
  • 网络Virtual Laboratory;virtual lab;labview;VLAB
  1. 基于Web的虚拟实验室的设计及实例研究

    Network Virtual Laboratory Design and Case Study Based on Web

  2. 基于Web的虚拟实验室技术及其应用

    The Design and Application of the Virtual Laboratory Technology Based on Web

  3. 基于WEB的虚拟实验室构建

    Construction on the basis of the fictitious laboratory of WEB

  4. 基于Web的空间虚拟实验室计算机模拟系统

    A Web-Based Computer Simulation System of Space Virtual Laboratory

  5. 远程教育中基于Web的虚拟实验室的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Virtual Laboratory Based on Web in Distance Education

  6. 基于Web的数字逻辑电路虚拟实验室

    The dummy digital logic circuit lab based on WEB

  7. 网络虚拟实验室是基于Internet的远程实验平台。

    The virtual net lab is a distance experimental environment based on Internet .

  8. Visualc++6.0网络虚拟实验室建设

    The Development of Visual C + + 6.0 Network Virtual Laboratory

  9. 基于Web与Matlab的控制虚拟实验室设计

    Virtual control system laboratory design based on Web and Matlab technology

  10. 本文介绍了一种如何创建基于Internet的远程虚拟实验室的通用方法。

    This paper proposes a general method of building up a remote virtual laboratory on Internet .

  11. 基于Internet的远程虚拟实验室系统的开发

    A Remote Virtual Laboratory on Internet

  12. 基于XML的在线数据库驱动的虚拟实验室设计与实现

    Implementing online database drived virtual lab based on XML

  13. 基于.NET和MATLAB的自动控制原理网络虚拟实验室的研究与开发

    A Virtual Automatic Control System Laboratory Based on . Net Technology and Matlab

  14. 由Internet辅助教学的理念,提出了构建微机原理网上虚拟实验室的概念。

    This paper introduces the concept of constructing on-line virtual laboratory of microcomputer principle by the idea of Internet aided teaching .

  15. Lab为开发环境建立。电子线路虚拟实验室的Java实现

    Implementation of Electronic Circuit Virtual Lab with Java

  16. 论文主要论述了构建基于Internet的EDA远程虚拟实验室系统。

    The paper mainly discusses EDA long range virtual laboratory system based on internet .

  17. 基于Web的控制技术虚拟实验室系统主要面向本科生,服务于控制系列课程教学,包括网络课程、实验课程、控制案例、虚拟实验、实验安排、创新实践、控制论坛等模块。

    The control technology virtual laboratory based on web was established mainly for the undergraduate students as the aid of control curriculum teaching .

  18. VRML与MatLab在自动控制虚拟实验室开发中的应用

    Application of VRML and MatLab on Automatic Control Virtual Lab

  19. 以上特性使得与Internet相连的虚拟实验室在传输的QoS保证方面存在诸多问题。

    Thus , there are many problems for virtual lab connecting to Internet , such as supplying guaranteed QoS .

  20. 网络虚拟实验室系统中TCP/IP协议下Socket通讯

    TCP / IP Protocol Socket Communication in Networked Virtual Lab System

  21. 基于CORBA技术的网上虚拟实验室系统架构设计

    New Architecture for Web-Based Virtual Laboratory with CORBA Technology

  22. 第二、建立网上虚拟实验室的常用技术方案及其比较分析;基于Web的虚拟实验室采用B/S结构式构建方法。

    Second , to establish a common online virtual laboratory technology program and its comparative analysis ; Web-based virtual laboratory using B / S structured approach to building .

  23. 虚拟实验室的CORBA解决方案

    Solution of Virtual Laboratory with CORBA

  24. 第四章研究了基于WEB的三维虚拟实验室的体系结构并分析了三维建模语言VllldL的技术特性和交互设计的方法。

    In the forth section , we discussed the structure of a 3-D virtual laboratory based on WEB , and analyzed the technique characters and the methodology of VRML .

  25. GaAsIC虚拟实验室

    GaAs IC Virtual Laboratory

  26. 文章在介绍虚拟实验室概念和VRML语言特点后,提出了使用VRML开发网络虚拟实验室的过程和方法。

    This paper gives procedures and methods to develop Virtual laboratory by VRML .

  27. 基于VRML工程制图虚拟实验室研究与实现

    Research and Realization on the Virtual Laboratory of Engineering Drawing Based on VRML

  28. 基于VRML的虚拟实验室设计方法

    Design Method of Virtual Laboratory Based on VRML

  29. 基于VRML的网络虚拟实验室建设

    Construction of Network Virtual Laboratory Base on VRML

  30. 基于VRML和JAVA技术的结合构建了网络三维交互原子吸收虚拟实验室。

    The technique based on VRML and JAVA has been used to setup the Web 3D Virtual Interactive Atomic Absorption Lab.