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mò fēi
  • can it be that;is it possible that
莫非 [mò fēi]
  • (1) [can it be that] --表示反问语气,相当于难道

  • 你不赞成?你莫非不为全社着想?

  • (2) [is it possible that] --表示疑惑不定的推测语气,相当于别不是

  • 莫非这事就是他们干的?

莫非[mò fēi]
  1. 莫非他造塔的时候,竟没有想到塔是终究要倒的么?

    Can it be that when he built the pagoda it never occurred to him that it was bound to collapse some day ?

  2. 今天她没来,莫非又生了病不成?

    She is absent today . Can she be ill again ?

  3. 莫非写错了?

    Could it be that it was written wrongly ?

  4. 普天之下,莫非王土(《诗经》)

    All the land under heaven belongs to the king .

  5. 莫非宇宙早已经洞察到DannyDevito,MichaelJ.Fox和DustinHoffmann给世人所作出证明:

    Seems the universe has long known what Danny Devito , Michael J. Fox and Dustin Hoffmann later proved :

  6. 临时替代莫非特的是曾担任房地美董事会主席的约翰科斯基宁(JohnKoskinen)。

    Mr Moffett 's temporary replacement is John Koskinen , who had been serving as Freddie Mac 's board chairman .

  7. 路莫非比较骄傲的一个项目就是他帮助了Notadd团队,这个团队制作了基于PHP语言的编写软件。

    Lu Mofei says one of the start-ups he 's particularly proud of helping is a group behind a program called ' NOT Add , ' which creates software written in PHP language .

  8. 莫非岭上有什么野兽下来了吧?

    Perhaps some wild animals had come down from the hills .

  9. 我有时禁不住怀疑,莫非是他偷了我的钱。

    I sometimes used to wonder whether he stole my money .

  10. 莫非美国大兵攻打伊拉克是因为伊拉克的女人漂亮?

    Do American soldiers attacking Iraq because Iraq 's beautiful women ?

  11. 亚当:是啊,莫非定律以及诸如此类的嘛。

    Adam : yeah . murphy 's law and all that .

  12. 莫非他试图麻痹他的敌人?

    Was he trying to throw his enemies off their guard ?

  13. 莫非特,你正谋杀我,我在这垂死挣扎!

    Moffet , you 're killing me , I 'm dying here !

  14. 莫非你们也要作他的门徒吗?

    Do you want to become his disciples , too ?

  15. 莫非今天是神的末了一天么?

    Is today the limit of God 's working time ?

  16. 莫非你不晓得我有多爱你吗?

    Don 't you know how much I love you ?

  17. 我心中顿起疑云,莫非人家在考验我们?

    I was developing the queasy feeling that we were being tested .

  18. 至于喜剧片。我建议这部新的艾迪·莫非影片。

    As for comedies , I suggest this new Eddie Murphy film .

  19. 莫非你终于要带我去跳莎莎舞吗

    Don 't tell me you 're finally taking me salsa dancing !

  20. 莫非你,你已被黑暗吞噬转变了心意。

    Should you be swallowed by dark and break faith ?

  21. 莫非我正沿着沙丘走向永恒不成?

    Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand ?

  22. 皇上莫非想印一批门票,趁此机会捞一笔?

    So your majesty want to print some tickets to earn some money ?

  23. 莫非他企图把大伙都一网打尽来给他儿子报仇?

    Was he attempting to prepare a wholesale massacre to avenge his son ?

  24. 他们莫非得掠物而分?

    Have they not found and divided the spoil ?

  25. 非指者物莫非指也(否定了所旨的话,亦即是说「东西」就是「被指的」啰。)

    Explication is by deny so thing is a thing 's definition now .

  26. 莫非和我们生活在一起不快乐?

    Isn 't it happy to live with us ?

  27. 所有人都是皇帝的子民,无一例外。(大致相当于“率土之滨,莫非王臣”)

    All the people are the subjects of the emperor , without exception .

  28. 莫非你真的想“玩的就是英语”吗?

    Is it true that what you really want to play is English ?

  29. 莫非,小鸟是鲸鱼前世一滴灵魂的幻化?

    Is the bird from a tiny ray of the whale 's soul ?

  30. 莫非我们眼前的这座新安江水库就是千岛湖?

    Is it that the Xin'an River Reservoir is the very Qiandao Lake ?