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qiǎn quǎn
  • deeply attached to each other;fast;tenderly attached
缱绻 [qiǎn quǎn]
  • (1) [fast]∶牢结;不离散

  • 缱,缱绻,不相离也。--《说文新附》

  • 无纵诡随,以谨缱绻。--《诗.大雅》

  • (2) [tenderly attached]∶情意深厚

  • 少尽缱绻。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  • 以后对饮对唱,缠绵缱绻。--《红楼梦》

缱绻[qiǎn quǎn]
  1. 她仍旧渴望拥有婚姻中逝去的那份缱绻和肌肤之亲。

    She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage

  2. 欲掩香帏论缱绻,先敛双蛾愁夜短。(柳永《菊花新》)

    Before lowering the perfumed curtain to express her love , she knits her eyebrows , worried that the night is too short .

  3. 三月的微风,缱绻慵懒,飘逸轻灵。

    March breeze , tempting lazy , elegant light and agile .

  4. 拜物,恋山水,缱绻大都会。

    Fetishism , love mountain and water , miss bigalopolis .

  5. 他常与她来往,但不愿缱绻难分。

    He sees her often but doesn 't want to get too involved .

  6. 使我配得上你那缱绻的恩宠。

    To show me worthy of thy sweet respect :

  7. 没有比两情缱绻更美的天堂。

    There is no heaven like mutual love .

  8. 洪深对青岛的缱绻

    Hong Shen 's Deep Attachment to Qingdao

  9. 他能把丝绸变成彩云在领口缱绻缠绕,或者形成泡泡化入长裙。

    He can turn silk into colourful clouds that wrap around a neckline or bubble into a skirt .

  10. 在漠漠轻寒的夜里,在亘古流淌的风中缱绻、飘溢。

    In the misty Qinghan the night , in the ancient flowing Embrace in the wind , drift .

  11. 无数次思念潮湿的心情在我的眼角缱绻不下,也许我只是徒然的希冀着,徒然的等待着。

    Countless Miss humid mood in my pickiness tender affection high , perhaps I xijizhao only futile , futile wait for .

  12. 或如缱绻时你的那颗泪,滴在我的脸颊,动魄惊心。

    Or as your tear drop while deeply attached , dripping on my cheek , startling my soul , touching my heart .

  13. 百年馨香,六载缱绻,如温润如玉的君子,母校厚重土地的每一缕余韵,都已成为我们一生的记忆。

    All graduates have been carved with the feel and smell from its century-long land , along with six year 's memories , in their lives .

  14. “至次日,便柔情缱绻,软语温存,与可卿难解难分。”

    " The next day , he and Keqing had become so attached and exchanged so many endearments that they could not bear to part . "

  15. 雨淅淅沥沥的江南就是不乏所谓的诗情画意,总给人不尽的灵感,让人顿生缠绵缱绻之意。

    Rain lightly Jiangnan is no lack of the so-called picturesque , with a total inspiration to countless people , loving people fireweed lingering integrating this business .

  16. 诗人把心中的感伤化成缱绻的诗魂,以柔美含蓄的方式,创造了一个凄美的艺术世界,实现了对残缺人生的超越。

    Yeats presents us a beautiful artistic world in which the poet subtly conveys his sadness over the loss of love and his transcendent attitude towards life .

  17. 他可以平静地想到她长得多么美,想到多么大有希望,想到有朝一日某一位幸福的男子在她这样一颗心中将会得到多少缱绻柔情。

    He could calmly think how beautiful she was , how full of promise , what a home some happy man would find in such a heart one day .

  18. 我和凌子两个人一起牵手漫步在星辰下的荷塘边,虽然没有荷塘月色的浪漫,但是已经是情意缱绻了。

    I adjoining two-hand stroll together under the stars in the Hawthorn side , although it is not the romantic moonlight in the lotus pond , but affection is integrating the academy .

  19. 小王子到了地球上,那是他明白他那可笑的伎俩后面是缱绻柔情,那时他的悲伤如那颗星球上疯长的猴面包树。

    The little prince to the earth , when he understood her ridiculous trick behind Embrace in tenderness , when he 's sad , such as sinking , soaring on the planet monkey bread tree .

  20. 那类女人,因为她们不是男人,不知道他回顾以往跟女人柔情缱绻之时,他感到最贴心的总是言行表现出真心的那个女人。

    Not being men , these women don 't know that in looking back on those he has had tender relations with , a man 's heart returns closest to her who was the soul of truth in her conduct .