
  • 网络size press;sizepress
  1. 高速造纸施胶机计量杆液压控制系统的设计

    The Design of Hydraulic System for High Speed Paper Sizer Metering Rod

  2. 依据样机性能试验结果,进行了棉杆重组材施胶机的改进设计。

    According to the performance test of the sizing machine , design improvements was raised .

  3. 该纸机同时配有水力式流浆箱、单长网,在干燥部设置一台斜列双辊式表面施胶机。

    The paper machine also equiped with a hydraulic head box and a single forming wire and a slope two-roll size press device in the drying part .

  4. 为了使淀粉胶粘剂能够适用于高速施胶机,要求淀粉胶粘剂固含量高、粘度低、糊化温度低,同时又具有很好的涂布均匀性和较高的粘接强度。

    In order to make starch adhesive can be applied to high-speed sizing machine , it is required to paste rapidly at high temperature and produce bonding strength and must has good coating uniformity at the same time .

  5. 表面施胶:在造纸机上的施胶部,纸面涂上薄胶层的情况。参阅机内施胶,施胶,槽法施胶。

    Surface sizing : Applying a thin coating of size on the surface of paper on the sizing press of the papermaking machine .

  6. 机内施胶:在打浆机或精磨机内把胶料加入纸浆内而不是在造纸的较后过程中加胶。

    Engine sizing : Sizing materials added to the pulp in the beating machine or refiner rather than at a later stage during paper making .