
  • The Count of Monte Cristo;Montecristo
  1. 用完晚餐,侍者又来通报说基督山伯爵来访。

    After dinner , the Count of Monte Cristo was announced .

  2. 基督山伯爵是我最喜爱的书籍。

    The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite books .

  3. 天枰座——TheCountofMonteCristo《基督山伯爵》

    The Count of Monte Cristo is an adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas , p è re .

  4. 基督山伯爵穿着黑衣服,象他往常一样的简单朴素。

    The count was dressed in black and with his habitual simplicity ;

  5. 他们正在这样打扮时,基督山伯爵进来了。

    They were thus engaged when the count of Monte Cristo entered .

  6. 基督山伯爵的告别信

    A Farewell Letter From the Count of Monte Cristo

  7. 基督山伯爵的脸苍白了;

    The Count of Monte Cristo turned dreadfully pale ;

  8. “基督山伯爵叫你写信到亚尼纳去的?”

    " The count of Monte Cristo told you to write to yanina ?"

  9. 你有没有接着读《基督山伯爵》吗?

    Have you read any more of Monte cristo ?

  10. 基督山伯爵想要什么

    What did the count of Monte Cristo want ?

  11. 他想起了基督山伯爵。

    He remembered the count of Monte cristo .

  12. 你弄错了,我不是基督山伯爵

    " You are mistaken & I am not the Count of Monte Cristo . "

  13. “基督山伯爵,就是我们现在所在的这座房子的主人翁。”

    " The count of Monte cristo , the very same in whose house we are . "

  14. “一位大人物,一位亲王,这是他们告诉我的,是基督山伯爵阁下。”

    " Some grand personage a prince I believe they said the count of Monte cristo . "

  15. 那扇门又无声地打开,基督山伯爵出现了。

    The noiseless door again turned on its hinges , and the Count of Monte Cristo reappeared .

  16. 新基督山伯爵

    The Count Monte Cristo

  17. 基督山伯爵损坏马尔塞夫先生的名誉,而他的儿子竟认为那是应该的!

    The Count of Monte Cristo acts dishonorably to M.de Morcerf , and is justified by his son !

  18. 现在把车停在基督山伯爵的门前的,正是这个人。

    Such was the man whose carriage had just now stopped before the Count of Monte Cristo 's door .

  19. 或者你也可以把他们看作基督山伯爵,勒布朗则是唐格拉斯,这取决于你站在哪一边。

    Or , maybe they 're Count of Monte Cristo and LeBron is Danglars . It depends on where you stand .

  20. 阿尔贝叫他的仆人进来,吩咐他去通报马尔塞夫先生和夫人:说基督山伯爵已经到了。

    Albert summoned his servant , and ordered him to acquaint m.and Madame de Morcerf of the arrival of the count of Monte cristo .

  21. 这位就是基督山伯爵阁下,中国国王,安南皇帝。那小顽童狡猾地望着她姐姐说道。

    " And M. de Monte Cristo , King of China , Emperor of Cochin-China ," said the young imp , looking slyly towards his sister .

  22. 从此名基督山伯爵,经过精心策划,报答了恩人,惩罚了仇人。本充满浪漫的传奇色彩,章章奇特新颖,引人入胜。

    It is primarily concerned with themes of hope , justice , vengeance , mercy , forgiveness and death , and is told in the style of an adventure story .

  23. 为向基督山伯爵品牌致敬,在节日结束的当天将举行晚宴,同时,选出“年度雪茄先生”。

    There will be a gala dinner at the end of the festival to honor the Montecristo brand , during which " Cigar Man of the Year " will be chosen .

  24. “那么,就是我的朋友基督山伯爵曾在家里招待过他,快要和腾格拉尔小姐结婚的那个青年人了?”

    " Is it , then , that young man whom my friend the count of Monte Cristo has received into his house , and who is going to marry Mademoiselle danglars ?"

  25. 基督山伯爵以少校马上来访为借口推辞了阿尔贝的邀请,但他和巴浦斯汀所说的确是实情。

    Both the count and Baptistin had told the truth when they announced to Morcerf the proposed visit of the major , which had served Monte Cristo as a pretext for declining albert 's invitation .

  26. 在五月二十六日晚上七点钟到香榭丽舍大道去找基督山伯爵,找他要你的父亲。

    Go to the Count of Monte Cristo , Avenue des Champs Elys é es , on the 26th of May , at seven o'clock in the evening , and demand of him your father .

  27. 假如基督山伯爵曾在巴黎生活过一段相当长的时间,那他一定会充分了解维尔福先生采取的这个步骤的重要性。

    If the count of Monte Cristo had been for a long time familiar with the ways of Parisian society , he would have appreciated better the significance of the step which m.de Villefort had taken .

  28. 读者一定还记得基督山伯爵那几位住在密斯雷路的新或说得更确切些,是老相识吧。莫雷尔、尤莉和艾曼纽。

    IT WILL BE recollected that the new , or rather old , acquaintances of the Count of Monte Cristo , residing in the Rue Meslay , were no other than Maximilian , Julie , and Emmanuel .

  29. “咦,”马西米兰若有所思地靠在他的铲子把上说道,“基督山伯爵是怎么认识维尔福先生的呢?”

    " Now , then ," said maximilian , leaning on the handle of his spade ," I would give a good deal to know how it comes about that the count of Monte Cristo is acquainted with m.de villefort . "

  30. 如果你喜欢法国长篇小说,一定要看看另一位法国伟大文学家大仲马写的《基督山伯爵》,也是一本超过1000页的小说,可能比《悲惨世界》稍微短一点儿吧。

    And if you enjoy the long French novel , be sure to check out The Count of Monte Cristo by fellow French literary great Alexandre Dumas - it is also well over 1000 pages although probably still a couple hundred pages short of Les Mis .