
miǎo shì
  • despise;defy;scorn;disregard;disdain;belittle;contemn;look down upon;treat with contempt;trifle;slight (look) down upon
藐视 [miǎo shì]
  • [despise;belittle;contemn;disdain;disregard;scorn;slight (look) down upon] 认为 [某种事物] 很卑贱、渺小、没有价值或令人厌恶,从而对它加以轻视,加以嘲笑

  • 我们不再藐视她了

藐视[miǎo shì]
  1. 我藐视这种人,他们没骨气。

    I despise such people ; they 've no character .

  2. 在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人,在战术上我们要重视一切敌人。

    Strategically we should despise all our enemies , but tactically we should take them all seriously .

  3. 她因拒绝作证而被判藐视法庭罪。

    She was held in contempt for refusing to testify .

  4. 他由于藐视法庭可能被监禁两年。

    He could be jailed for two years for contempt .

  5. 凡漠视本法令者将被判藐视法庭罪。

    Any person who disregards this order will be in contempt of court .

  6. 尼克认为她的话是藐视他当经理的能力。

    Nick took her comment as a slight on his abilities as a manager .

  7. 法官对上一次拒不遵守庭谕的那名妇女发出了藐视法庭的传讯。

    The judge issued a contempt citation against the woman for violating a previous court order .

  8. 凯利先生因藐视法庭被判6个月监禁。

    Mr. Kelly was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt .

  9. 道格拉斯藐视重量级拳王称号的行为违背了严格的准则。

    In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code .

  10. 他因藐视法庭面临监禁。

    He faced imprisonment for contempt of court .

  11. 表面上看这是一宗藐视法庭的案件。

    There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed .

  12. 摩托车党藐视法律,竟对警车玩起凌空飞车来。“牛气可嘉呀,”斯塔基先生说道。

    The bikers have shown enough contempt of the law to ride their machines over police cars . ' You 've got to laugh at their audacity , ' said Mr Starkey .

  13. 对民事上的藐视法庭罪在当事人遵循法院命令后即结束。

    The sanctions for civil contempt end upon compliance with order .

  14. 叛逆'。''性顽固的或藐视性的反抗权威;顽固的''。'叛逆'。''性。

    Obstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority ; stubborn rebelliousness . '

  15. 在普通法上,意在干预具体法律程序的司法过程之行为将构成藐视法庭罪。

    At common law , conduct tending to interfere constitutes criminal contempt .

  16. 在澳洲父母亲若是藐视家庭法庭的裁定可能在媒体上被公布姓名。

    Parents who flout Family Court orders may be named in the media in Australia .

  17. 求你除掉我所受的羞辱和藐视,因我遵守你的法度。

    Remove from me reproach and contempt ; for I have kept thy testimonies . 22

  18. 和合]愚妄人藐视父亲的5管教;领受6责备的,得着见识

    NIV A fool spurns his father 's discipline , but whoever heeds correction shows prudence . 5 [

  19. 当你藐视规定,执意开展自己的计划时,这样的事情就会发生——你已经失去了半数的支持。

    This is what happens when you ride roughshod over the regulations and carry out the plan anyway – you 've lost half of your support .

  20. 我们也同样藐视John的感受

    About as inconsiderately as we 're treating john 's.

  21. 并结合禁忌(Tabu)搜索的记忆功能和藐视准则,克服了PSO算法的早熟问题。

    The premature convergence problem of basic PSO is avoided by integrating tabu list and aspiration criterion into PSO .

  22. 普京渴望以实际行动回击西方批评者,他似乎是故意公然藐视俄罗斯加入世贸组织(WTO)时承担的义务。

    In his desire to strike a blow against western critics , Mr Putin appears to be deliberately flouting the obligations Russia assumed when it joined the World Trade Organisation .

  23. v.轻视在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人,在战术上我们要重视一切敌人。

    despise Strategically we should despise all our enemies , but tactically we should take them all seriously .

  24. 由此释放出的潮水般的藐视情绪已改变了英国传媒业的版图,迫使处于丑闻中心的《世界新闻报》(Newsoftheworld)关闭。

    The tidal wave of contempt thus released has already altered the media landscape . It has forced the closure of the venerable tabloid newspaper at the centre of the scandal , the News of the World .

  25. 记忆方法:死玉米n.轻蔑;嘲笑;藐视的对象vt.轻蔑;藐视;不屑做vi.表示轻蔑;表示鄙视

    despise , scorn , look down upon

  26. 加入WTO并未阻止中国操纵人民币汇率,未阻止它操纵招标程序,未阻止它将廉价资金输送给大型国企,也未阻止它系统性地藐视知识产权规则。

    Joining the WTO did not stop China from manipulating its currency , from rigging its tender procedures , from funnelling cheap finance to its state-owned behemoths , or from systematically flouting intellectual property rules .

  27. 快报集团曾因发表诽谤新闻而得到信德高等法院(SindHighCourt)的禁制令以及藐视法庭的指控,禁制令禁止其进一步发布任何损害Axact公司声誉的内容。

    Express Group was under a restraining order and contempt of court proceedings by Sind High Court for publishing a defamatory news item and further from publishing anything detrimental to Axact 's reputation .

  28. 无礼的盯着看人或用手指着他人是很不礼貌的。vt.轻蔑;藐视;

    rude It is rude to stare at people or to point with a finger .

  29. 第一种是「轻看」管教(6节)。英文KJV版本译作「藐视」。

    First , we can make light of it ( v.6 ) 'Despise it'are the words in the KJV .

  30. 有人感觉兰西是在藐视当代的美国家长,他们被迫坐在地上,跟孩子们玩乐高积木(Lego)。

    One senses him rolling his eyes at modern American parents , impelled to get down on the floor to play Legos with their kids .
