
  • 网络Contract price;project repayment
  1. 价格或工资自动调整条款浅谈如何合理调整工程施工合同价款

    Escalation clause How to rationally adjust the construction contract price

  2. 建设工程合同价款要以合同方式规范化;

    Standardization by contract of the project construction price ;

  3. 建设工程施工专业分包的合同价款支付

    Discussion on Payment Provisions of Construction Professional Subcontracting

  4. 国内外常用施工合同价款条款比较研究

    Comparative Study on Items Concerning Price in Domestic and International Typical Text of Civil Engineering Contract for Construction

  5. 合同价款是当事人双方在订立合同时,协商和讨论的实质性核心条款。

    Contract price is the substantive term by the discussion and consultation of the both sides of parties .

  6. 议定该追加资产的造价时,不需要考虑原合同价款。

    It is not necessary to take into account of the original contract price when the price of the additional asset is separately negotiated .

  7. 介绍了竣工结算的编制和竣工结算审计的目的、重点,从设计变更、现场签证、技术措施、材料代用等四个方面来讨论对追加合同价款的审计。

    The audit of additional contract price is talked about mainly from such four aspects as design changes , on-site visa which is focused on , technical measures and material substitution .

  8. 对于在供应方所在国内进行的国内供货,对货物的所有权应于买方向供应方支付全部合同价款后才转移给买方。

    For domestic supplies within the country of the Contractor , title in the goods shall not pass to the Purchaser until the Contractor has been paid the contract price for them in full .

  9. 如果双方约定仅预付一部分合同价款,则余额的付款条件按本条所述规则办理。

    If advance payment has been agreed only for a part of the Contract price , the payment conditions of the remaining amount will be determined according to the rules set forth in this article .

  10. 根据国内外众多工程项目总承包合同价款内容的分析与统计,设备、散材的总承包合同价款中所占的比重在一半以上;

    According to the analysis and the statistics in the total contract ' contract on the content of price provision in the domestic and foreign engineering project , the proportion of the equipment and scattered timbers occupies one half and above ;

  11. 浅谈施工合同中价款方式的应用与合理选择

    Talk Briefly the Application & the Reasonable Alternatives of the Remuneration Patterns in Construction Contract

  12. 最低保险金额应包括合同规定价款另加10%(即110%),并应采用合同货币。

    The minimum insurance shall cover the price provided in the contract plus ten per cent ( i.e.110 % ) and shall be provided in the currency of the contract .

  13. 买方必须按照销售合同规定支付价款。

    The Buyer must pay the price as provided in the contract of sale .

  14. 文章认为我国高校的学费在性质上属于高等教育成本的分担,是行政管理成本的一种,而不是民事教学合同关系的价款。

    University tuition is paid by students to share the higher education cost , which is one kind of the administration costs .

  15. 货物在买方按本合同约定完全付清价款之前,所有权仍归卖方。

    The goods shall remain the property of seller until the complete payment of the price by Buyer in accordance with the stipulation of this contract .

  16. 买方应自货物越过船舷起承担货物的所有费用和风险并支付销售合同中约定的价款。

    The buyer bears all cost and risk of the cargo from the time it has passed the ship 's rail and pays the price as specified in the sales contract .

  17. 工程变更对工程结算影响传导机理模型以工程变更的诱发因素作为该模型的输入,以工程变更的合同分析处理过程以及合同价款的调整过程作为该模型的传导流程,最终输出了结算费用的构成。

    In this model , the model input is the variation induced by factors , the conduction process are the contract for analysis of variation processes and the contract price adjustment process , the final output of the composition of the settlement costs .

  18. 本文透过其多种多样的表现形式,按照合同签订时间先后、合同价款高低以及所涉及的主体范围将其归结为三类,并针对每类情形做出效力分析。

    In this paper , through its diverse manifestations , it can be divided into three categories in accordance with the time of the signing of the contract , the contract price and the level of the main scope . And each category is made against effectiveness analysis .

  19. 前后两份合同的标的物和合同价款总额相同。

    The two contracts concerned the same object and the same amount .

  20. 施工合同成立、生效以及无效合同工程价款结算方式的辨析

    Discrimination of Construction Contract 's Establishment , Effectiveness and Price Settlement Method of Invalid Contract

  21. 发包人向承包人承诺按照合同约定的期限和方式支付合同价款及其他应当支付的款项。

    The landlord shall pay to the contractor the contract amount and any other reasonable payment as that is indicated in the contract .

  22. 合同币种:用以支付本合同价款的货币,即。按合同规定应支付或将支付的以承包商的银行为受款人的费用

    " Contract Currency means the currency in which the payment is made under the Contract , namely ____________________ . " a charge in favor of the Contractor 's bankers of any money due or to become due under the Contract

  23. 根据合同风险分担,针对隧道工程特点,从合同价款计价、变更价款计价和计量规则三个方面确定了相应的计价方式和方法。

    On the basis of study on the distribution of contract risks , different pricing manners and methods were confirmed from the three aspects : contract cost pricing , vary cost pricing and rule of measurement .

  24. 如果因为卖方原因导致迟延交付合同设备,则每迟延一周,卖方应向买方支付合同设备价款的1%作为迟延交货违约金。

    In case of any late delivery caused by the Seller itself , for every one week , the Seller shall pay1 % of the Contract price to the Buyer as liquidated damages for late delivery .