
  • 网络the Baptist
  1. 哈利有个穷凶极恶的搭档,“施洗者”巴里。

    Harry has a colleague , a monster of a man , Barry the baptist .

  2. 他是施洗者教会抚养长大的;他自己的一部分信念抵触他。

    He was raised in the Baptist religion ; a member of his own faith contradicted him .

  3. 他参加了施洗者约翰领导的激进的犹太人精神运动。

    He joined the radical Jewish Spiritual movement led by John the Baptist .

  4. 让我想起施洗者约翰。

    Bring me the head of John the baptist .

  5. 施洗者通常和执行搜索并检查结果的是同一个人。

    The baptiser is usually the same as the person who performs the search and checks results .

  6. 施洗者圣会团体,信仰法国神学家约翰加尔文的教义,他相信严格预言学说。

    Group of Baptist congregations believing the teachings of the French theologian John Calvin who believed in strict predetermination .

  7. 《新约》信仰和宣言的核心是在最早的基督徒施洗者对信念的确认中被发现的。

    The core of New Testament belief and proclamation is found in the earliest Christian baptismal affirmations of faith .

  8. 创立于1708年的德美施洗者圣会团体;反对兵役和接受法律誓言;三次沉浸习惯。

    German-American Baptist denomination founded in 1708 ; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths ; practiced trine immersion .

  9. 上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,也是施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。

    The term is often used in the New Testament , and it was a central theme in the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus .

  10. 施洗者圣会团体,信仰荷兰神学者雅各布斯阿米尼乌斯的教义(他反对加尔文教徒的严格预言学说)。

    Of or relating to the theology of Jacobus Arminius and his followers , who believed that predestination was conditioned by God 's foreknowledge of human free choices .

  11. 坎贝尔日记还披露,布莱尔作重要决定之前必阅《圣经》,1998年下命令空袭伊拉克前的几小时内,还在阅读有关施洗者约翰的篇章。

    It also reveals Mr Blair consulted the Bible before making key decisions , reading a passage about John the Baptist hours before ordering a bombing raid on Iraq in1998 .

  12. 耶稣一家来自加利利,但路加福音里,施洗者约翰和耶稣,都出生在犹太。

    The family is from Galilee , but Luke really starts the action of his Gospel , both for John the Baptist birth and for the birth of Jesus in Judea .