
  • 网络construction sequence;sequence of construction
  1. 组合网络中最优施工顺序的算法

    The Algorithms of Optimum Construction Sequence in a Combinatorial Network

  2. 地铁重叠隧道施工顺序研究

    Study on the construction sequence of overlapped metro tunnels

  3. 研究了水闸有限元仿真分析理论和方法,及ANSYS软件中水闸仿真分析的仿真模型建立和实施技术,对水闸施工顺序的模拟进行研究。

    The theory and method of sluice FEM simulation analysis and the simulation modeling in simulation analysis and the technique of actualize in ANSYS are researched . The simulation modeling of actually loading in process of sluice construction is actualized .

  4. 介绍综合楼安装工程的施工顺序安排,接地体施工,以及消除GRC板上电器预埋敷设线、盒质量通病和成品保护等方面的作法。

    This article describes such parts of installation work of the complex building as construction order , construction of grounding parts , methods of eliminating normal quality defects of embedded string and boxed for electric equipments on GRC boards and protecting finished products .

  5. 与特殊建筑结构要求相协调的施工顺序及构造处理

    Construction Technology Procedures and Configuration Treatment Coordinated with Special Structural Requirements

  6. 不同断面近距离区间隧道施工顺序分析研究

    Research on constructing order of the different close distance section tunnel

  7. 浅谈旧楼改造的技术措施和施工顺序

    Statement of technique and constructing order in old building reconstructing

  8. 大型倒虹吸结构预应力钢筋张拉施工顺序研究

    Study on strands tensioning procedure of large inverted siphon

  9. 空间桁架结构施工顺序优化分析

    Optimization of Construction Process of Space Truss Structures

  10. 能量耗散模型在大型地下洞群施工顺序优化分析中的应用

    Application of energy dissipation model to optimization of construction order for large underground caverns

  11. 钢管混凝土拱桥外包段混凝土施工顺序探讨

    Discussion on Construction Procedures for Sections Enclosed in Concrete of Steel Pipe Concrete Arch Bridges

  12. 介绍半整体式桥台桥梁合成梁式结点的构造、所用材料和施工顺序。

    The structure , the material and the constructuring sequence are described in the paper .

  13. 施工顺序对双联拱隧道围岩和支护结构力学行为的影响

    Effect of Construction Sequence of twin-arched tunnel on Mechanical Behaviour of Surrounding Rock and Supporting Structure

  14. 路堑边坡施工顺序对边坡稳定性影响数值模拟分析

    Numerical Simulation Analysis for the Influence of Construction Process of Deep Cut Slop on Its Stability

  15. 小浪底地下洞室群施工顺序优化分析

    Optimization of constructional sequence for excavation of a group of underground chambers in Xiaolangdi water conservancy project

  16. 不同施工顺序对偏压连拱隧道结构稳定性的影响分析

    Analysis on the Structure Stability of the Unsymmetrically Loaded and Connecting-arch Tunnel Caused by Different Construction Orders

  17. 根据施工顺序和施工工艺,确定不同工况下计算模型。

    It presents the computation models of different construction conditions , based on construction sequence and technologies .

  18. 软土地区某基坑挖土与管桩施工顺序的技术经济比较

    The technical economy comparison for construction sequence based on soil excavation and pipe piles in soft soil region

  19. 把改进算法应用于地下工程中的一类组合优化问题&硐群施工顺序优化。

    The improved algorithm is applied into one kind of combinational optimization problem of construction order for underground house groups .

  20. 现浇预应力混凝土框架结构常用施工顺序对结构的适应性分析

    Adaptability analysis for the structures with the common construction order using casting - in - place prestressed concrete frame structure

  21. 文中建议合理安排施工顺序,充分利用墙的侧壁摩阻力以减小拉应力。

    This paper recommends rationally arranging construction procedures and fully utilizing side frictional resistance of walls for reducing tensile stress .

  22. 计算分析表明,施工顺序对构件的内力与变形有显著的影响。

    The analytical results show that the erection sequence has great influence on internal force and deformation of the members .

  23. 从施工顺序和合理间距两方面进行数值分析,从而使得实际隧道施工方案得到优化。

    Based on analysis on the two aspects as construction sequence and proper distance , the practical construction scheme is optimized .

  24. 包括注浆桩设计过程中的承载力设计、注浆压力、注浆量设计、浆液设计、施工顺序设计和终止注浆条件设计等。

    The design of capacity , grouting pressure , grouting amount , construction sequence and terminal conditions are presented in this paper .

  25. 施工顺序引起的架设应力设计、施工进程、质量控制管理和加工构件的设计。

    Design for erection stresses due to construction sequence , construction scheduling , quality control administration , and design of manufactured components .

  26. 烟囱钢平台采用由上至下的施工顺序,逐层安装3层钢平台。

    The steel platforms at three floors for the stack were erected in construction sequence from top to bottom floor by floor .

  27. 建立袋装砂井、刚性桩复合地基以及二者的组合这四种模型,其中组合方案考虑了施工顺序。

    Establishing three kinds of models : the packed bags sand well , the rigid pile compound foundation and the combination of two just mentioned .

  28. 桩基逆作法的施工顺序是先施工承台及一定层数的上部结构再压桩,其经济和社会效益显著。

    The order of reverse construction of pile foundation is constructing pile caps and a number of floors of super structure first , then piling .

  29. 结果表明:不管采用哪一种施工顺序,中墙均受偏压荷载的作用并向埋深较浅侧倾斜。

    The result shows that on matter which construction order is adopted , the midwall will always slant to the side of shallower depth of cover .

  30. 不管施工顺序如何,在转换梁中施加预应力都能有效降低转换梁上部框架梁、柱和框支柱的内力。

    Regardless of what the construction sequence is , applying prestress in transfer beam can reduce the internal force of frame beams and columns and frame-supporting columns .