
  • 网络moliere;Molière
  1. 关汉卿、莫里哀喜剧艺术相似性探微

    On the Similarity of Comedy Art Between Guan Hanqing and Moliere

  2. 莫里哀喜剧创作与西方戏剧叙事范型的转换

    Moliere 's Comedy Creation And The Turning Of Western Dramatic Narrative Model

  3. 巴黎——在诞生了萨特(Sartre)和莫里哀(Molière)的法国,文学知识被认为是明智的标志,如果你是负责该国文化预算的那个人,或许更是如此。

    PARIS - In France , the country of Sartre and Moli è re , literary knowledge is considered a sign of savoir faire , and all the more so , perhaps , if you are the person presiding over the country 's culture budget .

  4. 巴尼耶当时面临长达三年的监禁,坚决否认这名女儿的指控,并引用莫里哀(Molière)的文学作品以及让·热内(JeanGenet)的一部关于仆人们阴谋陷害富有雇主的戏剧,驳斥了仆人们的指责。

    Banier , who faced up to three years in prison , vehemently denied the daughter 's accusations and brushed off the retainers " criticisms with literary references to Moli è re and a play by Jean Genet about maids plotting against a rich employer .

  5. 莫里哀与莎士比亚喜剧艺术比较

    The Comparison of Comedy Art Between Shakespeare and Moliere

  6. 有些人只是听不懂莫里哀的打油诗。

    Some people just don 't get Moliere parodies .

  7. 品德不好,出生再好也无用。法国剧作家莫里哀

    Birth is nothing where virtue is not . & Moliere , French dramatist

  8. 面对恶意,没有能坚持住的壁垒(莫里哀)。

    There is no rampart that will hold out against malice ( Moli è re ) .

  9. 莫里哀是文学史上古典文学的集大成者,近代文学的开拓者。

    Moliere was not only a comprehensive person in classical literature , but also an exploiter in modern literature .

  10. 嫉妒的人将死去,但嫉妒永存。&莫里哀他抛开了心里那无比的哀愁。

    The envious will die , but envy never . & Moliere He put from him his terrible grief .

  11. 萨福克里斯和维吉尔的时代并不比莎士比亚与莫里哀的时代“古”。

    The ages of Shakespeare and of Moliere are no less past than are the ages of Sophocles and of Virgil .

  12. 并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫里哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。

    But Chinese misers prove less miserly and less ambitious when they are compared with those misers and careerists described by Moliai and Balzac .

  13. 尤其是莫里哀对类型化典型答尔丢失伪善性格的“充分的立体化”,对于今天我国民族戏曲的振兴,更具有一种不可忽视的借鉴价值。

    The full cubic of Moliere s stereo type losing his hypocritical character can be well used for the reference for the all-round rejuvenation of Ch.

  14. 莎士比亚与莫里哀典型观的三个基本区别是:前者是丰富复杂的,高度个性化的,发展变化的;

    This paper points out the3 basic distinctions between the typicalities of Shakespeare and that of Moliere : the former is rich , complicated , highly personified and developing .

  15. 在法语读物方面,我阅读了高乃依、莫里哀、拉辛、阿尔弗莱德·德·缪塞和圣伯夫的著作。我阅读的德语作品主要来自歌德和席勒。

    In the French course I read some of the works of Corneille , Molie , Racine , Alfred de Musset and Sainte-Beuve , and in the German those of Goethe and Schiller .

  16. 同时,当时也是艺术(伦布兰特,弗米尔)和文学(拉辛、莫里哀、米尔顿、帕斯卡)的多产期,而不幸的是,哲学(霍布斯、洛克)并不发达。

    It was a fertile time for art ( Rembrandt , Vermeer ) and literature ( Racine , Moliere , Milton , Pascal ) and unfortunately , bad philosophy ( Hobbes , Locke ) .

  17. 可以没有任何障碍的阅读巴尔扎克、莫里哀、拉辛(法国作家、讽刺诗人)、福楼拜、左拉和加缪的法语原著和借助翻译来读他们的作品是两码事。

    Being able to read Balzac , Moli è re , Racine , Flaubert , Zola and Camus in their language as no matter how good the translation may be , it 's just not the same .

  18. 莎士比亚正如莫里哀一样,身为演员而写出戏剧杰作,这是不奇怪的。相反,我们倒不妨请问,假如是在别的行业.他有可能写出那些作品吗?

    Shakespeare , like Moliere , was an actor and yet wrote plays which were masterpieces , we might well ask if it would have been possible for him to write them in any other walk of life .

  19. 但是不管怎么说,在淫雨霏霏的日子里,我总可以有事可干。就这样,我所掌握的法语知识足够使我阅读有趣的拉封丹的寓言,莫里哀的《屈打成医》,以及拉辛的《阿达莉》中的段落。

    but it gave me something to do on a rainy day , and I acquired a sufficient knowledge of French to read with pleasure La Fontaine 's " Fables , " " Le Medecin Malgr ? Lui " and passages from " Athalie . "

  20. 回报就是他得到允诺,他关于莫里哀的反动剧作不会被禁演。于是这个剧作中的奇怪晦涩的场景会不时插入到为斯大林献礼的剧作中,传达出既滑稽又恐怖的信息。

    In return , along with his life and his wife 's , he is promised the un-banning of his subversive drama about Moli è re - grotesque , masked scenes from which intrude on the main story , as do comically appalling passages from the Stalin tribute .