
xínɡ zhènɡ shòu quán
  • administrative authorization;delegation of administrative power
  1. 另外,还提出了从两个方面对行政授权加强监督,并建议加快立法,使它早日走上法制化、规范化之路。

    The supervision and legislation to administrative authorization should be strengthened in two aspects , legislative and normative .

  2. 行政授权是行政权力运行的一个十分重要的内容。

    It is one of the most important content that the administrative authorization be in administration power operation .

  3. 获得当地行政授权实现开放。

    Obtain local administrative authorizations to realize the opening .

  4. 第一章对机关的行政授权。

    Chapter I the delegation of authority to agencies .

  5. 组织的领导权力并不是来自俱乐部的委托授权,主要来自行政授权;组织的成员俱乐部不享有自治权力。

    Organization leader power is come from administration authorization , but club authorization .

  6. 在我国,行政授权立法的肇始及其发展始终伴随着争议、碰撞和理解错位。

    In our country , disputes , collision and misunderstanding accompany the starting and development of delegated legislation of administration .

  7. 国家审计的职责是通过法律、行政授权或缔结契约等方式确定的。

    The duties of state audit are ruled by the law , the administrative authorization or the contract and so on .

  8. 学界对行政授权的概念、性质、依据、法律后果在认识上存在严重分歧。

    There have been conflicting opinions about the understanding of the concepts , the nature , the foundation and the legal consequences of administrative delegation .

  9. 我们使用我们的行政授权--让400多万员工获得了加班工资--在下一个10年里他们的工资将增加$120亿。

    we used our executive authority to - Extend overtime coverage for over 4 million workers - boosting their wages by $ 12 billion over the next decade .

  10. 目前,我国行政授权存在一些问题,这必然会影响行政授权乃至行政权力合理有序运行。

    At present , there are some questions in administrative authorization in our country , which will inevitably influence the administrative authorization and even administrative power run in order rationally .

  11. 行政授权的主体在西方国家的行政管理中范围比较广泛,行政主体被授予行政职能后,具体负责管理相关的公共事务。

    Authorized administrative in the main body of the administrative management in western countries is comprehensive , administrative subject was awarded the administrative functions , be responsible for the management of public affairs related .

  12. 通过更新授权观念、完善授权法律制度、规范政府授权运作、强化授权监督、扩大授权监督主体等措施来强化行政授权的法制化必将有助于问题的解决,消除其造成的危害。

    Through upgrading the idea of authorizing , perfecting the legal system , standardizing government operation of authorization , strengthening supervision , expanding subject of supervision are effective measures to the settlement of the problems , and dispel its danger .

  13. 但在实施行政授权时,若是不能把握一些原则,那么行政授权的效果不但不能实现,而且还会影响组织的健全与管理过程的实现。

    However , if we can not grasp some of the principles in the implementation of the administrative authorization , the effect of authorized can not only reach , but will also affect the integrity of the organization and the management of the process .

  14. 铁路行政许可授权电子政务信息系统是针对成都铁路局下辖铁路危险货物托运、危险货物承运、超限超长超重集重货物承运、铁路道口施工资格申请与审核的一套Web信息系统。

    The railway administrative licensed e-government information system is a web information system designed for the application and audit of the dangerous goods consignment , dangerous goods carriage , overloaded overlong overweight container carriage and railroad crossing construction qualification under the jurisdiction of Chengdu Railway Bureau .

  15. 政府各部门之间的有关规定不一致时,应以法律、行政法规授权的主管部门的规定为审计依据;

    Local audit laws , regulations and rules as well as major decisions and instructions on audit work by the people 's governments at the same level ;

  16. 普通商业病毒库在没有经过国家行政机关授权的前提下,无法使用这些涉密的病毒样本,从而使得普通商业手机杀毒软件无法用于检测涉密人员的手机。

    Without authorized of the administrative organs , the common commercial virus database cannot use the classification virus samples . Therefore , common commercial mobile phone anti-virus software cannot be used to detect the smart phones of classified staffs .

  17. 到拟设立企业住所所在地国家工商行政管理总局授权的地方工商行政管理局申请登记注册

    Local Administration for Industry and Commerce , authorized by the State

  18. 我们既没有得到行政委员会的授权

    We didn 't get our authority from the board of selectmen

  19. 西方国家强调行政立法的授权性,而我国现行体制强调行政立法的职权性,由此形成两种行政立法体制。

    In Western countries , administrative legislation is a kind of delegated legislation ;

  20. 临床护理专家的认证机构由卫生行政管理部门授权医科大学护理院系进行认证组织工作;

    The certification agency of clinical nursing specialists should be granted to the nursing faculty of medical university by health administration department .

  21. 但在实践中,议会对行政机关的授权往往过于宽泛,司法审查的功能也常常受到抑制。

    In practice , the powers of administrative organs that authorized by parliament are a lot more and the function of judicial inspection is often restricted .

  22. 行政手段包括授权黄委会统一调度管理黄河水资源,严格管理取水许可和用水指标,控制新建取水工程;

    The administration means are including authorizing the Yellow River Committee to unify to dispatch and management of the water resource of the Yellow River while keeping the water permission , water index and new water project under strict control .

  23. 只有完善行政许可的授权立法,建立行政许可听证制度、司法监督及国家赔偿制度,才能对我国行政许可危害进行有效的补救,使行政许可制度更趋完善。

    Only when the legislation of administrative permit is completed , the hearing system for such a permit , the supervisory jurisdiction and government compensation system are established , can the weaknesses from administrative permit in China be removed and the administrative permit system be perfected .

  24. 高等学校是我国事业单位法人,属于法律法规授权行使部分行政职能的授权组织,具有行政主体、行政相对人、民事主体三重身份。

    University is an important component part of institution legal person in our country , it is an authorized organization empowered by laws and regulations to perform part of administrative function , having three features of administrative main body , administrative relative people and civil main body .

  25. 从公民参与模式的发展看,西方一些国家的公民参与正在从间接参与向直接参与、从传统公共行政中的授权式公民参与向协作式公民参与迈进。

    From the view of the development of the model of the citizen participation , the citizen participation in some western countries has progressed from the indirect participation to the direct participation , and also from the authorized citizen participation in traditional public administration to the Collaborated citizen participation .

  26. 行政审批系统中转授权审计模型研究

    The Research of Delegation Audit Model in Administrative Examination and Approval System

  27. 村官权力具有自治权力和行政权力(依授权、依委托)二重性。

    The power of Village Cadres has the dual natures of autonomy and administration .

  28. 经省级劳动保障行政部门或其授权的地市级劳动保障行政部门核准的其他服务项

    Security Departments or their authorized prefecture-level labour and

  29. 前项合作协议,主管机关得经行政院核准,授权其它机关、机构或团体签订之。

    The competent authority may , with the approval by the executive yuan , authorize other agencies , institutions or associations to enter into the cooperation agreements as referred to in the preceding paragraph .

  30. 由于社团权力包含更大的内涵,因此,行政委托与行政授权不能是社团自治权力的来源,后者只能来自于社团成员的让渡。

    The power of associations has more meaning , so the administrative trust and administrative authority are not the source of the autonomy of sports associations , It can only come from the transfer of members of association .