
  • 网络Construction Order;construction voucher
  1. 变截面空心薄壁墩悬臂爬模施工技术单排树形大悬臂墩柱高架轻轨车站结构设计

    The Cantilever Climbing Form Construction Technology of Variable Section Hollow Thin-walled Pier Structural design of light railway station supported by tree-shaped colonnade with long cantilever

  2. 本文就水冲气举法辅助沉桩施工对单桩承载力的影响因素进行分析,探讨为消除这些影响因素的施工控制方法,为工程实践提供参考。

    This paper makes analysis on the factors that influence single pile bearing capacity from water-jet and airlift method as pile-sinking engineering and discusses engineering control methods to eliminate these factors so as to provide reference to engineering practice .

  3. 锤击法与静压法施工预制桩单桩承载力差异分析

    Analysis on the Difference of Prefabricated Single Pile Bearing Capacity between Construction by Hammer-driven and Static-pressure

  4. 介绍了建井三处在平煤十矿新回风井井筒施工中采用单钧提升、手抱钻及相应的劳动组织、施工方法、施工工艺组织快速施工的经验。

    Single hook , drill , labor organization , construction method , construction craft organization were introduced during the construction of well .

  5. 锤击夯扩沉管灌注桩因施工简便、单桩竖向承载力大、经济效益显著而在我国建筑地基基础工程中得到广泛应用。

    Cast-in-place expanded pile with hammer driven casting is widely used in the foundation engineering because of its convenient construction , large bearing capacity of single pile and remarkable economy benefit .

  6. 论文结合湖北省荆州长江公路大桥的试验桩工程,深入研究了江汉平原地区卵石地基深钻孔灌注桩的施工工艺、单桩极限承载能力、桩侧摩阻力和端阻力。

    Considering the engineering of trail pile in Hubei Jingzhou Yangtze River Highway bridge , the construction process of deep cast-in-place pile under pebble geological structure , the limit load-bearing capacity of single pile , side friction stress and head drag are researched in this thesis deeply .

  7. 本文介绍了东北首次运用无桩靴夯扩桩的设计、施工经验.单桩承载力试验和建筑物两年多运行情况,都表明了该项技术的有效性。

    The design and construction experience of compacted base-enlarged pile without shoes first time being used in Northeast China are introduced in this paper . According to the result of single pile loading test and two-year operation of structures , it shows that such a technique is applicable .

  8. 对施工中长索单端张拉时钢束实际伸长量与理论伸长量有偏差的问题进行了分析,通过现场摩阻试验,对分析结果进行了验证,得出了一些有价值的结论。

    The analysis was done on one-end tension of long cable , and the experiment on the friction to certification the hypothesis before .

  9. 阐述了钻孔压浆桩的施工及特点,单桩承载力的取值,结合工程应用实例,分析了桩基检测的结果,并提出了应注意的问题。

    This paper states construction and characteristic of borehole grouting pile and bearing capacity value of single pile . Combining with engineering practice , it also analyzes pile foundation examination results and puts forward problems that should be pay attention to .

  10. 介绍江西省温(家圳)厚(田)高速公路龙王庙赣江大桥水中高桩承台的施工,针对深水急流施工条件,采用单壁钢吊箱围堰技术。

    The paper introduces the underwater construction of elevated pile foundation of Gan River Bridge . According to the deepwater construction conditions the technology of single wall steel suspending cofferdam is adopted .