
  • 网络gene editing;genome editing
  1. 法兰特说道:“我正在尝试三种育种方法,”常规方法、转基因法和基因编辑法。

    I 'm trying three methods of breeding , Farrant says : conventional , genetic modification arid gene editing .

  2. 然而,索尔克研究所的研究人员声称,他们已经发现了基因编辑的法宝,可以准确并顺利地切断DNA。

    However , researchers at the Salk Institute claim to have landed on ' the holy grail of gene editing ' , which can delicately and smoothly cut through DNA .

  3. 增加与生物安全相关规定为了保障生物安全,刑法修正案规定了针对将基因编辑、克隆的人类胚胎植入人体或者动物体内等违法行为的处罚,相关违法人员最高刑期可达7年。

    To safeguard biosecurity , the law stipulates penalties for illegally implanting gene-edited or cloned human embryos .

  4. 他们利用基因编辑技术使小老鼠和人类肺细胞中的这种蛋白质失去其功能,从而起到了完全的防护作用。

    Disabling the protein in mice and human lung cells using gene5 editing led to complete protection .

  5. 科学家从人类细胞开始,之后用基因编辑一个接一个地关闭人类DNA中的指令。

    Scientists started with human cells and then used gene-editing to turn off instructions inside our DNA one-by-one .

  6. 到了明年,我们应该就能对基因编辑是否真的能修复人的缺陷DNA有所了解。

    By next year we should have a hint of whether gene-editing really can fix deficient DNA in people .

  7. 尝试基因编辑还导致出现DNA突变,对胚胎细胞造成了间接的损害。

    And speckled over their DNA was a sort of collateral damage – DNA mutations caused by the editing attempt .

  8. 基因编辑工具CRISPR-Cas9建立在防御机制细菌的使用基础之上,通过切断DNA的位点以抵御病毒。

    The gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 is based on a defense mechanism bacteria use to ward off viruses by cutting off bits of their DNA .

  9. 但基因编辑和新一代DNA测序等技术进步使得科学家可以把新病毒变成武器,或许包括用定制病原体攻破现有免疫系统或抵抗现有药物的影响。

    But advances such as gene editing and next-generation DNA sequencing allow scientists to weaponise new viruses , perhaps including custom pathogens engineered to overcome existing immunities or to be impervious to current drugs .

  10. 这次突破将令人对基因编辑这一快速发展的新兴领域感到更加兴奋。基因编辑是基因工程的一种,向基因中插入DNA,替换或取下其中的DNA,从而修复缺陷或战胜疾病。

    The breakthrough will add to excitement over the fast-emerging field of gene-editing - a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted , replaced or removed from genes to fix faults or fight disease .

  11. 围绕着人类胚胎基因编辑存在争论,部分原因是因为担心基因编辑技术对DNA的改变日后会一代接一代传给那些胚胎的后代。

    The controversy surrounding gene-editing in human embryos partly stems from concern that the changes CRISPR makes in DNA can be passed down to the offspring of those embryos later in life , from generation to generation .

  12. 快速、准确的新型“基因编辑”——剪切DNA并精确地将其粘贴在目标基因组的正确位置上——将取代过去40年里使用的那种碰运气式的基因工程方法。

    Fast and accurate new " gene editing , " which cuts and pastes DNA at exactly the right place in the target genome , is about to replace the slower hit-and-miss methods of genetic engineering used for the past 40 years .

  13. 这里说的不是英国退欧,而是“成簇规律间隔短回文重复序列”(Crispr)基因编辑,一种据信能够治愈小鼠的肝病和肌营养不良,让人类细胞对艾滋病毒(HIV)产生抗性,培育出抗真菌小麦的DNA改造技术。

    Not Brexit but Crispr gene-editing , a DNA-changing technology that can supposedly cure mice of liver disease and muscular dystrophy , render human cells resistant to HIV and create fungus-resistant wheat .

  14. 这一进程中一个令人鼓舞的迹象是,中国科学院与美国国家科学院(NationalAcademyofSciences)及英国皇家学会(RoyalSociety)下周将在华盛顿共同主办一场基因编辑会议,中科院在其中发挥了关键作用。

    An encouraging sign of this process is the key role played by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in organising a meeting on gene editing in Washington next week , along with the US National Academy of Sciences and UK 's Royal Society .

  15. 当胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)——通过DNA测试来选择健康的体外受精(IVF)胚胎——也可以达到同样目的时,批评者还质疑基因编辑的必要性。

    Critics also question the need for gene editing when pre-implantation diagnosis ( PGD ) , which selects healthy IVF embryos by a DNA test , can do the job , too .

  16. 去年,国家情报总监詹姆斯?克拉珀(JamesClapper)把旨在制造新生物武器的基因编辑列入国家最大安全威胁。

    Last year , James Clapper , director of national intelligence , included gene editing aimed at producing new biological weapons as among the nation 's top security threats .

  17. 这种新技术的最激进分支是“基因编辑”:利用分子“剪刀”剪切和粘贴我们的DNA编码的过程,其用途很多,包括治愈癌症和艾滋病等疾病。

    The most radical branch of this new technology is " gene editing " - a process by which our DNA code can be cut and pasted using molecular " scissors " for a variety of applications , including curing diseases such as cancers and HIV .

  18. 去年,美国农业部规定,经过简单顺基因编辑的植物——即改变植物自身DNA,理论上可以通过多年的传统杂交产生——将不再受到与其他转基因生物相同的监管。

    Last year , the U.S.D.A. ruled that plants that had undergone simple cisgenic edits - changes to the plant 's own DNA , of the kind that could theoretically be created by years of traditional crossbreeding - would not be subject to the same regulation as other G.M.O.s.

  19. Crispr是“规律成簇的间隔短回文重复”(clusteredregularlyinterspacedshortpalindromicrepeats)的简称,是一套新的基因编辑技术中最简单的一种,借鉴了细菌的免疫系统。

    Crispr - short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats - is the simplest of a suite of new gene-editing technologies , and is a trick borrowed from the bacterial immune system .

  20. 基因编辑技术利用酶来搜寻特定的DNA序列,但就像文字处理软件的搜索功能可能在意想不到的地方挑出一串字符那样,酶也可能以类似的方式附着于错误的DNA片段。

    The technology uses enzymes to search for particular sequences of DNA - but , just as it is possible for a search facility in word-processing software to pick out a string of letters in an unexpected place , the enzymes might similarly latch on to the wrong stretch of DNA .

  21. 中国科学家对于采用“成簇规律间隔短回文重复序列”(Crispr)的“基因编辑”技术充满热情,该技术于大约3年前在美国发明,它大大加快了对任何活体细胞插入和删除DNA的速度。

    Chinese scientists are enthusiastic adopters of a " gene editing " technology called Crispr , invented in the US about three years ago , which greatly accelerates the insertion and deletion of DNA in any type of living cell .

  22. 即使如此,基因编辑技术略微提高了实现“完美的人”(homoperfectus)的可能性——作为一个物种,我们还没有完全想好这个经过完美编辑的大胆新世界会有什么影响。

    Even so , gene-editing technology makes the prospect of a homo perfectus just slightly more probable - and , as a species , we have yet to fully grasp the implications of this brave and perfectly edited new world .

  23. 10月7日,詹妮弗·杜德纳和艾曼纽·卡彭迪耶因开发了名为CRISPR的基因编辑工具,共同获得了2020年诺贝尔化学奖。

    On October 7 , Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier shared the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of the gene-editing tool called CRISPR .

  24. 《麻省理工技术评论》杂志16日报道,美国使用基因编辑工具CRISPR进行了本国首例转基因人类胚胎实验。

    The MIT Technology Review published on Wednesday a news report about the first-known experiment to create genetically modified human embryos in the United States using a gene-editing tool called CRISPR .

  25. 美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)一个有影响力的顾问组已一致批准第一项对人类使用Crispr基因组编辑(也称基因编辑)技术,以“重启”癌症病人免疫细胞的临床试验。

    An influential advisory panel at the US National Institutes of Health has unanimously approved the first clinical trial to use Crispr genome-editing ( also known as gene-editing ) on humans , to reboot immune cells in cancer patients .

  26. 参与研究的北京大学科学家说,治疗手段包括使用基因编辑工具CRISPR-Cas9从捐赠者的骨髓干细胞中删除一种名为CCR5的基因,然后将干细胞移植到患者体内。

    This involved using the gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to delete a gene known as CCR5 from bone marrow stem cells taken from a donor , before transplanting them into the patient , Peking University scientists said in the study .

  27. 这次尝试可能是现代医药的一次令人印象深刻的壮举:科学家希望利用CRISPR基因编辑的魔力来恢复遗传性失明(又被称为莱伯士先天性黑朦)的人的视力。

    The first trial could be an impressive feat of modern medicine : Scientists hope to use CRISPR 's gene-editing magic to restore sight to people with an inherited form of blindness called Leber congenital amaurosis .

  28. 全世界的实验室都在采用基因编辑,尤其是一种名为Crispr(成簇、规律间隔的短回文重复序列——译者注)的技术,该技术将加快微生物、动植物和人类的基因操控。

    Laboratories around the world are adopting gene editing , particularly a technique called Crispr ( pronounced ' crisper " ) , which will accelerate the genetic manipulation of microbes , plants , animals - and people .

  29. 他担心类似的事情也会发生在基因编辑领域。

    He worries that something similar will happen with gene editing .

  30. 中国的研究人员正在以尤为高涨的热情采用基因编辑;

    Researchers in China are adopting gene editing with particular enthusiasm ;