
  1. 如果我是西雅图的市长,我一定会说服薛晓路将最后的拍摄场地改到太空针塔,那么这座城市的真爱磁铁之名就会更加巩固了。

    If I were the mayor of Seattle , I would have persuaded director Xue Xiaolu to change the location to the Space Needle , which would have cemented the city 's reputation as a magnet for true love .

  2. 这部影片的编剧兼导演薛晓路也是一名女性。但该片并非那部1993年经典电影的重制或续集,但是影片将最后一幕场景设在纽约的帝国大厦,几乎是对经典最原汁原味的致敬。

    The movie , also written and directed by a woman , is neither a remake nor a sequel to the 1993 classic , but it pays almost slavish homage by setting the final scene in New York 's Empire State Building .