
xínɡ zhènɡ zhí xínɡ
  • administrative execution;administrative implementation
  1. 我国非诉讼行政执行制度研究

    The Research on Chinese Non - lawsuit Administrative Execution System

  2. 教育政策的行政执行过程之偏差分析

    An Analysis of the Deviations in the Administrative Execution of Educational Policies

  3. 论利益权衡下的行政执行与民事执行衔接

    On the Joining of Administrative and Civil Executions under Interests Balancing

  4. 提升行政执行力,塑造效能政府

    The Improvement of Administrative Enforcement Power and the Formation of the Efficacy Government

  5. 美国行政执行法律制度

    Administrative Implementation Legal System of the United States

  6. 我国社会转型时期的行政执行研究

    The Study on the Administrative Execution in Our Country During the Social Transforming Stage

  7. 非诉行政执行制度浅析非公有制企业的制度创新

    Analysis of System Innovation in the Non-public-owned Enterprise

  8. 本文针对的就是我国非诉讼行政执行审查程序的问题。

    This paper mainly discusses the problems existing in the censoring procedure of non-appeal administrative execution .

  9. 非诉行政执行研究

    Research on the Non-lawsuit Administrative Execution

  10. 提升当代中国行政执行能力与有效性&一种平衡计分卡的方法

    The advance of administrative implementation capacity and validity of Chinese government : a way of balanced scorecard

  11. “官告民”视角下的行政执行诉讼

    On the administrative execution lawsuit & from the angle of view of " citizen litigating offical "

  12. 文章从实际出发,就高校管理人员如何提高执行行政执行力给出了建议。

    This paper proceeds from actual conditions and makes some suggestions on how to develop university administrative secretaries'ability .

  13. 其冲突表现为法律规范之间的冲突,与现行行政执行制度的冲突。

    And the conflict lies among the laws and in the principle and the administration executive system in force .

  14. 完善相关配套制度,为非诉行政执行制度运行提供良好的生态环境。

    The fifth is to Improve the related systems for offering the good ecological environment for non-litigious administrative execution system .

  15. 当今世界上比较通行的行政执行权的分配模式是以德奥模式和英美模式为代表。

    The distribution mode of executive enforcement popular in the world today is represented by Germany-Austria Mode and Britain-America Mode .

  16. 因此,提高领导干部的行政执行力是提高政府效能的迫切要求。

    Therefore , improving the ability of leading cadres of the Chief Executive is an urgent need to improve government efficiency .

  17. 提要:我国非诉讼行政执行制度在具体行政行为内容的强制实现中发挥着重要作用。

    In our country , non-lawsuit administration execution plays an important role in the realizing by force in concrete administration behavior content .

  18. 美国的行政执行制度有着迥异于其他国家尤其是大陆法系国家的理解而具有更为宽泛的内涵。

    The administrative legal system is quite different from that of the continental law system and is much wider in its connotation .

  19. 高校档案工作行政执行力低下主要表现在制度执行不力和内部管理制度不健全两个方面;

    The problem of university archives administration executive ability is mainly in two respects : ineffective system implementation and unsound internal management system .

  20. 组织人力资源管理的重心已经由行政执行提升到融入组织战略的高度。

    The focus of the human resource management within an organization has been raised from administrative execution to the altitude of entering the organization strategy .

  21. 在第二部分对我国社会转型期行政执行的问题与成因进行了较为深刻的分析,认为行政执行过程中主要存在政策规避,行政效率低下,行政程序不科学三个方面的问题。

    In the second part , problems and their causes in administration executions in the transitional period will be given a in-depth analysis , policy evasion .

  22. 这些学员大部分是来自法国公司的高阶主管或者行政执行总裁。他们热切的想了解在远东经商的脉络。

    The students are mainly top level executors or CEOs of French company who are keen on learning the ropes to do business in the Far East .

  23. 此类审查庭应是公正的,并独立于被授权进行行政执行的机关,且不应对审查事项的结果有任何实质利害关系。

    Such tribunals shall be impartial and independent of the agency entrusted with administrative enforcement and shall not have any substantial interest in the outcome of the matter .

  24. 行政执行并非就是强制执行,而是一个可以通过调解协商与和解的方式来执行行政规定或行政决定的动态过程。

    Administration enforcement is not always executed by force , but can be a dynamic process to carry out administrative specifications and decisions through mediation , negotiation and compromise .

  25. 20世纪最后的20余年,西方各国相继掀起了轰轰烈烈的“政府再造”运动,其目的都是为了提升政府部门的行政执行力,塑造高效、灵活、廉洁的政府形象。

    In the last20s of20th century , Western countries have waged a dynamic " government waste " campaign with the management as a sudden appearance of a new fierce .

  26. 同样在国际竞争日趋激烈的当今世界,一个国家的政府行政执行力的水平将直接影响其国际竞争力,决定民族的兴衰存亡。

    In the word today , the chief Executive of a national government level will directly affect their international competitiveness , national survival decisions with the increasingly fierce international competition .

  27. 本论文对政府行政执行力的内涵和外延入行了探讨,力求科学准确的掌握这一概念的涵盖范围;

    This article discussed the implementation of the government as well as its connotation and extension , and strive to grasp the scientific accuracy of the coverage of this concept .

  28. 非诉行政执行是将生效的具体行政行为提交法院审查、执行,通过分割行政权来达到最大限度地保护相对人的利益、防止滥用行政权的目的。

    Cases Without Suits and compulsory execution mean that submitting legal specific administrative act to a people 's court for examination and execution to protect private interests and prevent power abuse .

  29. 八、笔者在司法实践中发现法院行政执行裁定是终审裁定,唯有通过审判监督程序才能纠错需改革。

    Eight , the author in the judicial practice found that the court executive decision is final order , only through the procedure for trial supervision to error correction need to reform .

  30. 最后,从比较法的路径对我国非诉行政执行以及整个行政强制执行制度作了重构尝试。民事调解制度虽然存在于民事诉讼过程中,但属于非讼程序。

    Finally , it attempts to reconstruct the system of noncontentious administrative implementation and the overall administrative enforcement in China from the perspective of comparative law . Court mediation is noncontentious proceedings .