
xínɡ zhènɡ jiān chá
  • administrative supervision;supervision over administration
  1. 论加强和改善我国行政监察制度

    On Strengthen and Improve the Administrative Supervision System in Our Country

  2. 我国行政监察工作的现状及其对策思考

    Reflection on Current Situation of National Administrative Supervision and Countermeasures

  3. 劳动行政监察,劳动争仪仲裁。

    Labor Administrative Supervision , the Ministry of Labour for device arbitration .

  4. 教务信息管理系统论中国古代县级行政监察制度

    Explore the Control System of County Administration in Ancient China

  5. 中国古代行政监察机制的现代借鉴

    On Using China 's Ancient Administration Supervision Mechanism for Reference

  6. 渔业行政监察工作初探

    On working Primary Study on Fishery Administration and Supervision

  7. 我国行政监察制度存在的主要问题与改革建议

    The Main Problems and Reform Suggestions for Administrative Supervision Regulation in Our Country

  8. 行政监察责任制度初探论行政监察职能

    Discussion on the Administrative Supervision Responsibility System On the Function of Administrative Supervision

  9. 体育行政监察职能作用浅论

    On the Role of Administrative Supervision Function in Sports

  10. 行政监察制度是国家政治制度的组成部分。

    The administrative supervision is one of components of the national political system .

  11. 第五,地方主义对行政监察机关工作干扰太大;

    Localism interferes the work of administrative superintendence .

  12. 本论文的研究对象是当代中国行政监察制度。

    The research object of this thesis is administrative supervision at present in China .

  13. 行政监察问题研究

    A Study on the Problem in Administrative Inspection

  14. 其实,纪律检查工作与行政监察工作既有分工,又有合作,是协调统一的有机整体。

    In fact , both of them are co-operative , coordinated and unified system .

  15. 高校开展行政监察工作的现状分析与对策思考

    Reflection on the Situations and Countermeasures of Developing the Executive Supervision in Universities and Colleges

  16. 如何解决这一问题已经成为行政监察研究领域的重要内容。

    How to solve this problem is one part of the field of administration supervision .

  17. 本论文的研究对象是如何完善我国的行政监察制度。

    The object of the thesis is how to improve administrative supervision institution in China .

  18. 我国应该在借鉴这三种模式优点的基础上建立适合我国国情的行政监察。

    China should reference to these three modes to build an appropriate administrative supervision legal system .

  19. 而行政监察正是承担着惩治和预防腐败的重要任务。

    It is administrative supervision that is bearing an important task of punishing and preventing corruption .

  20. 充分发挥行政监察在反腐倡廉工作中作用的思考

    Thoughts of Giving Full Play to the Administration Supervision in the Struggling against Corruption and Encouraging Honesty

  21. 第二,健全行政监察法制,提高行政监察机关的法律地位;

    Secondly , amplify its legal system to raise the legal position of the institutions of administrative supervision .

  22. 第五章在制度变迁理论的架构下提出了完善辽宁省行政监察制度的建议。

    In chapter five , with the Theory of Institutional Change I give the recommendations of administrative supervision .

  23. 关于行政监察的理论基础本文主要从法哲学基础、行政法学基础、心理学基础和伦理学基础几个方面进行了探讨。

    The theoretical foundation of administrative supervision contains philosophy of law , administrative law , psychology and ethics etc.

  24. 我国行政监察制度的现状分析及前瞻思考

    Current Situation Analysis of the Administrative Supervisory of Our Country and Look Forward the Prospect and Think Deeply

  25. 因此,研究行政监察法律制度的完善,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study of improving the legal system of administrative supervision is of great practical significance .

  26. 行政监察机关通过行使这一权力,维护了国家行政纪律的威严,为建立廉洁高效的政府提供有力保障。

    The Administration Supervision department maintains the stateliness of administrative discipline and ensures building a disinterested and efficient government .

  27. 我国的行政监察经过多年的发展和完善,取得了丰硕的成果,已经建立了一套较健全的行政监察体系。

    After many years development and betterment , our country has developed a set of well-established administrative superintendence system .

  28. 我国的行政监察制度自1986年恢复以来,对建设廉政、高效的政府起了一定的作用。

    The administrative supervision system restore in China since 1986 , clean and efficient government construction plays a role .

  29. 第一章是绪论,陈述了本文的研究意义和行政监察制度的研究概况。

    The first chapter is an statement of the significance of this research and administrative monitoring system of profiles .

  30. 高等学校行政监察是高等学校内部管理的重要组成部分和必要环节,是高校内部监督和自我约束的重要形式。

    Administrative Inspection is an indispensable component of college management controlling system for college internal inspection and self discipline .