
  • 网络Moscow Time
  1. 重新调一下你的手表。现在是莫斯科时间。

    Readjust your watch . You are now on Moscow time .

  2. Medvedev说,公司表示,如果这种障碍不存在,从俄罗斯向乌克兰管道供气从欧洲中部时间周二上午八点或者莫斯科时间上午十点开始。

    Medvedev says the company assumes such obstacles will not be created , and the transit of gas from Russia to Ukraine can begin at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday , Central European time , or 10:00 a.m. Moscow time .

  3. 俄罗斯联邦航天局网上直播了发射全过程,搭载着俄罗斯宇航员奥列格·诺维茨基和叶夫根尼·塔列尔金、美国航空航天局宇航员凯文·福特的载人飞船,于莫斯科时间14:51发射升空。

    Live webcast from Roscosmos showed that the spaceship , carrying Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky and Yevgeny Tarelkin along with NASA 's Kevin Ford , was launched at 14:51 Moscow time from the space center .

  4. 俄罗斯国家电视台报导说,莫斯科时间上周六将近11点时,卡钦斯基等人乘坐的图-154喷气机在距跑道约一公里的地方坠毁,当时这架飞机试图在浓雾弥漫的斯摩棱斯克Severnyi军用机场第二次降落。

    Russian state television reported that the Tupolev-154 jet crashed about a kilometer short of the runway on its second attempt to land in heavy fog at the Smolensk-Severnyi military airport , shortly before 11 a.m. Moscow time .

  5. 俄罗斯天然气垄断公司Gazprom于莫斯科当地时间上午10点在乌克兰边境的库尔斯克压缩站停止了天然气供应。

    Gazprom , the Russian state gas monopoly , reduced the flow at 10:00 AM Moscow time at a compressor station in Kursk near the Ukrainian border .

  6. 据称,曾经获封国王学者(King'sScholar)、后来成为克格勃(KGB)上校的菲尔比在定居莫斯科很长时间后,仍然关注母校的消息,而他已对他原本应该服务的系统造成巨大伤害。

    The one-time Kings Scholar and later KGB colonel reportedly kept up with news from school long after he had taken up residence in Moscow , having inflicted massive damage on the system he was raised to serve .

  7. 农村里只能干粗木工活的木匠,为了多挣点工资,他们从四面八方涌入莫斯科,一时间,到处都在建造木头房子,修理被大火烧焦的房子。

    Gangs of carpenters , hoping for high wages , were arriving in Moscow every day ; and on all sides there were new houses being built , or old half-burnt ones being repaired .

  8. 从这里到莫斯科的实际飞行时间是多少?

    What 's the actual flight time from here to Moscow ?

  9. 他拿起墨镜——隐入莫斯科人群中的时间到了。

    He gathers up his dark glasses : it 's time for him to melt into the Moscow crowds .

  10. 自从他进入莫斯科到他撤退出莫斯科的这段时间里,他发出了一个接一个的命令,制定了一个又一个的各种计划。

    Command upon command and plan upon plan was continually being issued by him from the time he entered Moscow to the time he left it .