
  • 网络Sasha;Sacha
  1. 米歇尔在这个月早些时候已经和17岁的女儿萨莎一起观看过碧昂斯和Jay在巴黎举办的OTRII巡回演唱会的一场小型演出了。

    Michelle has already enjoyed one gig from Beyonce and Jay 's OTR II tour , attending the Paris date with 17-year-old daughter Sasha earlier in the month .

  2. 时尚博客LibertyLondonGirl的博主萨莎•威尔金斯(SashaWilkins)总结道,“Instagram的粉丝数一旦达到50万,就可以主动开价——在Instagram上的时装代言费1万英镑。”

    Sasha Wilkins of Liberty London Girl , sums it up when she says , " Once you hit half a million followers on Instagram you can start writing your own cheques - £ 10000 for a post with you wearing something . "

  3. “我在这呢,萨莎,”他安慰说。

    " I have you , Sasha ," he said soothingly .

  4. 克拉克,萨莎现在在一号线找你。

    Clark , I 've got Sara on line one out here .

  5. 听着,萨莎,你决定谁去。

    Look , sasha , you decide who the better man is .

  6. 萨莎,真的是�

    if it wasn 't for you . Sasha , it is you .

  7. 萨莎醒来感到很倦怠。

    Sasha woke up feeling tired and sluggish .

  8. 在黑色和白色基调,诺尔斯是因为她的表演改变自我萨莎激烈。

    In a black and white tone , Knowles is performing as her alter ego Sasha Fierce .

  9. 11岁的萨莎•奥巴马告诉父亲说:爸爸,做得好。

    Good job , Dad . You didn 't mess up , 11-year-old Sasha Obama told her father .

  10. 玛利亚和萨莎,在一种和普通青少年成长环境不同的氛围中,你们成长为两位让人惊艳的少女,

    Malia and Sasha , under the strangest of circumstances , you have become two amazing young women .

  11. 同样在奥运名单之列的还有萨莎•科恩(排第二)和萨拉•休斯(排第三)。

    Joining her on the team were Sasha Cohen ( second ) and Sarah Hughes ( third ) .

  12. 玛莎和萨莎对她们的邻居米沙极其厌倦,因为他总是向她们借东西。

    Masha and Sasha were fed up with their neighbour Masha because he was always borrowing things from them .

  13. 去椭圆形办公室前,他同他的女儿们,11岁的玛莉娅和8岁的萨莎一起吃早餐。

    He eats breakfast with his daughters , 11-year-old Malia and8-year-old Sasha , before heading to the Oval Office .

  14. 米歇尔和萨莎打来电话祝他生日快乐,午饭时分玛丽亚也打来了电话。

    Mrs. Obama and Sasha phoned in their happy birthday wishes , followed by a lunchtime call from Malia .

  15. 参加仪式的都是直系亲属,包括第一夫人米歇尔和两个女儿玛利亚和萨莎。

    He was surrounded by immediate family members , including first lady Michelle Obama and daughters , Malia and Sasha .

  16. 谢谢收看。米歇尔、玛莉亚、萨莎、波和我一起祝大家新年快乐。

    Thanks for watching , and from Michelle , Malia , Sasha , Bo and myself , Happy New Year .

  17. 回到庆祝晚会上,奥巴马和他的家人&米歇尔,萨莎和玛丽亚;

    Back at his victory party , Obama walked onstage surrounded by his family & Michelle , Sasha and Malia ;

  18. 透过窗户,奥巴马可以看到女儿萨莎和玛丽亚在去年春天为她们搭建的游乐器械上玩耍。

    Out the window , the president can watch daughters Sasha and Malia climb on theplayscape erected for them last spring .

  19. 我代表我最爱的美国人,米歇尔,玛丽亚,萨莎,波,祝所有人圣诞快乐。

    And on behalf of my favourite Americans , Michelle , Malia , Sasha and Bo , Merry Christmas , everybody .

  20. 马莉娅和萨莎,当我们亲爱的爷爷宣誓就任美国第41任总统的时候我们才7岁。

    Sasha and Malia , we were seven when our beloved grandfather was sworn in as the41st President of the United States .

  21. 小乔利安,他的妻子,他的两个孩子,以及他的狗巴尔萨莎尔,都在外面的梨树下。

    Young Jolyon , his wife , his two children , and his dog Balthasar , were out there under a pear-tree .

  22. 奥巴马夫人的母亲玛丽安罗宾森、奥巴马夫人的两个女儿玛丽亚和萨莎,都将陪同奥巴马夫人前来访华。

    Mrs. Obama 's mother , Marian Robinson , will accompany her , as will Mrs. Obama 's daughters , Malia and Sasha Obama .

  23. 总统:因此,我们谨代表玛莉亚、萨莎、波波、撒尼以及在白宫过节的所有人,祝大家圣诞节快乐!

    THE PRESIDENT : So on behalf of Malia , Sasha , Bo , Sunny , and everyone here at the White House-Merry Christmas .

  24. 他告诉人群说,他希望他的女儿玛莉亚和萨莎不要看到他在妻子演讲时落泪。

    He told the crowd he hopes his daughters , Malia and Sasha , do not see him tear up during his wife 's remarks .

  25. 第一夫人透露说,她们送给奥巴马的礼物与运动有关。萨莎在一旁补充说道:“是他喜欢的东西。”

    The First Lady divulged that her husband could expect something related to sports , with Sasha adding : " It 's something he likes . "

  26. 奥巴马在第一夫人米歇尔和女儿玛丽亚、萨莎的帮助下,按下按钮,点亮了圣诞树,这项一年一度的传统始于上世纪20年代。

    First lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha helped President Barack Obama press a button to light the tree , an annual tradition since the1920s .

  27. 她曾因为找不到保姆而带着年幼的女儿萨莎(现在7岁)去芝加哥大学医院参加面试。

    In a job interview with University of Chicago Hospitals , she brought along baby daughter Sasha ( now7 ) because she couldn 't find a baby sitter .

  28. 萨莎和约瑟夫交往两年后于2012年结婚,但是两人从2007年在大学的一场足球赛上相识后就一直是朋友。

    The couple married in August 2012 after dating for two years - but the soulmates had been friends since meeting during an American Football game at university in 2007 .

  29. 美国总统奥巴马与妻子米歇尔,女儿萨莎和玛利亚刚刚结束在夏威夷的度假,返回白宫。

    VACATION 'S OVER : President Barack Obama , wife Michelle and their daughters , Sasha and Malia , returned Monday to the White House after their vacation in Hawaii .

  30. 在我来荷兰之前,我和我的夫人与你的夫人米歇尔和你的岳母罗宾逊女士和你的两个可爱的女儿玛利亚和萨莎,我们见了面。

    Before departing Beijing , my wife and I met your wife , Michelle , your mother-in-law , Mrs. Robinson , and your two lovely daughters , Malia and Sasha .