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fēi shēng
  • Reputation;become famous;make a name
蜚声 [fēi shēng]
  • [become famous;make a name] 闻名于

  • 桃源桃源独蜚声,千载谁是亲兄弟。--李贽《过桃源谒三义词》

  • 蜚声乐坛

蜚声[fēi shēng]
  1. 2000年以来,随着一系列文学奖的获得,毕飞宇日渐蜚声文坛。

    Since 2000 , with the acquisition of a series of literary awards , literary Bi Feiyu become famous .

  2. 因在传习所比武中运用此拳大获全胜,使孙膑拳蜚声武林。

    Because in transmits contends in martial arts utilizes this fist to win total victories , causes the Sun Bin fist to become famous the martial arts world .

  3. 他的艺术才能使他蜚声文艺界。

    He acquired an enviable reputation in literary and art circles for his artistic ability .

  4. 我国的工艺美术品蜚声海外。

    China 's arts and crafts enjoy a high reputation abroad .

  5. P·D·詹姆斯是蜚声当代英国文坛的侦探小说家,其作品在通俗文学和高雅文学之间的界限问题上引起很大争议。

    As one of the most prominent writers of detective fiction in contemporary Britain , P. D.

  6. 这是一次蜚声海外的巨大成功,让sony成为了一个真正的家喻户晓的品牌。

    It was a phenomenal worldwide success and turned Sony into a truly household name everywhere .

  7. F·S菲茨杰拉德是活跃于二十世纪二十年代的著名的作家,而与他同时蜚声于世的美国作家还有海明威和福克纳。

    In the twenties of the twentieth century , F ? S Fitzgerald was a popular and famous writer in America , who was also known to the world , while there are Hemingway and Faulkner .

  8. 多丽丝·莱辛(DorisLessing,1919年一)是英国当代最重要的女性作家之一,也是蜚声世界文坛的大师。

    Doris Lessing is one of the most important Britain female writers of the contemporary period . She is also the world renowned literary masters .

  9. EXCALIBUR的首枚代表作便是双陀飞轮,可见其誓要蜚声国际艺坛之决心;

    The first piece of EXCALIBUR came with double tourbillion showing its determination of being the world-renowned art piece .

  10. 米兰·昆德拉(MilanKundera)是当今蜚声世界的法籍捷裔小说家,具有世界性的影响力,由于其特殊的政治身份尤其受到国内学界的广泛关注。

    Milan Kundera is a world-renowned French citizen of Czech origin novelist with worldwide influence , and because of his special political status , domestic scholars have been paying close attention to him .

  11. 今年3月,AlphaGo与韩国职业围棋手李世石正面交锋,因此蜚声世界。

    The program gained worldwide fame when it went head-to-head with South Korean professional Go player Lee Se-dol in March .

  12. 去年,拉o罗卡购物中心吸引了330万顾客,其中大部分是外国人,使它成了巴塞罗那访问量最大的旅游景点——甚至超过了加泰罗尼亚著名建筑师安东尼奥o高迪的史诗之作——蜚声全球的圣家族大教堂(SagradaFamiliacathedral)。

    Last year , La Roca Village attracted 3.3 million shoppers , mostly foreigners , which makes it the most visited tourist attraction in Barcelona - superseding even Catalan architect Antoni Gaud í " s epic and internationally famous Sagrada Familia cathedral .

  13. 萨尔曼·拉什迪是一位蜚声文坛的英籍印度小说家和散文家。

    Salman Rushdie is a famous British Indian novelist and essayist .

  14. 1962年,她的代表作《金色笔记》的出版令她蜚声文坛。

    In 1962 , her masterpiece The Golden Notebook was published .

  15. 海明威是蜚声世界文坛的美国现代著名小说家。

    Hemingway is a modern American novelist of world renown .

  16. 她已经和一家模特经纪公司签约,开始蜚声国际。

    signed to a modeling agency and gaining international fame and prominence .

  17. 保罗与他的好朋友列农组建了以后蜚声世界的披头士乐队。

    Paul started the band the Beatles with his close friend John Lennon .

  18. 一个蜚声国际,举足轻重的金融、贸易、运输、资讯中心;

    - a renowned international financial , trading , transportation and communication centre ;

  19. 这个管弦乐队在新指挥的领导下蜚声国际。

    Under its new conductor , the orchestra have establish an international reputation .

  20. 它培育了许多蜚声中外的大家。

    It produced a large number of world-renowned talents .

  21. 你是蜚声国际的心理医生。

    You 're an international renowned psychologist .

  22. 在这次世博会上,上海蜚声海内外,一路走来,上海已经完成了孕育多年的转型。

    Along the way , it has completed a transformation many years in the making .

  23. 蜚声世界的中国景泰蓝,其高超的制作技艺,令世人叫绝。

    World-famous Chinese cloisonne enamel , made with superB skill , is matchless in the world .

  24. 如今可乐已蜚声全球。

    Coke is now familiar world-wide .

  25. 他的《扬州园林品赏录》蜚声海内外,一版再版。

    His works Appraisals of Yangzhou Gardens has enjoyed a high reputation at home and abroad .

  26. 蜚声国际,最卓越(自己最津津乐道的)的成就是中国文学史,以及中国学术研究史。

    Among his celebrated works are The History of Chinese Literary History and Introduction to Chinese Studies .

  27. 你热情的讲话体现了中国悠久的历史和文化中蜚声遐迩的好客传统。

    Your kind words testify to the long tradition of hospitality so prominent in Chinese history and culture .

  28. 远在宋、元时代就进入国际瓷坛,蜚声海内外。

    Far in the Song and Yuan times to enter the international porcelain altar , renowned at home and abroad .

  29. 这个蜚声海内外的商标,就是我们企业功成名就的标志。

    The Brand with a good reputation Both at home and aBroad is the laBel of our enterprise 's achievement .

  30. 台静农以婚恋题材开始小说创作,以乡土小说集《地之子》蜚声文坛。

    Beginning with marriage themes , Tai Jingnong became renowned for The Native Son , a collection of native writing .