
  • 网络future china;www.ccdtr.org
  1. 未来中国煤炭将主要用于发电,燃煤电站将因此成为CO2的主要排放源。

    In the future China will use its coal mainly for power generation , coal-firing power stations will thus become the main source of CO2 emission .

  2. 未来中国民法典的特性探析

    Analyzing the Character of Civil Code in Future China

  3. 如果现在小学、中学、大学都有很好的创新创业课程,锻炼学生的想象力,锻炼学生独立思考能力和突破能力,那么未来中国的创新就不是一个问题。

    Innovation will not be a problem if students start attending innovation courses and receive training on imagination and independent thinking starting in primary school .

  4. 我相信未来中国的农业是好。

    I believe the future of China 's agriculture is OK .

  5. MPV&未来中国汽车市场的主导车型

    MPV & the Leading Model on Chinese Auto Market in the Future

  6. 持宽带业务的网络结构,并适应未来中国电信经营移动业务的发展。

    It will match to the mobile business development in the future .

  7. 未来中国海外投资者法律定义之考量

    Reflections on China 's Legal Definition of the " Overseas Investor "

  8. 当下与未来中国音乐教育的核心生长点

    Core Growing Points of Contemporary and Future Chinese Music Education

  9. 论民族传统道德对社会变革方式的影响与未来中国道德建设

    Impact of Traditional Morals on Social Changes and Moral Building in China

  10. 清洁汽车&未来中国城市车辆发展的方向

    Clean vehicles - the new development trend of future Chinese urban vehicles

  11. 未来中国经济在全球化进程中处于什么位置?

    How would China position herself during the process of economy globalization ?

  12. 然后阐明了未来中国资本市场的发展模式。

    Then I expound development modes of Chinese capital market in the future .

  13. 未来中国家具工业的设计战略和产品策略

    The Design Strategy and Products Tactics of China 's Furniture Industry in Future

  14. 未来中国稀土企业&挑战与机遇并存

    Future China Rare Earth Enterprise ── Challenge and Chance

  15. 毋庸置疑,他们必将是未来中国社会的中坚力量。

    Needless to say , they will be the future backbone of China .

  16. 未来中国儿童研究的战略构想

    Strategic Visualization of Chinese Children Research in the Future

  17. 未来中国的油气资源前景探讨

    Discussion on the future of hydrocarbon resources in China

  18. 对未来中国音乐发展的思考

    The Consideration for the Development of Future Chinese Music

  19. 未来中国诗学的建立也应当是一种文明诗学。

    In the future the Chinese poetics should be a kind of civilization poetics .

  20. 三是中国哲学与世界哲学、世界文化的关系。一方主导和多元并存将可能是未来中国哲学的基本格局。

    The future Chinese philosophy might be a pluralistic structure with one guiding aspect .

  21. 走向中性&未来中国外资政策的取向及其影响

    Marching towards Neutrality & Orientation of Chinese Policies on Foreign Funds and Its Effects

  22. 未来中国森林碳蓄积预估初步研究

    The Research of Carbon 's Storage Capacity of China Forest Systems in the Future

  23. 这次国内政治格局的变化为未来中国社会的根本走向的变化奠定了基础。

    The change lay a basis for the general tendency of future Chinese society .

  24. 区际开放:左右未来中国区域经济差距的主要因素

    Inter-regional Opening : The Major Factor Dominating the Regional Economic Gap in the Future China

  25. 三个代表重要思想和未来中国哲学的发展

    The Important Theory of " Three Represents " and the Future Development of Chinese Philosophy

  26. 采用线性回归和自回归模型对未来中国石油消费量进行了预测;

    The future oil consumption was forecasted by using the linear regression and auto-regression models ;

  27. 提出中国交通系统合理化的概念,指标,拟订一种未来中国交通合理化的方案。

    The concept , indications and project of the china future traffic system are presented .

  28. 认真思考如何加强资本监管,如何抑制资本外逃,这不但是个深刻的理论问题,而且也是事关未来中国经济发展的重大实践问题。

    It is not only an important theoretic issue , but also a crucial pragmatic problem .

  29. 天津经济振兴及对未来中国经济发展的影响

    The Economic Prosperity of Tianjin and Its Effect on China 's Economic Development in the Future

  30. 预测未来中国大城市独生子女父母增长态势;

    To forecast the number of the parents of only child in the big cities of China ;