
  • 网络Integrate;fusion;merge
融汇 [róng huì]
  • [fusion] 融合、聚集在一起

  1. 融汇与超越&浙江医药高等专科学校扩建工程规划与建筑设计

    Fusion and Transcendence & Planning and Architecture Design of Extension Project to Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College

  2. 很快容器中就收集大量的力量,但是过于众多的灵魂和力量无法融汇和顺利的使用。

    Soon containers will collect a lot of power , but too many souls and forces cannot use and smooth fusion .

  3. 像雪花融汇在大海里。

    Lost as a snowflake in the sea .

  4. 究其原因,主要是交通规划人员和GIS专业人员各自的专业限制,无法将两个专业融汇贯通。

    The main reason is the respective professional restrictions in the transportation planning and GIS professionals .

  5. 总而言之,Scala是一种函数式面向对象语言,它融汇了许多前所未有的特性,而同时又运行于JVM之上。

    To summarize , Scala is a functional object-oriented language which provides a seamless blend of features not found elsewhere , all while running on the JVM .

  6. 2009年,联想发现由联想、IBM和戴尔(Dell)前高管组成的新领导团队,并没有完全意识到需要把公司融汇成一个整体来经营。

    In 2009 , Lenovo realized that the new leadership team , comprised of executives drawn primarily from Lenovo , IBM and Dell , was not fully committed to bringing Lenovo 's operations together into one fully integrated business .

  7. 随着培养时间延长,双细胞集落数逐渐减少,而链状细胞集落逐渐增加。培养120h后,链状细胞局部融汇堆积,且细胞集落维持在相对稳定数量。

    With the time prolongation , AP cell colonies decreased gradually , and streptocyte cell ( Aal ) colonies increased , then Aal cell colonies and retained stable quantity after 120 h in culture .

  8. 可以说是融汇了儒、道两家的思想精华。

    Is of the essence of Confucianism , Taoism two thoughts .

  9. 浅谈水彩画技法中民族绘画语言的融汇

    A Study on Merging National Painting Language in Skills of Watercolor Painting

  10. 灿烂的历史文化与辉煌的现代文明的融汇&关于西安发展的文化思考

    The Mergence of Splendid Historical Culture and Brilliant Modern Civilization

  11. 中华文明发展历史就体现了和的精神中华民族的形成和发展是多民族不断融合的结果,中华文化的发展是吸收、融汇外来文化的结果,中国思想文化自身也以和的精神进行自我整合。

    Chinese culture is the mergence of Chinese culture and foreign cultures .

  12. 融汇贯通:话剧与戏曲的艺术整合&论新时期中国话剧的发展趋势

    On the Trend of the Ch in ese New Period Spoken Drama

  13. 第二、课堂阅读教学中融汇作文教学。

    The design of the goal for teaching reading and writing . 2 .

  14. 这些寓言敢于直面现实,每个故事都有现实生活的折光,每个形象都融汇了作者鲜明的政治思想;

    His fables are reality-related and every image reveals his clear political ideas .

  15. 马球运动的发展不仅体现了中华民族的务实精神、融汇了中国传统伦理精神,而且其传承还体现了中国古代体育超常的再生能力。

    The polo movement reflected the spirit of Chinese .

  16. 古代希腊罗马哲学和东西方文明的融汇

    Greek-Roman Philosophy and Convergence of Oriental and Western Civilizations

  17. 该图反映路由区海底所有的自然环境特征。勘察融汇了现代化的高新技术,拓宽了第四纪研究的领域,推动了第四纪地质学的发展。

    These maps can reflect all submarine environmental features in the cable route area .

  18. 融汇了红酒文化与羽毛球文化的特色酒廊。

    A special gallery which merge the cultures of red wine and badminton together .

  19. 陈映真的艺术特质在根本上是在中国文学传统的基础上对西方文学精神和技巧的融汇。

    Chen Ying-zhen 's artistic properties are the blending of Sino-Western literature spirit and techniques .

  20. 第二章主要评价林语堂的文艺思想,林语堂融汇整合了中西文化,其文艺思想显示出宽容、真实、趣味的独特性;

    In the second chapter , Lin Yutang mixed Chinese culture and west culture together .

  21. 非洲是世界交流融汇之地。

    Africa is where the world meets .

  22. 将所学专业课程进行梳理以至融汇贯通。

    To integrate all the subjects you learn so that they relate to each other .

  23. 失礼的对话:清代的法律和习惯并未融汇成民法

    Uncivil Dialogue : Law and Custom Did not Merge into Civil Law under the Qing

  24. 试图融汇贯通这两个理论。

    Tried to interconnect the two theories .

  25. 随着学科交叉融汇的发展,诞生了一系列的新型学科。

    With the development of the frontier science , a series of new discipline are produced .

  26. 民族文化的发展历程伴随与异文化的融汇过程。

    The development of national culture goes side by side with the assimilation of foreign culture .

  27. 花冠古堡的葡萄园融汇了土地、葡萄与天空的魔力。

    Chateau La Fleur de By vineyard combines the magic of land , vines and sky .

  28. 在这些作品中,柳宗元信奉儒学、融汇佛学、贬低道学;

    In these books , Liu Zongyuan believes in Confucianism , merges Buddhism , depreciates Taoism ;

  29. 它们相互交替、融汇配合共同完成了语言传递信息,交流情感的过程。

    They alternative , blends together with common completed language transfer information , exchange emotions process .

  30. 悠久,是因为不仅融汇阿拉伯文明,又融汇了华夏文明。

    Long , because not only integrate Arabia civilization , but also a combination of Chinese civilization .