
  • 网络After the Funeral;After the Funeral / Funerals Are Fatal
  1. 葬礼之后,所有住在wisterialane人都来表示他们对我的怀念和尊敬,就像人们在这种情况下通常会做的,他们送来点吃的。

    After the funeral , all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects . And as people do in this situation , they brought food .

  2. 葬礼之后,他就成了家里的常客。

    After the funeral , he was a constant presence .

  3. 为一名反政府抗议者举行葬礼之后,数千名悼念者试图回到首都麦纳麦的珍珠广场(PearlSquare)。

    Thousands of mourners tried to return to Pearl Square in Manama , the capital , after a funeral for an anti-government protester .

  4. 在我的葬礼之后的第七天,Wisterialane的生活逐渐正常,嗯,我的一些朋友……很不幸。

    Seven days after my funeral , life on Wisteria Lane finally returned to normal . Which , for some of my friends , was unfortunate .

  5. 刚开始,在4月18日市警察局门外和4月25日巴尔的摩市政厅,只有几场非暴力示威。4月27日,Gray的葬礼之后,事情就愈演愈劣。

    However , while there were a couple of peaceful protests outside the local police station on April 18th and the Baltimore City Hall on April 25th , things really escalated a few hours after Gray 's funeral on April 27th .

  6. 在德克兰葬礼之后他把偷渡者酒吧关掉

    After Declan 's funeral , he packed up the Stowaway

  7. 参加他父亲的葬礼之后,他心情沉重地回家了。

    He returned home with a heavy heart after his father 's funeral .

  8. 他的葬礼之后你就逃之夭夭了。

    You ran away the day after his funeral .

  9. 葬礼之后又过了五个月,我起身下床。

    Five months after the funeral , I lifted myself up out a bed .

  10. 葬礼之后,我的生活改变了。

    After the funeral , my life changed .

  11. 葬礼之后,总统的骨灰葬在阿灵顿国家公墓。

    After the funeral , the President 's remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery .

  12. 举行了隆重的葬礼之后,在全镇的人一致同意下,她就那样做了。

    She did it the support of the whole town and with a magnificent funeral .

  13. 葬礼之后,紫藤巷所有的居民都来表达他们(对死者)的缅怀。

    After the funeral , all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects .

  14. 经历过几百个甚至几千个葬礼之后,那的确不一样。

    And having been through literally hundreds if not thousands of funerals , it makes a difference .

  15. 自从那次葬礼之后,我就看出些端倪了。

    From the moment I saw him at the funeral , I could tell there was something different .

  16. 又一次,迈克出现了。葬礼之后,他就成了家里的常客。

    And , once again , there was Mike . After the funeral , he was a constant presence .

  17. 葬礼之后,所有送葬穿的衣服都会被烧掉,以避免与死亡相关的厄运。

    After the funeral , all clothes worn by the mourners will be burned in order to avoid the bad luck associated with death .

  18. 葬礼之后不到一个星期的时间里,许多镇里的居民也都患上了这种令人逐渐衰弱的疾病并陷入了昏迷。

    Barely a week after her burial , many of the townspeople had been stricken with the same debilitating illness and fallen into a comatose state .

  19. 在霍姆斯主要的清真寺为一天前枪击案的受害者举行葬礼之后,数千名抗议者于周一聚集在该广场。

    Thousands of protesters had gathered in the square Monday after the funeral service at Homs " main mosque for victims of shootings a day earlier .

  20. 12月16日曼德拉葬礼之后,这一铜像在比勒陀利亚政府大厦外公布,据称这是这位南非领导人最大的雕像。

    The bronze memorial , which was unveiled outside the government complex in Pretoria , after Mandelas funeral on December 16 , is billed as the largest statue of the South African leader in the world .

  21. 我们最后一次碰面是六年前在美国我们母亲的葬礼之上,之后我再也没有他的消息。

    We had last seen each other six years ago at our mother 's funeral in America . I had not heard from him since .

  22. 葬礼的七天之后,WisteriaLane的生活最终回复正常。

    Seven days after my funeral , life on Wisteria Lane finally returned to normal .

  23. 你渐渐地想到自己的葬礼,三年之后,躺在那棺材里的人会是你。

    And you come to a growing awareness that it is your funeral , that it is you in that casket , three years from now .