
  • 网络The University of Montana
  1. 来自奥勒冈州波特兰刘易斯克拉克学院的莱斯利?巴克斯特(LeslieBaxter)与密苏里市蒙大拿大学教授威廉?威尔莫特(WilliamWilmot)联合进行了一项研究,他们访问了90名大学生,旨在了解他们与异性的关系。

    In a classic study led by Leslie Baxter at Lewis and Clark College in Portland , Oregon , and William Wilmot at the University of Montana , Missoula , a team of researchers interviewed 90 undergraduate students about their relationships with people of the opposite sex .

  2. 想必您是在蒙大拿大学执教?

    You must teach at the University of Montana ?

  3. 我是杰克·坎贝尔蒙大拿大学校长

    This is Jack Campbell speaking The President of the University of Montana .

  4. 蒙大拿大学的肯尼思?戴尔进行了一系列的实验。

    Kenneth Dial of the University of Montana carried out a series of experiments .

  5. 兰根通过在工地打工、当森林消防员积攒学费,终于在一年半后进入了蒙大拿州立大学。

    A year and a half later , after working in construction and as a forest firefighter , he enrolled at Montana State University .