
  • 网络pineapple peel
  1. 得到的改性菠萝皮渣纤维(MPPF-PY)对模拟溶液中的Cu2+、Cd2+和Pb2+具有高效去除能力。

    The prepared modified pineapple peel fibre ( MPPF-PY ) exhibited high Cu2 + , Cd2 + and Pb2 + adsorption capacity .

  2. 菠萝皮渣半纤维素多糖提取纯化及性质研究

    Extraction , Purification and Properties Researches of Hemi-cellulose Polysaccharides from Pineapple Peel

  3. 这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。

    It 's a drink made by steeping pineapple rind in water .

  4. 乳酸菌培养基-菠萝皮汁与MRS的对比试验

    Comparison of Pineapple Peel Juice and MRS used as Culture Media for Lactic Acid Bacteria

  5. 用菠萝皮、渣酿制白兰地的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Making Brandy with Peel and Dregs of Pineapple

  6. 大孔树脂纯化菠萝皮黄酮类化合物的研究

    Study on Purification Process of Pineapple Peel Flavonoids by Using Macroporous Resin

  7. 添加菠萝皮汁对黑木耳液体发酵的影响

    Influence of Increase Pineapple Skin Juice on Liquid Fermentation of Auricularia auricula

  8. 菠萝皮厌氧发酵产沼气的研究

    Study on pineapple peel biogas generation by anaerobic digestion

  9. 超声波辅助从菠萝皮中提取果胶的研究

    Extraction of Pectin from Pineapple Skin under Ultrasonic Irradiation

  10. 黑曲霉利用菠萝皮培养基发酵产果胶酶的研究

    Pectinase production by Aspergillus niger with pineapple peel medium

  11. 本文主要涉及菠萝皮渣的改性以及水凝胶的制备。

    This work involves in the chemical modification of pineapple peel and hydrogel preparation .

  12. 菠萝皮综合利用的研究动态

    Study Trends on Integrated Use of Pineapple Peel

  13. 菠萝皮的综合利用

    Comprehensive Utilization of Pineapple Peel

  14. 因此,菠萝皮渣的再利用是资源再生与环保的重要课题。

    Therefore , utilization of pineapple peel waste is a significant topic of resource recycle and environment protection .

  15. 以菠萝皮渣为原料,通过正交实验研究乳酸发酵菠萝皮渣制备膳食纤维的最佳工艺。

    The lactic acid fermentation conditions for production of dietary fiber from pineapple peel were studied by the orthogonal experiment .

  16. 目的:探讨采用草酸铵作为提取溶剂和超声波振荡处理法提取菠萝皮渣果胶的工艺条件。方法:以果胶提取率作为测定指标,通过正交实验,确定了菠萝皮渣果胶最佳提取工艺条件。

    Objective An extraction process for pectin from pineapple residue was studied using ammonium oxalate as the extraction solvent combined with ultrasonication .

  17. 先别怕,不是要你吃多刺的菠萝皮,而是中间较硬的菠萝果心。

    Don 't panic & it 's the tough core of the pineapple , not the prickly skin you should tuck into .

  18. 菠萝皮是菠萝果实加工过程中的废料,其营养成分与菠萝果实相近,具有利用价值。

    Pineapple peel is the waste of pineapple processing . As its nutrition is similar with pineapple pulp , so it has a great value of further processing .

  19. 主要结果如下:1分别采用溶剂提取和超声提取法提取菠萝皮中的多酚类物质,通过紫外分光光度计建立最佳的测定方法。

    The results are as follows : 1The solvent extraction and ultrasonic extraction of polyphenols from pineapples were studied . The optimal measurement was established by UV-Vis spectrophotometer .

  20. 可适用于水果摊、餐厅、家庭等削菠萝皮用,也可用于其它对软质物体上挖孔的场合。

    The dibble is applied in the fruit stands , restaurants and at home for pineapple peeling , and can be used for the digging of other soft objects .

  21. 结果表明,以香蕉假茎叶直接调配成的腐熟料不利于蚯蚓的生长,而菠萝皮渣腐熟料对蚯蚓生长无不良影响;

    The results showed that the feed decay directly from banana plant is unfavourable to the growth of earthworm , but that decay from pineapple bran do not inhibit the growth of earthworm .

  22. 本课题以菠萝皮为原料,采用溶剂和超声波对多酚类物质进行提取;采用树脂对其吸附和解吸性能进行研究;并对其中的多酚类物质进行鉴定,对其抗氧化能力及其相互作用进行研究。

    Solvent and ultrasonic extraction were used to extract polyphenols ; the resin was used to study the absorption and desorption of polyphenols . The types of polyphenolic compounds were identified . The antioxidant abilities and their antioxidant interactions were evaluated .

  23. 采用室内盆养方法研究了利用人工养殖蚯蚓的方法处理闽南地区废弃的香蕉假茎叶和菠萝加工皮渣。

    The treatment of waste banana plant and pineapple bran in South Min with earthworm by the inside pot raising have been studied .

  24. 菠萝加工的下脚料菠萝皮含有丰富的营养成分。

    There are plenty of nutritional components in the skin of pineapple .

  25. 研究以生产菠萝罐头的下脚料&菠萝皮和渣为原料生产白兰地酒的新工艺,发酵工艺条件对产品质量的影响的试验结果表明:在菠萝皮、渣自然酸度条件下可正常发酵;

    It was studied on new technology to make brandy with peel and dregs of pineapple . The results of effects of ferment technological conditions on brandy output and quality declare that ferment normally under natural acidity ;