
  • 网络Christianity;The Christian Faith
  1. 13岁的乔布斯看到《生活杂志》(Life)封面上的饥饿儿童照片,从此他放弃了基督教信仰。

    He gave up Christianity at age 13 when he saw starving children on the cover of life magazine .

  2. 他放弃了基督教信仰,从而与父母的关系暂时变得紧张。

    He renounces Christianity , temporarily straining his relationship with his parents .

  3. 另一位知情者向《第六页》解释道:Justin对于他的基督教信仰是很认真的,并且由于最近的一些事,他很想要暂时休息一下。

    An additional insider explained to Page Six at the time : ' Justin is serious about his Christian faith , and after recent events , he needed to take a pause . '

  4. 基督教信仰是哥特式教堂建筑艺术风格的灵魂。

    Christian belief is the soul of the Gothic artistic style .

  5. 所有知识都主要源出于基督教信仰之中。

    All knowledge emanated from the mainsprings of Christian belief .

  6. 丹麦,现今属于基督教信仰的欧洲国家。

    Denmark is a country which belongs to European Christian culture nowadays .

  7. 我现在将我的观察报告仅仅限于基督教信仰。

    I am limiting my observations to the Christian faith .

  8. 如果不明白「称义」这两个字,就无法明白基督教信仰。

    Nobody has understood Christianity who does not understand * the word'justified ' .

  9. 基督教信仰的三个因子与主观幸福感是显著相关的。

    The three factors of Christian beliefs are significantly related to subjective well-being .

  10. 真正的基督教信仰不是高深莫测,而是简单易懂。

    Authentic Christianity is not sophisticated but simple . R.T.

  11. 他经常提到他的基督教信仰。

    He often refer to his Christian faith .

  12. 我们的行动必须以基督教信仰的最深层原则作为指引。

    Our actions must be guided by the deepest principles of our Christian faith .

  13. 基督教信仰文化取代古典理性文化的历史必然性

    The Historical Inevitability of the Substitution of Christianity Fideism Culture for Classical Rational Culture

  14. 墨洛温王朝早期法兰克人的基督教信仰

    Frank 's Christianity Faith in Early Merovingian Dynasty

  15. 她们顺从地忍受折磨,这在某种程度上是基督教信仰的影响。

    They endure the torture obediently to some extent due to their Christian faith .

  16. 中世纪哲学是以基督教信仰为前提的,是以信仰寻求理解为基础展开的。

    The spirit of medieval philosophy was the Christian faith and faith seeking understanding .

  17. 当你接触它(基督教信仰)多次之后,你的根基就会变得稳固。

    When you 're going through tough times your foundation has got to be solid .

  18. 云南部分少数民族基督教信仰的社会作用分析

    An Analysis of the Social Function of Christian Belief of Some Ethnic Groups in Yunnan

  19. 内战前后美国南方黑人基督教信仰及其变化问题探析

    The Analysis about Blacks ' Christianity and Changes Around the Civil War in American South

  20. 然而,在这些研究成果中,却鲜有对基督教信仰人员个体社会支持网络的研究。

    However , there exists only a few studies on social support networks for Christian individuals .

  21. 所罗门的智慧为神授这种观点在各种犹太&基督教信仰里是非常重要的。

    The idea that Solomon 's Wisdom is God-given is very important to various Judeo-Christian beliefs .

  22. 基督教信仰与中西文化

    Christian Faith and Chinese-Western Cultures

  23. 与此同时,拜占廷皇帝开始有意识地利用基督教信仰作为神化自己的工具。

    On the other hand , Byzantine emperors began to make use of Christianity to deify themselves .

  24. 这就是所谓的复活,是基督教信仰的核心。

    The @ resurrection @ , as it is called , is the cornerstone of the Christian faith .

  25. 涵义:派,自由派,新正统派,新福音派等不是正统基督教信仰。

    Christian doctrine stressing belief in the Trinity . Implication : liberalism , neo-orthodoxy and neo-evangelicalism are NOT orthodox .

  26. 就是这整片美好世界,不下于任何事物,带领我重回基督教信仰。

    It was this whole good world outside as much as anything that brought me back to Christian faith .

  27. 现在是一个创新和和平的运动,更致力于说明基督教信仰比界定它。

    It is now an innovative and irenical movement , more devoted to illustrating the Christian faith than defining it .

  28. 唯有积极的基督教信仰,才能真正使人带来神的荣耀。

    Its only the positive Christian faith that really produces the kind of persons who really bring glory to god .

  29. 在克尔凯戈尔看来基督教信仰不是一套学说或教义,而是一种存在交往。

    Kierkegaard does not regard Christian faith as a set of beliefs or doctrines , but a kind of existential dealing .

  30. 因此,和好神学也是中国教会从宗派后合一的层面对基督教信仰所寻求的理解。

    Therefore , reconciliation theology is also a kind of understanding on Christian faith from the perspective of Chinese post-denominational unity .