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wèi cháng
  • have not;did not
未尝 [wèi cháng]
  • (1) [have not]--加在否定词前面,构成双重否定;不是

  • 这未尝不是一个好办法

  • (2) [did not]∶不曾

  • 终夜未尝合眼

  • 未尝不叹息。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 所未尝行。--《资治通鉴.唐纪》

  • 未尝识书具。--宋. 王安石《伤仲永》

  • 未尝有言。--明. 刘基《卖柑者言》

未尝[wèi cháng]
  1. 我们敢于走前人未尝走过的新路。

    We dare to break a path unbeaten before .

  2. 她一夜未尝合眼。

    She didn 't get a wink of sleep all night .

  3. 他未尝认真想过这事。

    He hasn 't given it serious thought .

  4. 他们的研究方法大多沿袭传统的均值一方差分析方法,但将VaR技术运用到寿险定价的利率风险管理中还未尝见到。

    There are many experts and life insurance workers studying on Interest Spread Risk from qualitative or quantitative ways by the mean-variance method , but writer has not yet found who analyzes Interest Spread Risk by VaR technique .

  5. 其一,一位与秋明石油公司有关联的债权人于1998年为一笔未尝账单对Chernogorneft公司提起诉讼。

    First , in1998 a TNK-related creditor sued Chernogorneft for an unpaid bill .

  6. 精英时代,未尝不好?

    The outstanding person time , has not had not well ?

  7. 美利坚合众国未尝打过一次败仗,也未尝赢过一次会议。

    The United States never lost a war or won a conference .

  8. 但在某些时候任性未尝不是一个优点。

    But in some times self-willed is also a merits .

  9. 我成功因为我志在成功,未尝犹豫。

    I succeed , because I will it , I never hesitated .

  10. 即使没有花,兴趣未尝短少;

    Even if there are no flowers , my interests are not reduced .

  11. 他未尝留下一样好处不给那些行动正直的人。

    No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly .

  12. 总体而言,这是未尝不是一件好事:安全席位会助长极端主义。

    On balance , that is a good thing : safe seats feed extremism .

  13. 是为了它那未曾请求,未尝晓得,没有忘得的小小的须要。

    It is for small needs it never asks , or knows or remembers .

  14. 以一个奇怪的,反其道而行之的角度来看,这也未尝没有道理。

    In a strange , backhanded sort of way , that seems to make sense .

  15. 值得庆幸的是,无声地震的发现亦未尝不是件好事儿。

    FORTUNATELY , the discovery of silent earthquakes is revealing more good news than bad .

  16. 未尝付金额为多少?

    What be the amount outstanding .

  17. 事事俱备,我可以说,未尝留意你已经离开。

    Everything ready so I can tell you I didn 't even notice you were gone .

  18. 爱情之盲目未尝不是好事,否则会看透。

    It 's a good thing love is blind , otherwise it would see too much .

  19. 有人至死心中痛苦,终身未尝福乐的滋味。

    And another dieth in the bitterness of his soul , and never eateth with pleasure .

  20. 或者在你无理地匆忙离开时可能丢弃的一些未尝付的债务?

    Or a few outstanding debts you chanced to mislay in your indecent haste to depart ?

  21. 就算华尔街的兽性只是被暂时压制,也未尝不是好事。

    If Wall Street 's animal spirits are even temporarily suppressed , that might be no bad thing .

  22. 于是,独首怡悦心神,玩味寂寞,十年间未尝疲倦。

    There he enjoyed his spirit and solitude , and for ten years did not weary of it .

  23. 如果是这样的话,那么拔掉你身上的电极然后直接回家未尝不是个好注意。

    In which case it may be a good idea to pull off your electrodes and just go home .

  24. 但它却产生了巨大的社会影响,对于现时也未尝不寓有醒世劝道之意义。

    However , they had great social influence , and at present they imply some advice that cautions the age .

  25. 神的话语应许说:祂未尝留下一样好处不给那些行动正直的人。

    The Word of God promises that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk blamelessly before Him .

  26. li>其实如果能让你尝试从不敢尝试之事,这也未尝不是好事。

    Well , it can be a good thing if it makes you try things you never might have tried .

  27. 其实如果能让你尝试从不敢尝试之事,这也未尝不是好事。

    Well . It can be a good thing if it makes you try things you never might have tried .

  28. 鲜荔枝的贮运困难,限制了其远运远销,不少消费者至今仍未尝过真正新鲜荔枝的味道。

    The factors really restrict the long distance transportation of litchi and let most people have never taste real fresh litchi .

  29. 社会有时就是这么现实,早点看透也未尝不是件好事。

    The society is sometimes so realistic that it is a good thing to see it through as early as possible .

  30. 当然,这对苹果而言可能未尝不是件好事,或许漫长的等待意味着接下来会有大动作。

    The cup could be half full for apple of course , with the long pause presaging a burst of activity .