
xínɡ zhènɡ xiào lǜ
  • Administrative efficiency;efficiency of administration
  1. 行政效率低下的成因和提高途径

    On the reasons for a low efficiency of administration and the way to promote it

  2. 执行局的设立大大提高了行政效率,降低了行政成本。

    The establishment of executive agency improved the efficiency of administration greatly and reduced the administrative cost .

  3. 实施企业ERP项目可以有效改善企业内部行政效率,有效促进企业各项管理。同时也是提高企业的决策水平有效途径在。

    By means of the project of ERP process , the enterprise can improve its internal administration efficiency , promote its various types of management and improve on its ability of decision_making level .

  4. 但公众参与与行政效率会发生冲突。

    But the public participation and administrative efficiency will produce conflicts .

  5. 影响高校行政效率的因素及提高途径

    Influential Factors and Improvement Approaches of Executive Efficiency in Higher School

  6. 行政效率历来备受各国政府重视。

    The government of every state lays special emphasis on administration efficiency .

  7. 中国行政效率的公共选择理论分析

    Analysis of public choice theory of China 's administrative efficiency

  8. 试论执行力文化的构建与政府行政效率的提高

    Primary Discussion on Executive Ability Construction and Enhancing Administrative Efficiency

  9. 提高行政效率推进依法治国

    Improve Administrative Efficiency , Promote " Rule the Country by Law "

  10. 这大大提过了新桂系行政效率。

    This improve administrative efficiency greatly for New Kwangsi Clique .

  11. 如何提高行政效率是行政学者和政府官员们不断追求和探索的难题。

    Scholars and officials have been searching for ways to improve administration efficiency .

  12. 提高高校行政效率的探索

    A Probe into Improving the Administration Efficiency in Universities

  13. 使之成为提高各级政府行政效率的一个有效手段。

    Government at all levels to become an effective means of administrative efficiency .

  14. 行政效率研究会与抗战前的行政效率运动

    The National Government Commission of Administrative Efficiency and the Movement of Administrative Efficiency

  15. 论知识分子对1930年代行政效率运动的反应

    The Intellectual Discussed Administrative Efficiency Movement Response in 1930

  16. 政府执行力是保持政令畅通、提高行政效率的重要保证。

    Executive ability of government is an important guarantee to improve administrative defficiency .

  17. 电子政务:提升行政效率的新方向

    E-government : The New Direction of Promoting Administrative Efficiency

  18. 征税成本的高低可以直接反映税务部门的行政效率。

    Taxation cost can tell the administration efficiency of the taxation department directly .

  19. 在新形势下提高行政效率的思考

    Consideration on Advancing Administrative Efficiency in New Situation

  20. 有利于提高政府行政效率和公共服务水平;

    It can also enhance the efficiency and the quality of the public service .

  21. 行政效率低下是困扰我们的一大难题,造成行政效率低下的原因也错综复杂。

    Low administrative efficiency has been a puzzling problem and its causes are complicated .

  22. 二是决策和执行的分离有利于提高行政效率;

    Secondly , the separation between decision-making and execution benefits for raising the efficiency .

  23. 行政效率的高低,是衡量行政管理活动是否科学的重要标准。

    Administrative efficiency is the criterion for deciding whether and administration activity is scientific .

  24. 强调行政效率与正当程序应当兼顾。

    This chapter emphasizes that administrative efficiency and the legal procedures should go together .

  25. 浅谈行政效率的基本问题

    Preliminary Discussion on Basic Problems of Administrative Efficiency

  26. 论地方政府行政效率的困境与出路

    The Problems of Administration Efficiency of Local Government and the Measures of Improving It

  27. 政府职能转变与行政效率的提高

    Government Function Transformation and Administration Efficiency Improvement

  28. 但是,从历史的角度对我国的行政效率进行理论研究尚属薄弱环节。

    But it is a weak link to theoretically study from the angle of history .

  29. 即,行政效率机制也需要行政法的规范和保障。

    That is the administrative efficiency mechanism need the Administration Law to regulate and assure .

  30. 因此,如何提高政府的行政效率就成为我国行政管理体制改革的核心目标。

    So how to improve the administrative efficiency becomes the center of the administration reform .