
  • 网络National Movement;national sport
  1. 一些年纪较大的读者可能还记得国民储蓄运动。

    Some of my older readers may remember national savings drives .

  2. 试析日本新世纪增进国民健康运动的背景及目标

    Analysis of background and objectives of national health promotion movement in 21st century of Japan

  3. 关于国民会议运动的几点看法

    On Ideas upon National Congress Movement

  4. 第五章着重论述了北洋政府时期的国民外交运动历史意义。

    Chapter Five mainly explains the historic significance of the Civil Diplomacy Movement during Beiyang Government .

  5. 因此,舆论参与在此时的国民外交运动中起到了重要的作用。

    Therefore , the public participation at this time of national foreign sports played an important role .

  6. 第二章讨论了北洋政府统治前国民外交运动的发展状况及其对北洋政府时期的国民外交运动的影响;

    Chapter Two discusses the development of the Civil Diplomacy Movement before Beiyang Government and its influence on the latter later on .

  7. 国民外交运动的一次新探索&辽宁国民外交协会的缘起及其活动述评

    A New Exploration of the Nationals Diplomacy Movement & A review of the origin and its activity of Liaoning citizen diplomacy association

  8. 她运用马克思主义观点,揭示了妇女受压迫的根源,主张妇女解放运动同国民革命运动相结合;

    She disclosed the root reason why the women were pressured by applying Marxism to pratice , and protested that the woman 's liberation campaign should be combined with the national revolutionary one .

  9. 本文主要通过对20世纪初年女子国民捐运动的考察,来探讨这一时期女子国民意识尤其是女子“义务意识”的觉醒及其发展。本文分三个部分:“女国民”意识的觉醒;

    According to the research of the donation movement of Woman 's citizen at the beginning of 20th century , I will disscus the awakening of consciousness of women , especially the awakening of incumbency consciousness of women .

  10. 分析研究日本新世纪首次十年增进国民健康运动(简称“健康日本21”)的产生背景及所达目标,了解日本在进入新世纪以后国民健康运动及大众体育运动的发展方向。

    This article analyzes and researches on the background and objectives of national health ( promotion ) movement in the 21st century (" healthy Japan 21 " in brief ) and presents the direction of Japan 's national health promotion movement and sports for all .

  11. 游泳&一项全面提高国民素质的运动

    Swimming - A Sport for Improving the Masses ' Quality

  12. 这一问题将会破坏国民喜爱的运动,降低体育场上座率,妨碍赞助商赞助。

    The problem has devastated the country 's favourite sport , emptying stadiums and deterring sponsors .

  13. 对全民健身热潮的探讨逐渐进入对国民体质、运动健康的深入研究;

    The discussion on national fitness gradually deeps into the research of national physique and exercise health .

  14. 浅析1927&1934年国民政府禁烟运动

    Simply analyse the national government banned on opium - smoking and the opium trade from 1927 to 1934

  15. 虽说相扑是日本“国技”,但是棒球才是最受日本国民欢迎的运动。

    Sumo might be the national sport of Japan , but baseball is the most loved and most popular .

  16. 第四部分,余论。以五四时期的国民性改造运动为背景,反思新民说在思想史上的意义,并结合当代中国的改革开放,在新的语境下进行反思。

    The fourth part will briefly summarize and evaluate the significance of new people said in the thinking history .

  17. 所以当我与这些提倡国民幸福总值运动的领袖们交流,我才逐渐明白他们在做些什么。

    So as I spent time with leaders in the GNH movement , I got to really understand what they 're doing .

  18. 通过对国民体质监测运动处方的需求分析,研究了该系统设计的理论基础,给出了运动处方的基本思想及运动处方的范畴。

    Through analysing the shortage of sport prescription in national physique inspection system , this paper has studied theoretical foundation of the design in this system , gives the category and the basic thought of sport prescription .

  19. 作为第一位赢得奥运田径项目金牌的中国男选手,同NBA休斯顿火箭队主力选手姚明一样,刘翔是国民最喜爱的运动明星之一。

    As the first Chinese male athlete to win an Olympic track gold , Liu is one of the nation ` s favorite sports stars like NBA Houston Rockets ` center Yao Ming .

  20. 首先,重庆的国民精神总动员运动主要存在两个不足:形式主义盛行,民众参与度不高。

    There are two shortcomings of the National Spirit Mobilization of Chongqing : the prevalence of formalism and the public participation is not high enough .

  21. 知识分子以现代文明的眼光审视下,农民的愚昧、落后、迷信等劣根性是社会进步的障碍,因此改造国民性的启蒙运动是20世纪上半叶中国社会的主潮。

    In the eyes of modern civilization , the peasants ' deep-rooted bad habits , such as barbarism , backwardness , superstition , are obstacles to social progress , therefore , enlightenment movement of overcoming these habits becomes a main stream in the 20 ~ ( th ) century China .

  22. 南京国民政府时期的国民外交运动论略

    On the Influence of the Civil Diplomacy Movements in Nanjing Government of the Republic of China

  23. 1924-1925年间,孙中山主张通过召集国民会议来实现国家的和平与统一,在社会上掀起了一场声势浩大的国民会议运动。

    Between the years of 1924 & 1925 , Sun yat-sen advocated National Congress to realize national peace and unity , in the society raises a fifteen-day National Congress of the sport .