
  1. 开放的法律观&论薛福成的法律思想

    The Open Law View : About Xue Fu-cheng 's Law Thought

  2. 薛福成是我国早期资产阶级改良主义思想家,其近代教育思想十分的进步和丰赡。

    Xue Fu-cheng 's modern educational thoughts are quite connotative and complex .

  3. 薛福成的法律观具有重要思想价值和启迪意义。

    His idea has high idealistic value and significance .

  4. 薛福成对西方风俗的认识与介绍

    Xue Fu-cheng 's Introduction and Awareness of Western Customs

  5. 19世纪中国人口观的差异&汪士铎与薛福成之比较

    Divergent Views of WANG Shi-duo and XUE Fu-cheng on Population in 19th Century China

  6. 试析薛福成的军事改革思想

    On Xue Fu-cheng 's Thought of Military Reform

  7. 薛福成近代化思想研究

    Research on Xue Fucheng 's Modernization Thoughts

  8. 在这样的历史背景下,诞生了一批杰出的思想家、外交家,薛福成就是其中杰出的一位。

    Under such historical background , many an outstanding theologist and diplomatist came into being .

  9. 《薛福成日记》序言

    Preface to The Diary of Xue Fucheng

  10. 近代社会转型中薛福成改良思想的演变

    Evolution of Xue Fu-cheng 's Reform Thought in The Course of Social Transition in Chinese Modern History

  11. 此两章是把薛福成笔下的英国置于自我价值系统这个参照系中加以观照。

    These two chapters make the self value system a frame of reference for Xue ' British image .

  12. 薛福成的技术观摭论&近代中国现代化思潮个案研究

    On XUE Fucheng 's view of technology & A case study of the thoughts of modern China 's modernization

  13. 薛福成在出使途中的所见所闻,更坚定其广泛设领的决心。

    On the way of his diplomatic mission , his knowledge and experience strengthened his resolve to widely set up consulates .

  14. 第一部分阐述薛福成近代化思想产生的缘由。从其近代化思想产生的时代背景,主观因素等方面论述。

    In the first part , the origin of Xue Fucheng 's modernization thoughts was illustrated from the perspectives of the background and of subjective factors for the birth of the thoughts .

  15. 在海防思想上,薛福成提出化门户为堂奥的海防战略思想,树立了海军机动作战的观念。

    On coast defense thought , Xue FuCheng proposed coast defense strategic thought of " turn door into the innermost recess of a hall " . He established the flexible idea that the navy fighted .

  16. 薛福成近代市场意识的萌生,表明了先进中国人市场意识的觉醒,也是中国传统经济走向近代化的思想标志之一。

    The birth of his modern market consciousness means that some advanced Chinese have been aware of the modern market , which signifies that , in China , the traditional economy has turned to a modem one .

  17. 薛福成是中国晚清著名的政论家、外交家和思想家,其业绩和思想在中国近代史尤其是近代思想史上留下了不可磨灭的印记。

    Xue Fu-cheng is a famous political commentator , diplomatic , and thinker in the late Qing Dynasty , whose achievement and thoughts have left indelible print in Chinese modern history , especially in modern history of thought .

  18. 但在当时国力衰落的条件下,薛福成主张,只有以国际公法为依归,才能在一定程度上保护国家的利益。最后,出使生涯使薛福成倡导要建立近代外交制度。

    Because of the decline of our national power , Xue maintained that only according to the international public law , can we safeguard the interests of our country to a certain extent . Finally , proposing setting up the modern diplomatic systems .