
  • 网络Mondeo;ford mondeo
  1. 蒙迪欧致胜来自福特欧洲研发中心,深得欧洲车在操控方面的精髓,扎实的底盘和悬挂成为致胜的一招杀手锏。

    Ford Mondeo from winning the European R & D center , won the European car in the manipulation of the essence , a solid chassis and suspension as a move winning killers reach .

  2. 目前,福特蒙迪欧-致胜的预售正在全面展开,受到了全国各地消费者的青睐和高度认可。

    At present , Mondeo-Zhisheng is being pre-sold across the board and is highly favored and well recognized by consumers nationwide .

  3. 蒙迪欧-致胜的用户除了是商海中的弄潮儿,是胜者,同样也要做崇高责任的担当者,要以爱和智慧赢取天道人心。

    The winner is not only a conqueror , but also an undertaker of responsibilities , winning support with love and wisdom .

  4. 所谓顾名思义,汉语的博大精深赋予了“致胜”深刻的含义,辉映蒙迪欧-致胜及其用户不同凡响的内涵。

    The Chinese language has given " Zhisheng " deep and abundant meanings , implying the remarkable features of the car and the excellence of its users .

  5. “胜”,也寄寓着长安福特马自达汽车将蒙迪欧-致胜打造成中国中高级车市新标杆的雄心壮志和一往无前的信心。

    " Sheng " also symbolizes Changan Ford Mazda 's great ambition and confidence in building Mondeo-Zhisheng into a new benchmark in China medium to high-end car market .

  6. 蒙迪欧-致胜是福特欧洲有史以来科技含量最高、工艺最精良的旗舰车型,是一款在设计、配置和技术上均不同于现有蒙迪欧的全新产品。

    Being an all-new flagship model different from current Mondeo in design , configuration and technology , it features the best-ever technology and art in Ford Europe 's history .

  7. 作为与这些成功商业人士身份相吻合、操控驾驭性卓越、工艺精湛的高品质座驾,蒙迪欧-致胜很好的体现了他们沉稳、睿智、富有激情的普遍共性,以及追求品味的性格特征。

    As the high-quality car well matched with these successful businessmen , Ford-Mondeo reflects their common features of being composed , wise , exciting as well as enjoying good tastes .

  8. “致”,俨然成为贯穿蒙迪欧-致胜车主工作和生活的一种态度:工作时,全力以赴、成就极致;生活中,创意无限、享受极致。

    " Zhi " has become Mondeo users'attitude to work and life : doing everything to its best in the office while enjoying life heartily with limitless originality at home .

  9. 蒙迪欧-致胜在批售市场的持续成功,充分证明蒙迪欧-致胜在政府采购市场已经建立良好的品牌声誉,包括品质、绿色、安全、智能以及性价比。

    The continuous success in the fleet market means that Mondeo-Zhisheng has built up our brand image in terms of quality , Green , Safety , Smart and Value for Money .

  10. 作为把福特欧洲“动感设计”理念体现得淋漓尽致的扛鼎之作,福特蒙迪欧-致胜精湛的工艺、精致的设计和领先的科技,均发挥到极致。

    As an excellent work with Ford " Kinetic Design " concept , the car shows its irresistible attraction with its fine art , subtle design and leading technology , which are all developed to the extreme .