
  • 网络Pere goriot;Goriot;Old Goriot;Le Pere Goriot
  1. 《高老头》是巴尔扎克的代表作,在《人间喜剧》中占有突出地位,充分展现了巴尔扎克丰富的艺术实践经验和创作成就。

    Balzac 's masterpiece , Le Pere Goriot , prominent one in The Human Comedy , fully reveals his rich practical experience on art and his creative achievement .

  2. 《高老头》情节模式的美学意义

    The Aesthetic Significance of Plot Model in the Novel 《 Le Pere Goriot 》 Written by Balzac

  3. 我第一次读到《欧也妮·葛朗台》(EugénieGrandet)、《高老头》(LePèreGoriot)等19世纪的经典作品,都是这种没有封面的书。

    I first read 19th-century classics like " Eug é nie Grandet " or " Le P è re Goriot " in these faceless editions .

  4. 《高老头》的结尾,既是高里奥的“安葬仪式”,也是拉斯蒂涅的精神“成人仪式”。

    The end of Old Goriot is not only a " burial ceremony " of Goriot , but also it is a " adulthood ceremony " of Rastignac 's idea .

  5. 作品《高老头》曾荣获第十届全国美术展览插画类优秀奖,并被浙江美术馆收藏。

    Li 's painting " Gao Lao Tou " won the Excellence Award in the illustration category of the10th National Exhibition of Fine Arts and is collected by Zhejiang Art Museum .

  6. 在《傲慢与偏见》和《高老头》两书里,财富对书中角色都极为重要,但珍.奥斯汀在书里提到确切的数额。

    Money is very important to the characters in both Pride and Prejudice and P è re Goriot , but Jane Austen is more precise in her text about the specific sums involved .

  7. 雷德高思勒这个老头儿,就是那种使人猝不及防的人,他一下子把你打倒,一下子又叫你站起来。

    Old Redgauntlet is * the true man for giving Scarborough warning * first knock you down , then did you stand .