
  • 网络steinway;Sons
  1. 面对不确定的未来,三年前,施坦威公司被卖给纽约的亿万富翁对冲基金经理约翰·A·保尔森(JohnA.Paulson)。

    In the face of uncertainty about its future , Steinway was sold three years ago to an investment firm owned by the hedge fund billionaire John A. Paulson .

  2. 他在一面空白的墙上展示施坦威大事记,开头是公司创始人亨利•E•施坦威(HenryE.Steinway)的肖像,他戴着大礼帽,拿着手杖。

    He turned an empty wall into a timeline of Steinway history , beginning with a portrait of Henry E. Steinway , the company 's founder , in a top hat and holding a cane .

  3. 她是典型的下一代施坦威用家。她在对施坦威这个品牌的崇拜中长大,将其等同于像阿图尔•鲁宾斯坦(ArthurRubinstein)那样的伟大钢琴家。

    She grew up revering the Steinway name , associating it with great pianists like Arthur Rubinstein .

  4. 尽管施坦威有很多忠诚的追随者——公司称全世界98%的钢琴演奏家都选择施坦威钢琴,包括比利·乔尔(BillyJoel)和阿根廷音乐家玛尔塔·阿赫里奇(MarthaArgerich)——但它对经济放缓也没有免疫力。

    Despite Steinway 's devout following - the company says it is the instrument of choice for 98 percent of the world 's performing pianists , including Billy Joel and the Argentine musician Martha Argerich - it was not immune to the slowdown .

  5. 竞赛在宁波开始了,孩子们纷纷上台,演奏莫扎特、勃拉姆斯和格什温。施坦威亚洲总裁沃纳·哈斯曼恩(WernerHusmann)说,公司要生存,需要在中国培育一批新的听众。

    As the competition kicked off in Ningbo and children took to the stage to perform Mozart , Brahms and Gershwin , the president of Steinway 's Asia division , Werner Husmann , said the piano maker would need to establish a new audience in China to survive .

  6. 施坦威和平钢琴&献给全世界的孩子

    " Steinway Peace Piano " for the children of the world

  7. 具有竞争力价格;施坦威品牌立足欧洲,服务全球;

    Steinway the brand bases Europe , serves the whole world ;

  8. 她说施坦威的钢琴实在太贵了。

    Steinway pianos , she said , were simply too expensive .

  9. 粉丝们常说,施坦威发明了现代三角钢琴。

    Fans liked to say Steinway invented the modern grand piano .

  10. 施坦威:这是很多人的梦想钢琴。

    Steinway : This is many people 's dream piano .

  11. 施坦威的商标醒目地呈现在钢琴侧面。

    A Steinway & Sons logo was displayed prominently on its side .

  12. 施坦威既把公司出品的钢琴当做耐用的乐器,也把它们当做奢侈的工艺品。

    Steinway has pitched its pianos both as durable instruments and luxurious artifacts .

  13. 这里有一则关于施坦威工匠的有趣故事。

    There is an interesting story about Steinway craftsmen .

  14. 但施坦威的高管面临一个由来已久的担忧。

    But Steinway executives face a persistent worry .

  15. 对于施坦威来说,中国可谓是一剂强心针。

    For Steinway , China has proved to be a shot to the arm .

  16. 顶级钢琴生产商施坦威(Steinway&Co.)再一次达成私有化协议。

    Piano maker Steinway & Co. ( lVb ) has agreed to be taken private .

  17. 突然,幕布拉开了,聚光灯的光线洒向舞台上华丽的施坦威牌钢琴。

    Suddenly , the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage .

  18. 施坦威的碧玉,以多斑胡桃木制成。

    The Steinway Jasper piano is made of walnut which is marked with various speckles .

  19. 施坦威认为中国最有可能重新点燃那个时代对钢琴的热情。

    Steinway sees China as the best shot at rekindling the fervor of that era .

  20. 当时,施坦威每年仅在纽约和汉堡制造约2000架钢琴。

    Steinway was making only about 2000 pianos a year in New York and Hamburg .

  21. 与此同时,施坦威(steinway&sons)等知名乐器制造商已加强其在华业务。

    Simultaneously , renowned instrument makers such as Steinway & sons have boosted their China operations .

  22. 我们不太了解仪器施坦威的质量在埃政权。

    We don 't know much about quality of the Steinway instrument under the Selmer regime .

  23. 十年前,刘的父亲曾尝试销售施坦威钢琴,不太成功。

    Mr. Liu 's father had tried selling Steinway pianos a decade earlier with limited success .

  24. 几十年来,施坦威无视那些自称重新创造了钢琴的竞争对手,一直发展得有声有色。

    For generations , Steinway has thrived by ignoring competitors claiming to have reinvented the piano .

  25. 虽然后来销量略有回升,但销量下降暴露出施坦威传统市场的局限性。

    While sales revived somewhat , the downturn exposed the limits of Steinway 's traditional markets .

  26. 与竞争对手们不同,施坦威拒绝用机器每天生产数百架钢琴。

    Unlike its competitors , Steinway refused to churn out hundreds of pianos each day by machine .

  27. 施坦威依靠在超过25个城市的销售人员教育和激励顾客。

    Steinway has depended on salesmen in more than 25 cities to educate and excite its customers .

  28. 施坦威钢琴的制作

    The Making of Steinway

  29. 这意味着施坦威必须付给科尔伯格1335万美元分手费。

    It also means that Steinway will be required to pay Kohlberg a $ 13.35 million termination fee .

  30. 施坦威在中国定下远大目标的同时,正赶上中国政府努力培养本国音乐人才。

    Steinway 's ambitions in China coincided with the government 's efforts to develop the country 's musical talent .