
  • Ge You;【人名】You Ge
  1. 葛优在电影《手机》里扮演主角。

    Ge You played the lead role in the film , the Mobile phone .

  2. 芦:在这方面葛大爷(葛优)就做得特别好。

    Lu : In this regard Ge uncle ( Ge You ) to do particularly well .

  3. 在国产片中,电影巨星姜文和葛优出演主要角色

    Megastars Jiang Wen and Ge You take the lead roles in this Chinese ( / homemade ) film

  4. 这部功夫巨片拥有一个包括刘德华、刘若英和葛优在内的全明星阵容。

    The martial-arts epic has an all-star cast , including Andy Lau , Rene Liu and Ge You .

  5. 昨日下午,记者拨打葛优的手机,结果电话被转到了秘书台。

    Yesterday afternoon , reporterdialed Ge You the handset , finally the telephone changed to secretary . Afterwards , reporter sends a telegram Mr.

  6. 《非诚勿扰》由中国著名导演冯小刚指导,葛优和舒淇主演,是2010年推出的贺岁电影。

    " if you are the one " was directed by famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang . It 's a New Year 's film for greeting the year of2010 and achieved great success .

  7. 在冯导最近的一部爱情喜剧片《非诚勿扰》中,葛优依旧是男一号,该片在去年大受欢迎同时也摘得了国内票房总冠军。

    Ge is also Feng 's leading man in his latest romantic comedy , last year 's hugely popular If You Are the One , which became the highest grossing movie in China .