless , we recommend them to you as places to go for information or to become involved in valuable projects with other teachers and learners around the world .

  20. 是您的心血撒遍了广大莘莘学子,您的辛劳培养了新一代天之骄子,祝您节日快乐,身体健康。

    Sabian is your painstaking efforts of the broad masses of students , your hard work cultivating a new generation of Tianzhijiaozai , I wish you happy holidays and good health .

  21. 北京师范大学珠海分校的校园环境、教学和生活设施在国内均堪称一流,为莘莘学子在此学习和生活提供了良好的条件。

    Beijing Normal University , Zhuhai branch campus environment , teaching and living facilities in the domestic first-class are called for students to learn in this life and provided good conditions .

  22. 学院设备设施齐全,师资力量雄厚,教学管理严格,是莘莘学子治学成才的理想之地。

    It is an ideal place for education thanks to the campus fully-equipped with teaching , learning , living and entertaining facilities , as well as a highly-motivated and experienced teaching faculty .

  23. 她一方面以有形或无形的方式孕育着求知与此的莘莘学子,一方面以文雅的品位和立异的风格引领日新月异的社会文化变迁。

    Her hand with tangible or intangible way with the knowledge of gestates aborigine and , on the other hand , decorous grade and innovation in the style guide changing social and cultural changes .

  24. 萨奥特说:尽管高学费使得伦敦成为比巴黎昂贵得多的求学之地,但是伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。

    Mr Sowter said : While high tuition fees make London a far more expensive proposition than Paris , London 's array of world-class universities means it is worth the investment for many student .

  25. 其中最被人们关注的大规模考试当属全国高考,这是决定莘莘学子前途命运的门槛,考试的公平性和精确性值得我们去研究和控制。

    As we all know , college entrance test is most focused because it can determine numbers of students ' fate . So it is worthy to research and control its fairness and accuracy .

  26. 牛津大学设有专门给国际学生的奖学金已帮助莘莘学子们能来到这个世界顶尖的学府深造。

    We have a number of scholarships for international students in particular and we 're looking to increase the amount of funding that we can provide to the best students from around the world .

  27. 上帝是公平的,她如有神助一般通过了前三试,在成千上万苦心孤诣于此的莘莘学子中脱颖而出,成为了那年全国范围内考上北京电影学院的四分之一!

    After passing three tests , she stood out among numerous people who have studied in this field for a long time and be one of the four girls being admitted in the whole nation .

  28. 还有那些找不到工作急得焦头烂额且为学业花光家里积蓄甚至是债台高筑的莘莘学子们;

    Also has these not to be able to find works is more anxious much also squanders the large number of students for the studies who in the family saves even is heavily in debt ;

  29. 萨奥特说:“尽管高学费使得伦敦成为比巴黎昂贵得多的求学之地,但是伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。”

    Mr Sowter said : " While high tuition fees make London a far more expensive proposition than Paris , London 's array of world-class universities means it is worth the investment for many student . "

  30. 在遥远的昆明,西南联大的莘莘学子以自己的实践躬行着自己的文学理想,成立文艺社团成为了最好的表达方式。

    In the distant Kunming , southwest of the General Assembly with their students in their own practice , whether literary ideal , the establishment of literary and artistic societies to become the best means of expression .
