
wèng cài
  • water spinach
蕹菜 [wèng cài]
  • [water spinach] 一年生草本植物。茎蔓生,中空,叶卵圆形或心脏形,叶柄长,花粉红色或白色,漏斗状,结蒴果,卵形。嫩茎叶可做蔬菜。也叫空心菜

蕹菜[wèng cài]
  1. 蕹菜(IromoeaaquaticForsk)俗称通菜、空心菜、竹叶菜。

    Water spinach ( Iromoea aquatic forsk ), commonly known as the dish , hollow vegetable and bamboo food .

  2. 蕹菜平衡施用氮磷钾肥料效应研究

    Effect of N , P and K balanced fertilization on water spinach

  3. N肥是蕹菜硝酸盐积累的主要因素,随着氮肥施用量的增加植株体内硝酸盐含量显著增加。

    The result indicated : ( 1 ) N was the main factor in nitrate accumulation , and the nitrate content of water spinach significantly increased with the rising of N fertilization amounts .

  4. 施用适量的N、K、Mo肥均能使蕹菜的产量得到显著地提高,其中N肥是影响产量的主要因素,其次是钾肥,钼肥对产量的影响最小。

    The yield of water spinach significantly increased With proper fertilization of N , K , Mo , and N was the major factor influencing the yield , next was K , the smallest was Mo.

  5. 水蕹菜(Ipomoeaaquatica)对含银废水的净化功能研究

    A study on the function to purify the wastewater containing silver by Ipomoea aquatica

  6. 在较低浓度范围内(K、Mo的水平编码值为-1.682&0),随K肥施用量增加,蕹菜硝酸盐含量增加,随Mo肥施用量增加,硝酸盐含量则降低;

    In relatively low concentration ( the level codes of K , Mo range from - 1 . 682 to 0 ) the nitrate content increased with the rising of K fertilization amounts and significantly decreased with the rising of Mo ;

  7. 以18个蕹菜品种为材料,对分蘖数(X1)、单蘖重(X2)和株产(Y)的数量遗传、多元回归与相关关系进行了研究。

    The inheritance and multiple regression and correlation of the yield components , i.e. the tiller number per plant ( X1 ), weight per tiller ( X2 ), and yield per plant ( Y ), in water spinach ( Ipomoea aquatica Forsk ) were studied with 18 cultivars .

  8. 主要研究结果如下:(1)通过在水族箱(50L)试验中设置2种不同处理方式(密度和收割),研究水蕹菜对富营养水质的净化特性及效果。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Two kinds of treatments ( different density and harvest ) were used to study the characteristic and effect of eutrophic water purification by Ipomoea aquatica in water tank .

  9. 有机-无机肥料配施应用在蕹菜上的效果

    Effect of manure and chemical fertilizer application on water spinach yield

  10. 蕹菜种子进行短期的人工老化处理,可显著或极显著提高种子活力。

    Short-time artificial ageing treatment significantly enhanced the seed vigor .

  11. 蕹菜的氮素、钼矿质元素营养与硝酸盐积累

    Effect of Nitrogen and Molybdenum Nutrition on Nitrate Accumulation in Swamp Cabbage

  12. 不同浓度的生物废弃物对尖叶蕹菜生长的影响

    Growing effects of Ipomoea aquatic in different concentrations of bio-waste

  13. 城市楼房平顶蕹菜新型栽培技术初报

    Report on the new roof cultivation techniques of water spinach

  14. 海南旱地蕹菜对尿素氮吸收利用的研究

    Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization in Swamp Cabbage Planted in Dryland in Hainan

  15. 喷锌对蕹菜锌含量及产量的影响

    Influence of Spraying Zn on Yield and Intramatrical Zn Concentration of Water Convolvulus

  16. 蕹菜水培专用肥研究

    Study on Special Fertilizer on Water Convolvulus by Hydroponics

  17. 毒死蜱在蕹菜及土壤中的残留和消解动态研究

    Study on the Residue of Chlorpyrifos in Ipomoea aquatica Forsk and the Soil

  18. 脲酶抑制剂醌氢醌对蕹菜根系活性的影响

    Effect of Quinhydrone on Root Activity of Water Spinach

  19. 施用锌肥对蕹菜含锌量及产量的影响

    Effects of using Zn on yield and intramatrical Zn content of water spinach

  20. 模拟酸雨对蕹菜种子发芽的影响

    Effect of Simulated Acid Rain on Germination of Seed of Ipomoea Aquatic Forsk

  21. 土壤施用脲酶抑制剂醌氢醌后蕹菜叶绿素荧光动力学的变化

    Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in water spinach after applying quinhydrone in soil

  22. 蕹菜白锈病侵染来源及发病条件的研究

    Study on infection sources and the development of the white rust of water spinach

  23. 蕹菜种子包衣效应研究初报

    Study on Seed Coatings of water spinach

  24. 蕹菜对受试水体表现了良好的适应性和净化能力。

    It is proved that I.aquatica could be used to purify the eutrophicated water body .

  25. 光线照射下芫荽和蕹菜常温贮藏效果比较

    Storage Quality Comparisons of Coriander and Water Spinach Between Red Light and Darkness at Room Temperature

  26. 同时,蕹菜成熟期时对污染水体有一定的净化效果。

    Meanwhile , mature water spinach had a certain effect on the purification of polluted water .

  27. 水体表面浮植水蕹菜养鱼

    Floating cultivation of the water spinach ( ipomoea aquatica ) for the purpose of fish culture

  28. 金属离子等因素对蕹菜类囊体膜蛋白磷酸酯酶荧光性质的影响

    Influence of Some Factors on the Fluorescence Characterization of Phosphatase in the Thylakoid Membrane of Ipomoea Aquatica

  29. 铅、锌胁迫对蕹菜光合色素及活性氧代谢的影响

    Effects of Pb , Zn Stress on Photosynthetic Pigments and Active Oxygen Metabolism of Ipomoea aquatic Forsk

  30. 蕹菜人工种子&腋芽的包裹、萌发及贮藏研究

    Studies on the artificial seed of Ipomoea aquatica forsk : encapsulation of axillary bud , germination and storage