
  • 网络finance companies;Financing Corporation
  1. 美国财政部也表示,它将把向房贷融资公司房利美和房地美提供的资金增加一倍。这两家公司去年夏天被政府接管。

    Also , the Treasury Department says it will double the size of its payments to the mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , which the government seized last fall .

  2. 事实上,182家融资公司是VentureSource自2000年开始统计以来的最低值。

    In fact , the 182 companies funded represents the lowest such figure since venturesource began keeping track in 2000 .

  3. 基建项目融资公司IDFC旗下私募部门的高管表示,他们有许多公司为公路局及其他政府机构承建工程后,相关款项遭到了无限期的拖延。

    Executives at the private equity arm of IDFC , an infrastructure funding firm , say they have many companies facing endless delays in getting paid for work they have done for the highways authority and other government agencies .

  4. 另外权益融资公司的长期市场回报呈下滑趋势,主要与权益发行前市场投资者的估价心理等因素有关。

    And it also finds that the long-term market performances become worse due to the investors'evaluations before issuing and other factors .

  5. 她开始时是在一家消费者融资公司做客户服务代表,很快就被提升到一个薪水更丰厚的销售职位。

    She started as a customer-service representative at a consumer-finance company and was soon promoted to a much better-paying sales job .

  6. 在加拿大某大学拿到经济学学位的陈星言创立了一家小微企业融资公司,专门帮助女性经营的小企业。

    Armed with an economics degree from a Canadian University , she also started a micro-financing business , to help women in small businesses .

  7. 影子银行业指的是不通过银行,而是通过融资公司、信托机构、民间贷款商等机构进行非法及不受监管的放贷活动。

    Shadow banking refers to illegal and unregulated lending practices through financing companies , trusts , street-side lenders or the like instead of through banks .

  8. 联合融资公司提供相应的咨询、管理和风险控制服务,将统一的融资需求进行专业化处理。

    The joint funding company provides correspondent services such as consultation , management and risk controlling and takes actions to specialize the unified financing demands .

  9. 项目融资公司治理模式需要解决如何通过项目契约和融资契约分散专用性资产的风险并合理分配各个利益相关者的治理权益的问题。

    The new pattern needs to solute how to spread the risk and allocate the rights of governance among the stake holders by project contracts and finace contracts .

  10. 相比之下,纽约有44家公司共筹得约4.03亿美元&融资公司数和融资金额的差距分别为43%和31%。

    This compares to 44 new York-based companies that raised around $ 403 million & a 43 % spread in deal volume and a 31 % discrepancy in deal dollars .

  11. 就在美国房地产市场继续在危机中挣扎时,布什政府将接管两个陷入困境的住房抵押贷款融资公司,以防止金融市场出现进一步的动荡。

    Amid a continuing housing crisis in the United States , the Bush administration is taking over two failing mortgage firms in an effort to limit further turmoil in the sector .

  12. 美国联邦住房管理部门决定简化程序,让房利美和房地美这两大房贷融资公司修改违约贷款的条款,给借贷者提供更好的条件,避免房屋被收回。

    The Federal Housing Administration , or FHA , is streamlining the process under which two mortgage giants can modify delinquent loans to give borrowers more favorable terms in hopes of avoiding default .

  13. 在融资公司中,现金流量比正常应计项目更持久稳固地影响未来盈利,而正常应计项目比异常应计项目更持久稳固地影响未来盈利。

    It is found that cash flows are more persistent influence on the future earnings than normal accruals , meanwhile , normal accruals are more persistent influence on the future earnings than abnormal accruals .

  14. 其次,以我国2008-2010年度524家A股上市公司为样本对债务融资公司治理效应进行实证研究。

    Then , 524 listed companies are selected as the sample , and the date during the year 2008 ~ 2010 are collected for an empirical study of Corporate Governance Effect of Debt Financing on listed companies in China .

  15. 针对我国租赁公司的现状,以监管对象的角度将其分为三类:金融租赁公司、中外合资租赁公司以及内资试点融资公司,并分别进行了介绍。

    From the perspective of supervised entities , according to the status of leasing companies , leasing companies are divided into three categories : financial leasing company , Chinese-foreign joint ventures leasing company and domestically funded pilot leasing companies .

  16. 与一般公司相比,项目融资公司在行业分布、财务特征、资产特征和资本结构方面存在着显著的特殊性,其根本特征是专门从事专用性资产投资,由大量契约组成的公司。

    Comparing with normal corporates , project finance companys are special in the area of dispersal of industry , finance characters , asset characters and capital structure . Their basic charater is a company focusing in specialty assets investment and composed with lots of contracts .

  17. 它不仅为以银行债权人为主体的关键利益相关者治理模式的构建提供了实证依据,而且也为积极改善负债融资公司治理效应,提高企业绩效提供了政策建议。

    It not only provides empirical basis for construction of governance model for key shareholders with bank creditors as main body of it , but also provides a number of policy recommendations to actively improve company performances and improve the corporate governance effects for debt financing companies .

  18. 这些措施包括,接管两家政府赞助的房屋贷款融资公司,允许投资银行雷曼兄弟公司申请破产保护,接管全球最大的保险公司美国国际集团,然后于上星期五宣布了7千亿美元的救援方案,这个方案必须得到国会的批准。

    Those measures since September 7 , included taking over the two government sponsored entities most involved in home finance , allowing the Lehman Brothers investment bank to fail , taking over AIG - the world 's biggest insurer , and then announcing Friday a $ 700-billion rescue plan that must be approved by Congress .

  19. 本文以K融资担保公司的担保业务为研究对象。

    Based on the K Guarantee corporation financing guarantee business as the object of study .

  20. 德鹰集团是一家在英国PLUS板上市(上市编号:FEGP)并致力服务大中华区中小型企业的专业融资顾问公司。

    Ford Eagle Group Limited is a specialized advisory group focusing on the small to mid-sized company sector in China .

  21. 本文主要内容第一章首先从MM理论出发,探讨了适当规模的债务融资在公司财务管理中的基础作用;提升公司市场价值。

    In the first part of this paper MM theory was introduced and discussed the basic function of debt in corporation finance : to improve the corporation 's market value .

  22. 根据企业融资顾问公司clarity提供的数据,从2008年到今年9月,wpp共进行了133起收购。

    According to clarity , a corporate finance adviser , WPP made 133 acquisitions from 2008 through to September of this year .

  23. 【广和投资(UnionSquareVentures)合伙人&译注】阿尔伯特•韦格纳上周发表的一篇文章谈及该话题,他指出,有意融资的公司应该尽快达成协议,不要为了估值问题而斤斤计较。

    Albert Wegner raised this very issue in a post last week , noting that if a company is in fund-raising mode , it should get its deal done ASAP and not get cute by optimizing for valuation .

  24. 获得融资的公司之一是英国康沃尔郡的AdvancedOxidation。该公司利用金刚石能够产生电流的电子特性,对化学污染物进行降解。这项技术具有在发展中国家应用于水净化的潜在前景。

    One company that it has backed is Advanced Oxidation , based in Cornwall in the UK , which uses the diamonds ' unusual electrical properties to generate electrical current to degrade chemical pollutants , so potentially helping to clean up water supplies in developing nations .

  25. 第三部分是债务融资与公司业绩关系的理论溯源,包括MM理论、修正的MM理论、米勒模型、代理成本理论、融资优序理论和信号效应。

    The third part is the source of theories about the relationship between debt financing and firm performance , including the MM theory 、 the modified MM theory 、 Miller model 、 agency cost theory 、 Pecking Order Theory and signal effect .

  26. 最近一家通过股权融资的公司是美国储蓄及贷款机构washingtonmutual,该公司4月8日宣布,获私人股本公司tpg牵头的投资集团70亿美元注资。

    Washington Mutual became the latest company to raise funds through an equity issue when it announced on the 8 April a $ 7bn capital injection from an investment group led by TPG , the private equity firm .

  27. 此次资产出售将由通用汽车前融资子公司、重新焕发活力的通用汽车金融服务公司(GMAC)提供支持。GMAC仍与通用汽车有密切联系,还接管了克莱斯勒(Chrysler)融资的大块业务。

    Sales will be supported by a reinvigorated GMAC , its former financing arm , with which it still has close links and which has also taken on a big chunk of Chrysler 's vehicle financing .

  28. 引领日本企业大举进入点心债券市场的是欧力士(orix)和日立资本(hitachicapital)等融资租赁公司,它们通过购买机械设备并将其租赁给银行贷款成本较高的客户使资金跨境流入中国。

    The big push into the dim sum market has been led by leasing companies such as Orix Corporationand Hitachi capital , which have moved funds across the border into China to buy equipment and machinery to lease to customers facing higher costs for bank loans .

  29. 在加纳,研究metalex公司的学员们的目标是,帮助丹夸调查通过合伙或融资拓展公司的方式。

    Over in Ghana , the aim of the students at Metalex was to help Mr danquah investigate ways of building the company through partnerships or financing .

  30. 上市公司债务融资、公司治理与市场价值

    Debt Financing , Corporate Governance and Market Valuation of Listed Companies