
shì zhēn
  • sting;stinger;beesting;centris
螫针 [shì zhēn]
  • [stinger] 昆虫类。各种攻击和防御的锐利器官的任何一种(如蜜蜂的螫刺,蝎子的尾鞭,蚂蜂的毒螫),通常与一个毒腺相连接或通过其它途径以适应于刺伤或注射一种有毒分泌物

螫针[shì zhēn]
  1. 蝎子尾巴上有螫针。

    The scorpion has a sting in its tail .

  2. 蝎子有可以致命的螫针。

    The scorpion has a sting that can be deadly .

  3. 蜂后与工蜂都长有螫针,可以用于搏斗,雄蜂却没有。

    Both the queen bee and the workers have stings for fighting , but the drones have none .

  4. 昆虫的螫针能够刺穿皮肤的表层。

    The insect 's sting penetrates the surface of the skin .

  5. 千万远离那根螫针。

    Be sure to keep away from the end that stings .

  6. 黄蜂的螫针在尾部。

    The sting of a wasp is in its tail .

  7. 针刺穿了他的皮肤。昆虫的螫针能够刺穿皮肤的表层。

    The pin pierced his skin . The insect 's sting penetrates the surface of the skin .

  8. 而他,尽管平时严肃寡言,却也不是没有翅膀和螫针的。

    However , although he was silent and grave , he was , none the less , both winged and armed .

  9. 蜂针是通过工蜂蜂刺中释放出的蜂毒液的药理作用和螫针对经络腧穴的刺激达到调整机体、治病效应,以蜜蜂螫刺为针,具有中医针刺疗法的功效。

    Bee Sting needle is released by worker bees from the bee venom and stings for the pharmacological effects of the stimulation of meridians and acupoints to adjust the body , treatment effect , to bee sting as the needle , with the efficacy of Chinese acupuncture .
