
  • 网络tiger leaping gorge;tiger-leaping gorge;Tiger-jumping Gorge
虎跳峡 [hǔ tiào xiá]
  • [Hutiao Gorge] 我国最深的狭谷之一。在云南省丽江纳西族自治县石鼓东北。长江上游金沙江到此急转北流,号称长江第一湾。峡谷长16公里,中间江流宽仅30-60米。为世界上最深的大峡谷之一

  1. 杰克:顺便问一下,这条路是去虎跳峡的吗?

    Jack : By the way , is this the road to Tiger Leaping Gorge ?

  2. 离城不远处有玉龙雪山和虎跳峡。

    Not far from the city are the snowy Yulong Mountain and the Tiger Leaping gorge .

  3. 虎跳峡水电站可能最大洪水(PMF)地区组成研究

    A Study on Local Probable Maximum Flood Combination at the Hutiao Gorge Water-Power Station

  4. 接着,本文论述了采用当地暴雨放大方法和组合暴雨放大方法推求虎跳峡水电站可能最大暴雨(PMP)。

    Then , the computations of PMP for Hutiao Gorge Water-Power Station in computational means of Local Pattern and Combination Pattern are elaborated in this paper .

  5. 虎跳峡工程区松散堆积体原位直剪试验研究

    In situ direct shear tests of incompact-deposit bodies in Tiger-leaping gorge area

  6. 金沙江虎跳峡河段水电开发重大工程地质问题研究

    Major geological problems concerning hydropower development of Tiger Leaping Gorge of Jinsha River

  7. 云南第三天:虎跳峡。

    Yunnan Day3 : Leaping Tiger Gorge .

  8. 公路从山间峡谷穿过.丽江:游览虎跳峡,金沙江,古城,黑龙潭。

    Lijiang : Tiger-Jumps Canyon , Jinsha Jiang River , Ancient City , Black Dragon Pool .

  9. 金沙江虎跳峡河段河床深厚覆盖层成因及工程意义

    Causes of riverbed deep cover and engineering significance of Tiger Leaping Gorge Reach of Jinsha River

  10. 虎跳峡水电站大坝工程属一级大型土石坝。

    The major dam of Hutiao Gorge Water-Power Station is first chop large scale earth and rockfill dam .

  11. 金沙江虎跳峡水电站右坝肩复杂变形岩体工程效应研究

    On Engneering Reaction of Complexible Deformation Rock Mass on Right Dam Abutment of Tiger Leaping Gorge Hydroelectric Power Station

  12. 论文的研究成果直接为虎跳峡水电站的初步设计提供依据。

    The research findings of this paper will provide guidance for the preliminary design of Hutiao Gorge Water-Power Station .

  13. 香格里拉县虎跳峡旅游资源开发利用研究

    The Tentative Study about the Exploitation and Utilization of the Tourist Resources of the Tiger leaping Gorge in Shangri-la County

  14. 通过二维有限元对滇西北虎跳峡地区区域构造稳定性进行了系统研究。

    Based on finite element analysis , the authors studied the regional stability of the Hutiaoxia ( region ) systematically .

  15. 虎跳峡龙蟠右岸边坡的稳定性问题对拟建的虎跳峡水电站具有重要的意义。

    The stability of the right bank slope of Longpan in Tiger-Leaping Gorge area is important to the building of the Tiger-Leaping Gorge reservoir .

  16. 开出八宿才几公里,路面就骤然下降,似乎有虎跳峡那样深。

    Only a few kilometers out of Basu , a dip in the road seemingly as deep as the Tiger Leaping Gorge suddenly appears .

  17. 虎跳峡水电站是金沙江中下游梯级的龙头电站,该电站的开发建设对金沙江水电梯级开发和“西电东送”的实施具有重要的战略意义;

    The Hutiaoxia Hydroelectric Project is a backbone power station of the cascade hydroelectric stations on the middle and lower reaches of the Jinsha River .

  18. 以虎跳峡龙蟠右岸地区分布的土石混合体为依托,对土石混合体在浸水条件下的力学响应进行了大型原位水平推剪试验,取得一些成果。

    Several horizontal push-shear in-situ tests on SRM in an immersion state under water were carried at Long pan slope in Tiger-Leaping Gorge , and some significant conclusions were drawn .

  19. 根据人类共同生存追求的最高境界&人与自然和谐发展的目标,虎跳峡旅游资源的开发应朝着人与自然和谐共生的方向发展。

    According to the aim of harmonious relationship between human beings and nature , the exploitation of the tiger Leaping Gorge should be developed in the direction of harmonious coexistence between man and nature .

  20. 丽江:游览虎跳峡,金沙江,古城,黑龙潭.虎妞往西走,祥子跟到了金鳌玉呜。

    Lijiang : Tiger-Jumps Canyon , Jinsha Jiang River , Ancient City , Black Dragon Pool . Tigress walked in a westerly direction and Xiangzi fol - lowed her to the archway ax one end of Beihai Bridge .

  21. 对虎跳峡水电站奔子栏至虎跳峡坝址区间流域可能最大暴雨计算,采用了当地暴雨放大和组合暴雨放大两种方法。

    In this paper , two methods were applied to calculate the PMP of the basin between Benzilan and the Hutiao Gorge Dam of the Hutiao Gorge hydro-power station : the combined storm maximization and the local storm maximization .

  22. 我沿着通往上虎跳、中虎跳、下虎峡的公路行驶,但是找不到一个能让我充分感受虎跳峡全貌的有利位置。

    I drive along the road which leads by the upper , middle and lower gorge , but from no vantage point can I quite appreciate the gorge 's sheer scale .