
péng lái
  • Penglai;a fabled abode of immortals
蓬莱 [péng lái]
  • [a fabled abode of immortals] 又称蓬壶。神话中渤海里仙人居住的三座神山之一(另两座为方丈、瀛洲)

  • 蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看。--李商隐《无题》

蓬莱[péng lái]
  1. 浩瀚的东海里,有一只大鳌,它头顶着蓬莱仙山,在大海中浮游,有时飞腾跃上云霄,有时下潜沉人海底。

    In the vast East China Sea , there was a huge turtle . It carried the Penglai Fairy Mountain on its head , floated and swam in the great sea , sometimes soaring into the sky and sometimes diving to the bottom of the sea .

  2. 伯牙的老师知道他的想法后,就带他乘船到东海的蓬莱岛上,让他欣赏大自然的景色,倾听大海的波涛声。

    Knowing what was in his mind , his teacher took him to the penglai Island , a fabled2 abode3 of immortals4 , on the East China Sea by boat . On the island , his teacher let him enjoy the natural scenarios5 and listen to the roaring of the great waves .

  3. 应用X射线衍射分析胶北蓬莱群板岩中的变质作用

    Analysing slate metamorphism of Penglai group in North Shandong by X ray diffraction

  4. 基于RS和GIS的土地利用动态变化与机制分析&以山东省蓬莱市为例

    Analysis of Land-use Dynamic Change in Penglai City Based on RS and GIS and its Mechanism

  5. 蓬莱附近海区水下地形的星载合成孔径雷达遥感SAR影像的海浪信息反演

    Spaceborne SAR observations of underwater bottom topography off the north coast of Penglai The Retrieval of Ocean Wave Information from SAR Images

  6. 新场气田蓬莱镇组气藏XP2井加砂压裂效果解析数模

    A Analytical Model for Evaluating Sand Fracturing Effects in XP_2 Well in the Xinchang Gas Field

  7. [方法]2000~2004年先后对蓬莱市25家饮用纯净水生产企业生产的饮用纯净水进行采用,按照GB17324-1998《瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准》规定的检验方法和评价标准进行检测和评价。

    [ Methods ] Samples of the purified water were collected from 25 companies during 2000-2004 , which were tested and evaluated by " Hygienic standard of bottled purified water for drinking "( GB 17324-1998 ) .

  8. 蓬莱玄武岩的裂变径迹年龄及其地质意义

    Fission track ages of the Penglai basalt and their geologic significance

  9. 水源热泵机组在蓬莱酒店的应用

    Application of Water Source Heat Pump Unit in Peng Lai Hotel

  10. 蓬莱葡萄及葡萄酒产业发展动力研究

    Study on Development Engine of Grape and Wine Industry for Penglai

  11. 海南蓬莱蓝宝石的光致发光谱学特征及意义

    A Study on Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Sapphire from Penglai , Hainan

  12. 山东蓬莱沿海鱼类的初步调查

    A Preliminary Survey of Fishes in the Littoral Waters of Penglai Shandong

  13. 蓬莱市域西北部沿海现代海岸侵蚀灾害研究

    Study of Present Erosion Disaster in Northwest Coastal Area of Penglai City

  14. 海南蓬莱刚玉巨晶中铌(钽)铁矿包裹体及其意义

    Tantalic columbite inclusions in corundum Megacrysts in penglai , Hainan

  15. 铬铁矿的钠盐化焙烧蓬莱盐化信息化建设实践

    Practice of Informationization Construction in Penglai Salt and Chemical Corporation

  16. 对蓬莱配网系统运行进行了分析。

    This paper analyses the running of the Penglai distribution automation system .

  17. 蓬莱古战船及其复原研究

    Research into an Ancient Penglai Combat Vessel and Its Recovery

  18. 蓬莱蕉属的任何植物;常作为室内盆栽植物。

    Any plant of the genus Monstera ; often grown as houseplants .

  19. 蓬莱海洋极地世界是亚洲最大的海洋世界。

    Ocean Aquarium of Penglai is Asian largest ocean world .

  20. 蓬莱近岸非潮汐水位波动

    Nontidal fluctuation of the sea level in Penglai coastal area

  21. 蓬莱中学&乡镇中学的典范

    Penglai Middle School , a Model for Township Middle Schools

  22. 蓬莱新港实施工程投资控制的经验

    The Experience on Controlling Project Investment of Penglai New Port

  23. 蓬莱葡萄酒产业发展战略研究

    A Study on the Development Strategy of Grape Wine Industry in Penglai

  24. 浅谈蓬莱新港工程建设管理

    Introduction to the construction management of the Penglai new port

  25. 蓬莱19-3油田远程数据传输与管理系统

    Remote data transmission and management system for Penglai 19-3 Oilfield

  26. 山东蓬莱旅游业发展的资源基础与战略构想

    Resources Base and Strategic Design for Tourism Development in Penglai , Shandong Province

  27. 海南省蓬莱蓝宝石及其形成条件研究

    Sapphire and its FORMING-CONDITIONS in penglai , Hainan Province

  28. 在家就可观赏蓬莱公园景色。

    Can view and admire the park scenery of Peng Lai at home .

  29. 蓬莱市成人慢性病相关危险因素调查

    Investigation on Risk Factors Related to Chronic Diseases Among Adults in Penglai City

  30. 张家口&蓬莱断裂带是华北地区一条重要的北西向地震构造带。

    Zhangjiakou-Penglai fault is an important NW-trend seismic tectonic zone in north China .