
jūn huán
  • collarium;ring;loopful;annulus
菌环[jūn huán]
  1. 菌环、菌网及孢子具有一定的形态学特征。

    The rings and networks have some classificatory characteristics in morphology .

  2. 乳酸菌环丙烷脂肪酸合酶基因的克隆及其在大肠杆菌中的表达

    Cloning of Cyclopropane Fatty Acid Synthase Gene from Lactococcus Lactis and Expression in Escherichia Coli

  3. 长有白孢子菌环和长有蓝汁液的可食用的属;有些是可食用的;有些造成根部腐烂。

    Genus of edible mushrooms having white spores an annulus and blue juice ; some are edible ; some cause root rot.

  4. 在分离培养过程中,必须加入活的线虫第3期幼虫,以诱导菌株产生捕食性器官&菌环、菌网,并与其他真菌鉴别。

    In order to differentiate the nematode-destroying fungus from other fungi , the alive third larvae of nematode should be given for inducing the fungus to produce trapping organs ( rings and networks ) when it was isolated .

  5. 用布氏菌乳环抗原的5种血清学试验检测人畜布氏菌抗体的研究

    Study on 5 serological tests with Brucella antigen for milk ring test ( MRT ) detection Brucella antibodies in human and animals Brucellosis

  6. 幽门螺杆菌对大环内酯类抗生素的耐药机制及耐药性检测

    The mechanism and detection of Helicobacter pylori resistance to macrolides

  7. 内生菌对马铃薯环腐病的田间防效及增产作用

    Effect of Endophytic Bacteria to Control of Potato Ring Rot and Yield Improvement

  8. 地锦草提取物抗真菌作用及对红色毛癣菌角鲨烯环氧化酶的影响

    Antifungal Action of Euphorbia Humifusa Extracts and Effect on Squalene Epoxidase of Trichophyton Rubrum

  9. 甲烷利用菌催化烯烃环氧化的底物选择性,细胞失活原因及产物对映体组成

    Substrate Selectivity , Cell Deactivation , Enantiomeric Composition in Epoxidation of Alkenes Catalyzed by Methane - Utilizing Bacteria

  10. 随着抗生素长期广泛使用以及滥用,许多病原菌对大环内酯类抗生素产生耐药性,严重影响其在临床上的疗效,甚至导致治疗失败。

    Due to the extensive and abuse use of the antibiotics , the problem of bacterial resistance to macrolides has led to a decrease in therapeutic effect , and even no effect .

  11. 放线菌素D和环己亚胺处理后能抑制SOD活性,而使O2-产率明显增高。

    Actinomycin D and cycloheximide could also induce O2-generation accompanied by the inhibition of SOD activity .

  12. 经放线菌素D和环己亚胺分别与PEG一起处理,根及叶片ABA增加均明显受抑制,说明此ABA增加可能来源于组织的从头生物合。

    Having treated roots with PEG and Actinomycin D or Cycloheximide , the accumulation of ABA in roots and leaves were inhibited clearly .

  13. 微生物菌剂规模化培养技术的研究,是投菌法改善外环河水质项目研究中的一部分。

    Research on mass cultivation of microorganism was performed as a part of the study on the microorganism addition to improve the contaminated water quality of Wai Huan River .

  14. 结果表明:假单胞菌、乳酸菌、热死环丝菌和肠杆菌是构成冷却羊肉初始菌相的主要微生物;

    The results showed : Pseudomonas , Lactobacillus , Brochothix thermosphacta and the main microorganisms in the chilled mutton ;