
lán xiànɡ
  • blue phase
  1. 近30年来,液晶蓝相受到广泛的关注,研究表明蓝相一相(BPⅠ)和蓝相二相(BPⅡ)的物理性质有空间群对称性。

    During recent 30 years , The blue phase of liquid crystal has attracted much attention . The physical nature of BPI ( the first subphase of blue phase ) and BPII ( the second subphase of blue phase ) have the symmetry of space group .

  2. 热致胆甾液晶的蓝相

    Blue Phase of Thermotropic Cholesteric Liquid Crystals

  3. 蓝相Ⅲ(BPⅢ)是液晶中蓝相的一个子相。

    The blue phase ⅲ is one product phase of blue phase in the liquid crystals .

  4. 此外,M1,M3与M5在降温过程还出现了蓝相的立方织构。

    In addition , M1 , M3 and M5 also showed the cubic texture of blue phase on the cooling process .

  5. 目前关于液晶蓝相的理论研究,大都是采用Ginzburg-Landau理论来研究的。

    As far as the theoretical description of the blue phases of chiral liquid crystals is concerned , Ginzburg - Landau theory has been using up to now .

  6. 液晶向列相和蓝相的研究

    Study on Nematic and Blue Phase in Liquid Crystals

  7. 所有的蓝相全部展示可见光的布拉格反射。

    All of them exhibit selective Bragg reflections in the range of visible light .

  8. 这一理论可推广用来讨论蓝相的分子理论。

    This theory can be generalized to discuss the molecular theory of the blue phases .

  9. 液晶中的蓝相Ⅲ

    Blue Phase ⅲ of Liquid Crystals

  10. 慢慢地,朵朵柔粉色的云纷纷漂浮而过与这些蓝相交融。

    Slowly , the blues were joined by soft pinks that found wispy clouds drifting by .

  11. 简述了小分子蓝相的研究现状及聚合物稳定的小分子蓝相和聚合物蓝相的研究进展。

    Describes the research status of low-molecule blue phase and the research progress in polymer-stabilized low-molecule blue phase and polymer blue phase .

  12. 我们提出利用横向电场诱导的方法实现蓝相液晶透镜,这一方案可以使利用的双折射率差接近于蓝相材料的最大双折射率差。

    We use the horizontal electric field to induce the phase shift which can almost produce the birefringence of the blue phase LC .

  13. 相比之下联萘类偶氮化合物光致异构造成蓝相液晶选择性反射波长的迁移方向和直链偶氮化合物正好相反。

    Compared with the linear azo compounds , the migration direction of selective reflection wavelength caused by the photoisomerization of azo compounds with binaphthyl structure is opposite .

  14. 第一部分工作中采用量子理论是出液晶向列相和蓝相的研究于物理原因,而第二部分工作中是出于数学方法的原因。

    In the first part it is used is due to the physical reason , while in the second part is due to the mathematical method reason .

  15. 对蓝相液晶显示模式的阈值电压和响应时间进行了理论分析,建立了一个简单模型,模拟计算了该显示模式的电光特性。

    The threshold voltage and the response time of the blue phase liquid crystal mode were theoretically analyzed , and numerically simulate the electro-optic characteristics using a simple model .

  16. 胶体碳微球的活化及其亚甲基蓝液相吸附性能的研究

    Research on activation of the colloidal carbon spheres and its methylene-blue solution adsorptive performance

  17. 蓝片岩相以钠质问石+绿帘石共生为特征,在A带的大面积绿片岩中呈条带或残片状分布。

    The blueschist is characterized by the coexistence of sodic amphibole and epidote and occurs as bands or remnants in the extensive greenschist of belt A.

  18. 与聚亚甲基蓝膜相比较,该纳米复合材料对溶解氧还原的检测灵敏度明显提高并能有效抵抗大分子的干扰。

    Compared with PMB film , the nanocomposite material provided a significantly improved sensitivity for reduction of DO and an excellent ability to resist interference from macromolecule contaminants .

  19. 与蓝果实越橘相区别的任何一种黑果实越橘。

    Any of various dark-fruited as distinguished from blue-fruited blueberries .

  20. Ag~+/ZnO纳米晶的制备及对亚甲基蓝的异相光催化行为

    Synthesis of Ag ~ + / ZnO coupled nanoparticles and their heterogeneous photocatalysis of MB in aqueous suspension

  21. 硬玉-蓝闪石型相系

    Jadeite-glaucophane type facies series

  22. 该品牌的每款鞋子都有着蓝色的鞋底,与西方结婚要有蓝的习俗相呼应,预示着会给新娘带来好运。

    Each gorgeous shoe from the collection has a blue sole , incorporating the age-old tradition of what a bride should wear at her wedding for good luck .

  23. 北祁连山硬柱石蓝片岩p-T条件相平衡计算及其岩石学意义

    P-T condition and phase equilibrium of lawsonite-blueschists in northern Qilian Mountains and its petrologic significance

  24. 磷钼杂多蓝作为反应控制相转移催化剂

    Heteropoly Blue as Reaction-controlled Phase-transfer Catalyst