
  • 网络Dole Plantation;Pineapple Fields;Borough Park;Pineapple
  1. 海南菠萝园土壤肥力衰退的研究

    Study on the Decline of Soil Fertility in Hainan 's Pineapple Orchards

  2. 不同种植年限菠萝园土壤肥力衰退的研究

    Study on the decline of soil fertility of pineapple orchards in Hainan

  3. 武鸣县一菠萝园菠萝植株全部失绿黄化,经诊断为锰过量导致生理性缺铁。

    Pineapple Chlorosis was occurred in an orchard in wuming county and was diagnosed as a physiological iron-deficiency caused by excessive manganese .

  4. 缅甸军队占领俯瞰戒毒看守所的两个山丘阵地,囚犯都工作在周围的菠萝园06:00。

    The Burma Army took positions on two hills overlooking the'treatment center ' , where inmates were required to work in the surrounding pineapple orchard , at06:00 .

  5. 以海南菠萝园为研究对象,通过调查取样分析表明,(1)随种植年限的延长及坡度的提高,土壤侵蚀量增加,菠萝园表层土壤石砾含量增加。

    The investigations and analysis of sample soil in Hainan pineapple orchard reveal the following results : ( 1 ) As the prolonging of planting life and the going up of ground slope , the contents of stone blocks in surface soil increase .

  6. 整个拉奈岛过去都是私人的菠萝种植园。

    The entire island of Lanai used to be a private pineapple farm .