
  • 网络Broadcasting Music
  1. 另一个名叫广播音乐联合会(BMI)的版权组织的网站自称现在已经有60万名会员。

    Broadcast music Inc. ( BMI ) , another pro , has 600,000 members , according to its website .

  2. 斯特雷特曾做过“成人时代”广播音乐节目制作人。1999年,他在位于加利福尼亚州蒙罗维亚的卧室里创立了一家名为iGen的公司。

    In1999 , Streit , a former adult-contemporary radio programmer , started a business called iGen in the bedroom of his Monrovia , Calif. , apartment .

  3. 然而高科技的高速发展,也使我国广播音乐工作者在新世纪中面临严峻的挑战。

    Nevertheless , the rapid development of high technology has brought serious challenges to china 's radio music workers in the new century .

  4. 随着CD唱片的日益普及,随着立体声及数字式音乐电视迈开咄咄逼人脚步,随着,尤其是随着仿佛无所不能的计算机网络势力的高速扩张,新世纪音乐广播和音乐广播人还能有所作为吗?

    With the ever increasing popularization of CDs , with the agreesive march of stereo and digital musical TV , with , and espeacially with the rapid extention of the almighty computer network force , what else can be done on the part of the music broadcasting industry and music broadcasters of the new century ?

  5. 英语广播(音乐欣赏):周一周五中午12:0012:30。

    English broadcast ( songs ): Monday-Friday from 12:00-12:30p . m.

  6. 差不多所有的商店都连续播放有线广播的音乐。

    Nearly all the shops have piped music .

  7. 这些电台都有英语广播和音乐节目。

    All of these stations have programs in English as well as music from their country .

  8. 其他媒体播出的本地内容也蓬勃发展,如谈话广播、音乐录影带及电视福音布道节目,皆证实有利可图。

    Local content is booming in other media too : talk radio , music videos and televangelism have all proved lucrative .

  9. 专业的数位声音的浮凸槽记录,编辑,混合和为薄膜的回放解决&影像后制造,广播和音乐浮凸槽记录应用程式。

    Professional digital audio recording , editing , mixing and playback solutions for film & video post-production , broadcast and music recording applications .

  10. 暴露自己尽可能多尽可能英语阅读,看电视,电影或新闻和收听广播或音乐。

    Expose yourself to as much English as possible by reading , watching the TV , films or the news and listening to the radio or music .

  11. 1951年,中华全国体育总会普及了第一套广播电台音乐体操,稍后又分别制定了适合成人、青少年和儿童的运动。

    In1951 , the All-China Federation of Sports popularized the first set of exercises to radio music , and later on exercises for adults , young people and children were worked out .

  12. 12.九套广播体操音乐创编方面,不断的接受并融合各种音乐元素,以及现代舞蹈音乐式的风格,这就增加了广播体操锻炼的难度,加大了身体的负荷强度。

    The nine sets of broadcasting gymnastics keep absorbed and blended with diversity in music elements , along with modern dance music type style . In this way , the difficulty of the broadcast gymnastics exercise increases , the body load strength as well .

  13. 语言可能是人类身上最重要的功能,它使我们在孩提时获得食物,在成人时获得几乎一切想要的东西,它也同样使我们通过文学、广播、音乐、电影获得许多娱乐时光。

    Language is perhaps the most important function of the human body - it allows us to get sustenance as a child , it allows us to get virtually anything we want as an adult , and it allows us many hours of entertainment through literature , radio , music , and films .

  14. 我喜欢随着广播里的音乐起舞。

    I like to dance to the music on the radio .

  15. 提供高品质的DVD电影,直播电视,现场体育,广播和其他音乐录像免费在线。

    BhejaFry-BhejaFry-BhejaFry offers high quality DVD movies , Live TV , Live sports , radio and other music videos online for free .

  16. 带有操作系统的智能手机不仅可以像电脑一样进行Word文字编辑、文件存储、拷贝,甚至可通过蓝牙传送文件、收听广播、听音乐、看电影等功能。

    Smart phones with operating systems not only process as the word as a computer text editor , file storage , copy , and even print via Bluetooth technology to scan documents , listening to the radio , listening music , watching TV and other functions .

  17. 中国国际广播电台流行音乐节目主持人保罗.皮尔斯说。

    Said Paul Pierce , a DJ at China Radio International .

  18. 咱们听听广播里的音乐吧!

    Let 's listen to some music on the radio !

  19. 她第一次造访之后,我就只播放广播里的音乐。

    After her first visit , I switched to only playing the radio .

  20. 广播是传播音乐节目的最佳媒体;

    Broadcasting is the best media for the music .

  21. 你可以通过网络广播收听到音乐、新闻和其他的事情。

    You can listen to the music , news and other things through Internet broadcast .

  22. 我喜欢从网上的媒体流站点(网上广播)录制音乐,特别是歌剧。

    I like to record music from internet streaming sites (" Internet Radio "), specifically operas .

  23. 论广播媒介对音乐传播的影响

    Influence of Musical Communication by Broadcasting

  24. 录下无线电广播中的音乐

    Record music from the radio

  25. 我每天在广播上听音乐,我想你也许一样喜欢。

    I listen to this music every day on the radio and I thought you might like it , too .

  26. 尹是一个自由播音员宣布他们的专业,因为该广播以及现场音乐,声乐,挑战该领域的澄清。

    Yoon is a freelance announcer declared their major , since the broadcaster as well as live musical and vocal music to challenge in the field are clarified .

  27. FM收音功能,这个给平时闲暇的时候可以听听广播,新闻,音乐。

    FM radio , this function to the usual leisure when can listen to the radio , news , music .

  28. 各广播电台播放的音乐节目每周约达一万五千小时。

    Radio stations broadcast about 15,000 hours of musical programs weekly .

  29. 你喜欢广播节目里的音乐吗?这些音乐有助于你学习吗?

    Do you like music under radio programmes ? Does it help you learn ?

  30. 2002年12月在北京广播学院和中央音乐学院召开了首届全国音乐传播学术研讨会,这次会议标志着音乐传播这一学科在全国的正式确立。

    The First National Seminar of the Communication of Music held in Beijing Broadcasting Institute and Central Conservatory of Music in December 2002 . The significance of the conference means the subject of the communication of music established officially .