
  • 网络Kilauea
  1. 在夏威夷的传统信仰中,基拉韦厄火山是火山女神贝莉(Pele)的家。自1952年以来,基拉韦厄火山至少爆发了34次。

    Since 1952 , there have been more than 34 eruptions at Kilauea , which in Hawaiian tradition is the home of Pele , the volcano goddess .

  2. 基拉韦厄火山南翼的突发无震断层滑动

    Sudden aseismic fault slip on the south flank of Kilauea volcano

  3. 基拉韦厄火山区的地震速率变化可作为应力计

    The use of earthquake rate changes as a stress meter at Kilauea volcano

  4. 基拉韦厄火山自1983年以来一直处于爆发期。

    Kilauea volcano has been in a constant state of eruption since 1983 .

  5. 冒纳罗亚山和基拉韦厄火山是世界上最大的两个活火山。

    Mauna Loa and Kilauea are two of the world 's largest active volcano .

  6. 从1983年开始,基拉韦厄火山就不断地喷发出炙热的液体岩石&熔岩。

    Kilauea has been releasing burning hot liquid rock called lava continuously since nineteen eighty-three .

  7. 离开游客游览中心,随后驾车来到距离11英里环绕基拉韦厄火山口陨石坑周边。

    Leaving the visitor center , follow Crater Rim Drive for11 miles encircles Kilauea Caldera .

  8. 这个大岛上的基拉韦厄火山附近这样的景象一直屡见不鲜。

    On the Big Island , scenes like this near Kilauea volcano are pretty common .

  9. 科学家们说,周日,基拉韦厄火山喷射的熔岩高达80英尺。

    Scientists say Kilauea was shooting lava as high as80 feet into the air on Sunday .

  10. 我们一直跟踪报道一场缓慢移动的灾难,这就是夏威夷基拉韦厄火山喷发出的熔岩。

    We 've been reporting on a slow moving disaster , a creeping lava flow from Hawaii 's Kilauea Volcano .

  11. 坐落在该岛最南端的基拉韦厄火山就是类金星火山最好的例子之一,它是岛上最年轻的火山,也是地球上最活跃的火山之一。

    One of the best examples of a Venus-like volcano is Kilauea , the youngest and southernmost volcano on the island , and one of the world 's most active .

  12. 我们继续往南行驶,停在了夏威夷大岛的希罗。我们已经在这里预订了一趟直升机短途旅行,从空中观看岩浆从基拉韦厄火山口流出。

    Continuing south , we stopped at Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii.Here we had pre-booked a Safari Helicopter ride to see rivers of lava flowing from the Kilauea Crater .