
wèi chénɡ shú ér
  • immature infant
  1. 重度未成熟儿致痉挛性脑瘫的MRI表现与分析

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Premature Infants with Severe Spastic Cerebral Palsy : Performance and Analysis of 66 Cases

  2. 目的分析未成熟儿视网膜病变(RetinopathyofPrematurity,ROP)的危险因素。

    Objective To analyze the risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity ( ROP ) .

  3. 152例PVL患儿中,发生于未成熟儿108例(71.1%)、足月儿44例(28.9%)。

    Of 152 cases with PVL , 108 cases ( 71.1 % ) were preterm infants and 44 cases ( 28.9 % ) were term infants .

  4. 目的评估未成熟儿视网膜病变的筛选情况。

    Objective To evaluate the screening examinations for retinopathy of premature infants in one hospital .

  5. 早产儿配方喂养与强化人乳喂养的未成熟儿体内锌平衡无明显差别

    Zinc homeostasis in premature infants does not differ between those fed preterm formula or fortified human milk

  6. 羊膜腔灌注术治疗前置胎盘未成熟儿的安全评估肠道水疗对早产儿黄疸的影响

    The safety of amnioinfusion in placenta praevia with premature infant . Influence of Colon Hydrotherapy on Premature Infant with Jaundice

  7. 婴儿死亡的前四位主要死因分别为先天异常、产伤和窒息、早产儿和未成熟儿、肺炎。

    The top 4 causes of infant death were congenital abnormalities , birth injuries and asphyxias , premature infants and pneumonia .

  8. 方法:62例中早产儿及足月未成熟儿32例,足月儿30例。

    Methods : Among the 62 cases , 32 were premature or full-term immature infants , 30 cases were full-term infants .

  9. 因此,未成熟儿、新生儿、婴幼儿期危重先天性心脏病外科治疗仍成为21世纪心脏外科的挑战。

    So cardiac surgery treatment toward critical congenital heart disease in premature neonates , neonates and infants remains a challenge in21th century .

  10. 对未成熟儿胎龄增加1周所产生的费用和住院时间变化的评估

    Estimates of the cost and length of stay changes that can be attributed to one-week increases in gestational age for premature infants

  11. 方法:31例中低体重儿21例,未成熟儿7例,足月儿3例。

    Methods : Of the 31 cases , 21 were intermediate low birth weight newborns , 7 immature infants , 3 full - term infants .

  12. 在醒觉安静和睡眠时出现病理性呼吸暂停的比例,足月儿为11.1%和33.3%,未成熟儿为0和28.6%;

    When the neonates were awake quite and sleeping , the percentages of pathological apnea were 11.1 % and 33.3 % in mature infants group .

  13. 本人成熟稳重、性格温和,有独特的男人魅力!给未成熟儿和足月新生儿输氧时要加温氧气。

    Oneself is mature and responsible , the personality geniality , have special man 's magic power ! Oxygen is heated before it is administrated to premature and full-term newborns .

  14. 新生儿学的变化:早产儿和小于胎龄儿研究项目(1983)与莱顿未成熟儿随访项目(1996&1997)两组极早产儿(胎龄<32周)队列的比较

    Changes in neonatology : Comparison of two cohorts of very preterm infants ( Gestational Age < 32 weeks ): The Project On Preterm and Small for Gestational Age Infants 1983 and the Leiden Follow-up Project on Prematurity 1996-1997

  15. 与亚欧美洲8国(1974~1976)比较,居第4位。死亡原因以未成熟及浸软儿、先天性畸形、缺氧、脐带胎盘情况为多数,与欧美等国略同。

    Congenital anomalies , hypoxia , disorders of the umbilical cord and placenta , and prematurity and macerated fetuses were the chief causes of death .

  16. 早产儿视网膜病(ROP)是未成熟早产儿或低出生体重儿的视网膜增殖性疾病,主要是由于未成熟儿视网膜发育不完善引起。

    Retinopathy of Prematurity is the immature preterm or low birth weight infants retinal proliferative diseases , mainly due to immature retinal development is not perfect cause .