
  • 网络Vigorous
  1. 作为物流系统中的一个重要方面&集装箱运输业的发展正蓬勃向上。

    As a logistics system is an important aspect - the development of container transport industry is vigorous .

  2. 高校数字图书馆建设作为图书馆建设新阶段,充满了蓬勃向上的时代气息。

    The construction of the digital library of the university library construction as the new stage , filled with vigorous spirit of The Times .

  3. 在我国,旅游业的发展势头蓬勃向上,旅游业在GDP中所占的比重不断趋升,旅游收入对财政所作的贡献也越来越大。

    In our country , with the development of tourism and its growing ratio in GDP , the contribution of tourism income to finance is greater and greater .

  4. 上海是座蓬勃向上的特大型城市。

    Shanghai is a thriving and robust megalopolis .

  5. 看看妻子的生活多么美好,蓬勃向上;

    Look at her life & how fair it was , and tending ever upward ;

  6. 中国社会的方方面面包括基础研究都呈现出蓬勃向上的发展势头。

    Every aspect of Chinese society seems to be developing explosively , including basic research .

  7. 在我看来,竞技运动本身就带着蓬勃向上,超越极限的精神。

    From my piont of view , competition sports in itself contains spirits of upholding and conquering limits .

  8. 一种全新的经济形态正蓬勃向上,表现出强大的生命力,并一跃成为世界范围内的新热点。

    A new economic model appears powerful life force and jumps to be the new hot spotting of the field .

  9. 文化、教育、科技等各项社会事业蓬勃向上,人心思进,矢志发展。

    Thanks to wholehearted and enterprising Jize people , the culture , education , science and technology etc are progressing vigorously .

  10. 今天的非洲是一个充满希望的大陆,是一片渴求发展的热土,处处涌动着蓬勃向上、奋发进取的生机与活力。

    Africa today is a continent full of hope ; it is a continent brimming with vitality and a continent thirsty for development .

  11. 凯瑟试图打破西方男权社会传统思维的二元对立思想,塑造了三位性格坚毅、蓬勃向上的拓荒女性。

    Cather tried to break the binary antinomy in traditional thinking in western patriarchal society and shaped three fortitude and positive female pioneers .

  12. 废旧立新、蓬勃向上、多元并举、百花齐放的时代精神,使这一时期的畅销书出版传播整体上呈现生动活泼的气象。

    Waste Lixin , vigorous , " multiple simultaneously ", " Hundred Flowers " spirit of the times , which presents a lively publishing phenomenon .

  13. 索尔斯克亚将权力移交给沃伦。乔希,他留下的是一支天赋出众蓬勃向上的球队。

    As Ole Gunnar Solskjaer hands over the reins to Warren Joyce , he can rest assured that he leaves behind a burgeoning bunch of talents .

  14. 不仅丰富了学员们的课余生活,有效调动了大家的学习积极性,还充分展现了学员们蓬勃向上、积极进取的精神面貌。

    Furthermore , these activities enlivened our extracurricular time , effectively mobilized the learning initiative , and fully demonstrated the vigorous , upward and positive character .

  15. 龙群,一个充满蓬勃、向上的名字,恰如它的标微所示,充满生机和蓬勃向上的生命力。

    Long group , one full of vibrant , progressive name , just as it is shown in the standard micro-and full of vitality and vigorous vitality .

  16. 上海市恒泰律师事务所是一家严谨、高效、蓬勃向上的合作制律师事务所。

    Heng Tai Law Office (" Heng Tai "), is a modern law office which takes pride in its rigorous and efficient approach to its legal work .

  17. “歌海人”是一个年轻团结、高素质且富有进取心,蓬勃向上的团体,公司汇集平面设计、音乐、影视策划编辑制作、庆典演出活动策划的资深人士。

    Sea Songis a young unity , and a high-quality initiative , vigorous groups , companies pooling graphic design , music , editing video production planning , senior planning celebrations performances .

  18. 在经济快速发展的世界各国中,往往都是通过促进本国的知识经济蓬勃向上和文化财富的积聚发展,这两者成为文化产品的贸易手段。

    Rapid economic development in the country in the world are often knowledge-based economy by promoting vigorous national and cultural development of wealth accumulation , both as means of cultural products trade .

  19. 欢迎您加入这个充满活力、蓬勃向上的团队,愿西博苑实业有限公司的工作成为您事业的新起点。

    Welcome to join this vigorous team with full of vitality . It 's a sincere wish from Xiboyuan Industrial Co. , Ltd for you as a new starting point of your career .

  20. 近些年来动画产业有了蓬勃向上的发展,已经在很多发达国家成为文化支柱产业,拥有了数亿消费市场。

    In recent years animation industry has been developed vigorously , and it has become one of the cultural pillar industries in many developed countries , with hundreds of millions of consumer market .

  21. 星期五的开幕式是七年来改造北京的点睛之作。也充分展示了蓬勃向上的中国经济,如今中国的经济在世界已经排列第四。

    Friday 's ceremony caps seven years of work that has reshaped Beijing and sets the seal on an industrial boom that has turned the country into the world 's fourth largest economy .

  22. 正如德国也有其强大的德国中小型企业作为其经济的支柱,中国有(过度了的)民营企业家这个蓬勃向上的群体:一丛疯狂生长的青竹资本主义。

    Just as Germany has its mighty Mittelstand , the backbone of its economy , so China has a multitude of vigorous ,( very ) private entrepreneurs : a fast-growing thicket of bamboo capitalism .

  23. 唐代前期妇女的服饰表现出前所未有的开放意识,充满追求健康的外形美和充满蓬勃向上的气息。

    Apparel and accessories of women in former Tang Dynasty has shown the opening consciousness which has never been seen before . It was full of tinge which pursuing external beauty healthfully and flourishes .