  • snake;serpent;mole catcher
  • 爬行动物,身体细长,体上有鳞,没有四肢。种类很多,有的有毒,有的无毒。以蛙、鼠为食,大蛇亦吞食大的兽类:~蜕。~行。~蝎。~足(喻多余无用的事物)。画~添足。

  • 〔委(wěi )~〕见“委2”。


(爬行动物) snake; serpent; mole catcher:

  • 海蛇

    marine snake;

  • 多蛇的地方

    a snaky place;

  • 蛇药

    antidote for snakebites;

  • 耍蛇的人


  • 蛇盘绕在树枝上。

    The snake coiled itself round the branch.

  • 蛇吞青蛙。

    The snake got outside of a frog.

  1. 蛇含其尾表示无穷无尽。

    The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity .

  2. 这种蛇能把毒液喷射到一米处远。

    The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre .

  3. 眼镜蛇是世界上毒性最剧烈的蛇类之一。

    The cobra is one of the world 's deadliest snakes .

  4. 响尾蛇出现在北美温暖干燥的地区。

    Rattlesnakes occur in the warmer , drier parts of North America .

  5. 蛇一年蜕一次皮。

    The snake sheds its skin once a year .

  6. 蛇陷入绝境时会发出咝咝呼呼的声音。

    Snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered .

  7. 他赤手空拳打死了那条蛇。

    He killed the snake with his bare hands .

  8. 那条蛇盘绕起来准备攻击。

    The snake coiled up , ready to strike .

  9. 蛇在被逼得走投无路时会自卫的。

    If cornered , the snake will defend itself .

  10. 一条蛇缠绕在他的手臂上。

    A snake was twisting around his arm .

  11. 蛇伸吐着信子。

    The snake 's tongue flicked out .

  12. 我特别怕蛇。

    I 'm petrified of snakes .

  13. 我一看见蛇便浑身发麻。

    Snakes really freak me out .

  14. 那蛇蠕动着,发出嘶嘶的声音。

    The snake writhed and hissed .

  15. 蛇慢慢地展开了盘着的身体。

    The snake slowly uncoiled .

  16. 那条蛇慢慢地伸开了蜷缩的身子。

    The snake slowly uncurled .

  17. 眼镜蛇狠狠咬了他一口,毒牙刺进他手上的皮肤。

    The cobra sank its venomous fangs into his hand .

  18. 蛇蜥其实不是蛇,而是无脚的蜥蜴。

    The slow-worm is in fact not a snake but a legless lizard .

  19. 好像很多人都怕蛇。

    Most people seem to be petrified of snakes .

  20. 一条巨大的响尾蛇盘绕在毯子上。

    A huge rattlesnake lay coiled on the blanket .

  21. 一条蛇爬过干草地,发出沙沙的响声。

    A snake rustled through the dry grass .

  22. 蛇滑入了水中。

    The snake slithered into the water .

  23. 女孩子们害怕蛇,走路时格外小心。

    The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution .

  24. 除非自己的生命受到了威胁,已知的蛇中还没有习惯性地攻击人类的。

    There 's no snake known that will habitually attack human beings unless threatened with its life

  25. 蛇突然昂起头,吐出芯子,每个人都吓了一跳。

    The snake picked up its head and stuck out its tongue which gave everyone a fright

  26. 蛇是食肉动物。

    Snakes are carnivorous .

  27. “你怕蛇吗?”——“这还用问,我当然怕啦。”

    ' Are you afraid of snakes ? ' — ' You bet your life I 'm afraid of snakes . '

  28. 小鸟站在栖木上冲蛇尖叫。

    The little bird screeched at the snake from its perch .

  29. 她一看见蛇就吓得往后缩。

    She recoiled in horror at the sight of a snake .

  30. 她看见一条蛇,吓得跑掉了。

    She saw a snake and ran away in fear .