
  • 网络day and night;Night and Day;Day & Night;t-ara
  1. 这是他的作品「日与夜」。

    Here we have Day and Night .

  2. 以它带来的光与暗的循环交替为基础,形成了自然界最基本的组织原则:日与夜。

    Its recurring cycles of light and darkness formed the basis for the first organizing principle of our natural world : Day and Night .

  3. 愿主祝福这家庭,日与夜都有平安。

    Make it safe by night and day .

  4. “日与夜”是一款策略桌面游戏,玩家在游戏中扮演日夫人和夜夫人两位对手进行对抗。

    Day & Night is a strategic board game where two players duel as Lady Day and Lady Night .

  5. 创世之初,上帝创造了日与夜,人类从此不再生活于黑暗之中。

    Form the beginning of the world , God created the day and the night , so that mankind would not have to live in darkness .

  6. 然而,不正是你们对我日与夜的护爱,使食物甜在我的口中,使美景京绕于我的梦境?

    Yet was it not your loving mindfulness of my days and my nights that made food sweet to my mouth and girdled my sleep with visions ?

  7. 除非你打破那些在你所理解的晨曦之中已经绑住你与你的午时的链锁,你将会如何升越你的日与夜?

    And how shall you rise beyond your days and nights unless you break the chains which you at the dawn of your understanding have fastened around your noon hour ?