
  • 网络Mengshan National Forest Park
  1. 调查、分析了蒙山国家森林公园的植物区系、类型、演替和森林植物景观资源的构成,对公园的森林植物景观资源特征进行了综合评价,提出了植物景观资源旅游开发与保护的构想。

    Through investigating , analyzing the floras , their succession and constitute of the landscape of plant resources in Mengshan National Forest Park , this paper conducted and evaluated the landscape of plant resources and conception of their exploitation and protection .

  2. 根据定量分析,蒙山国家森林公园风景资源质量达到了一级标准;蒙山达到了国家AAA级旅游区标准。

    At quantitative analysis , Mount Meng reach the first class standard by national scenery of forest park resource qualities and has reached national AAA grade of tourist zone standards .

  3. 蒙山国家森林公园的可持续发展

    Sustainable Development of the National Forest Park in Meng Mountain

  4. 在对云蒙山国家森林公园旅游活动中常见的一些游客问题进行了分析与评价之后确定通过游客教育技术对游客乱扔垃圾行为施加影响。

    After discussing some main problems caused by visitors in Yunmeng Shan National Forest Park , visitor education is chosen to be used to influence littering .

  5. 对云蒙山国家森林公园全线路径普查结果表明在公园路径上存在着土壤侵蚀、水淹、树木根系裸露等问题。其中土壤侵蚀问题最突出。

    Trail survey demonstrated that there were erosion , unofficial trail , muddiness , tree root exposure and tree damage problems on the trail in the park .